Nother Xbox 2 title revealed - Retribution

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Mass X
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Nother Xbox 2 title revealed - Retribution - Jan 03, 2005 07:24

As a 12 year old boy you watch your father (a navy IA officer) and mother murdered. Growing up a juvenile deliquent you finally get released to freedom at age 18. Mayhem, revenge and retribution are on the cards as you set about avenging your parents the only way you know how. Hire and train a crew or go it alone...take on a marine corps fort, drug lords' compound, kidnap an influential figure, assassinate a target for money. Build wealth and influence, mass an arsenal, command ships, all in the name of Retribution.

More Details Here

Joe Redifer
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RE: Nother Xbox 2 title revealed - Retribution - Jan 03, 2005 11:53
That is a retarded story for a videogame. I care not for the character. Since it' s Xbox it' ll probably just be another first person shooter. Yawn.

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RE: Nother Xbox 2 title revealed - Retribution - Jan 03, 2005 14:07
Seems' s going to be tough for the developer to pull off such an ambitious game, gameplay wise. From what I read it seems to have several genres in it, which could either make or break the game.
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RE: Nother Xbox 2 title revealed - Retribution - Jan 03, 2005 15:24
sounds like a mix of every grene their, but i' d give my opionion untill i see some footage of the game.
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