Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately?

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Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jan 03, 2005 06:11
I am sad to say that the holiday season is coming to an end...this was a truly great season of discovery for me.

Only a few times in the past have I had the chance to discover a video game that I believe should have been up there with the greats. But for some reason, that game never received its spotlight time...

Crimson Sea is the game' s name...and great gameplay is exactly what this title delivers. You play in the third-person perspective, usually have more than one other member to fight by your side, get to choose your next destination, monsters are either high-in-numbers or HUGE, you can upgrade your choice of weapon, and you acquire psyonic abilities (basically like casting spells).

This is by no means a walk-in-the-park title...you' ll work for every victory in this game! An example of this would be the level where the little-girl, whose the sidekick to your character, has to repair a damaged ship. You and the other members have to provide protection until she completes the repairs. The sheer number of enemies...the semi-humanoid creatures, the bugs, and what appears to be missiles (but I believe is an explained as a flying creature) that you have to face would make most people start screaming for their mommies! The enemies attack you and your protective party, the girl making the repairs, and the ship that the girl is attempting to repair...so the more they are allowed to attack the ship or the girl, the longer the repairs will take.

Though this game does not use the full graphical power of the XBOX, it still looks awesome! I compare it to the first Halo in that it looks good, but could have been better. The environments, the character and/or enemy models and their respective animations all look very good.

The sounds are appropriate...gunfire, sword slashing, people talking...but there are a few points in the game where there is no voice-acting, but rather just text to be read...I have no idea why this was done.

Gameplay is nothing short of awesome, as you are either at the command base preparing for the next mission by visiting/talking/getting briefed, buying/selling supplies, or in training due to a newly acquired psyonic (or other) ability.

Once you select your destination (yes, I said you select where you' ll go), a cut-scene usually plays, getting you more prepared for the situation and enemy you' ll be facing.

Upon encountering the enemy, you' ll find that your entry into combat is as smooth as it gets...either gun ' em down or hack and slash through them. Your gun does overheat, so you may need to hack and slash for a short bit to allow for cooling. I just use the gun for distant enemies and hack and slash the close-up enemies.

Not all missions are hack and slash affairs, as I have encountered an escorting mission to bring the President of this colony back to safety. He was a pain in the arse, because he wouldn' t just run from one point to another. No, he had to be pushed through several areas, one being a very long spiral ramp where the enemies were somewhat numerous. Then, when I did get the President to safety, he basically made it sound like he did me a favor!

But that' s part of the game...

My ratings:
Graphics: 9.0 - very appropriate to this game, but not using the full potential of the XBOX.

Sound: 8.7 - good overall sound, but missing voice-acting in certain instances where only text was made available.

Gameplay: 10.0 - excellent all-around controls.

Replay Value: 10.0 - though I have yet to complete my first-through experience, I am definitely looking forward to re-playing this title!

Fun Factor: 10.0 - I couldn' t have hoped to find a more entertaining game!

Over-all: 9.5 (approximate average) - An awesome game for about $15.

Crimson Sea is a must-have for those who like action/adventures or action/RPGs.

So, were you lucky enough to have discovered that hidden gem? If so, tell us about it...
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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jan 04, 2005 06:14
ok, my hidden gem has been outlaw golf 2 that I bought for 30 bucks canadian. I' ve been having a blast playing it, may not be much for realistic, but the fun level is high, it looks great, and it' ll make you laugh.

Starman Anthony
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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jan 11, 2005 15:58

A very good puzzle game. It' s a little complicated but once you know the face of the dice then it' s easy and a blast to play. It' s also made by Capcom. It' s only 12.99 at the stores. A great way to include a puzzle game in your PS2 Library.
< Message edited by Starman Anthony -- 1/11/2005 4:05:22 PM >

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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jan 12, 2005 06:12
I picked up bombastic used for 10 bucks a year ago. Funny thing is, it was never used! The manual had never been opened, and not a fingerprint on the disc. I agree, it' s a fantastic game. I was addicted to the original devil dice, and this is just as good. Plus you get the original packed in with it! If you want to see womthing amazing, and you were a fan of devil dice, check out one of the hidden movies you can unlock that shows a person getting 250 million in 3 minute time attack mode. it' s amazing.

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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jan 14, 2005 16:02
I know it' s not a hidden gem but I picked up the first Max Payne before christmas and only recently got around to finish it. It' s an old game and the graphics are past their prime but the story is greatness and there' s nothing quite like bullet time done any better (except in number 2)

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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jan 31, 2005 11:08
I have come across another title that I believe qualifies as a ' hidden gem' .

This title is known as...

Metal Arms

I bought this title as the 2nd part of a $20 two-pack which also contained Soul Calibur 2 - a game that I was aiming re-acquire.

Upon playing Metal Arms, I was pleasantly surprised at the Halo-esque control scheme, and delightfully well-done cinematics and storyline.

There' s plenty of puzzles and figuring how to reach your next objective or power-ups to keep a gamer occupied.

The weapon sounds are quite good with the enemy' s responses being only adequate.

The AI, for both enemy and ally, is set at a competitive level - not too smart, not too dumb...but rather just right for the gameplay to remain both enjoyable and challenging.

The graphics are surprisingly excellent for this action/adventure/platformer title!

Metal Arms needs no rating system to describe its goodness.

Just know this...for about $10, you can' t go wrong with Metal Arms!!!
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 2 Feb 05 23:57:20 >
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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Feb 01, 2005 10:14
Both metal arms and Crimson Sea were great. I definately wouldn' t give Crimson sea a 9.5 though. It definately earns a solid 8 though. Controls imo could be hectic at times, and I found the enviroments to be a little bland and almost nothing was destructible. The story was a bit iffy too. Overall it was fun but not 9 range quality.

Metal Arms was fun but for some reason I just can' t play it long enough to beat it. I don' t know why but it only keep s my attention for a couple days a t a time with only an hour or two a day. I' m pretty far along but I quit playing it again just recently.
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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Feb 01, 2005 20:08
yea crimson sea is my hidden gem too

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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jul 02, 2005 17:19
Even though this title is well known, it is still a wonderfully delightful FPS that I just discovered due to Walmart placing it in the bargain bin.

The title, you ask?

Return To Castle Wolfenstein!

Anybody else discover that they enjoy a game that may have been out for some time but thought it wasn' t for them?
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George Foreman
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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jul 02, 2005 21:35
I found a hidden tarnished gem called Dino Crisis that was hidden in an rotting old mansion called CD Warehouse that most people were afraid of going in because of it' s musty smell and freaky people with nose rings.

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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jul 03, 2005 11:48
I recently purchased Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (XBox)- An adventure game with a pretty good storyline. The only complaints I have is that there were to many " crate" puzzles and it was to short.

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RE: Hidden Gems...Have You Discovered Any Lately? - Jul 04, 2005 19:13
A gem i recently found was timpslitter 2 for gaycu.....ahem.....gamecube. Awsome game by far. Multiplayer is amazingly fun. a must get if u have $30 canadian!