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Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 19, 2004 20:42
Well it was bound to happen, Splinter cell vs. Mgs. Now this all sparked off when someone was telling me how splinter has a). a much better story b). much better stealth action c). And it dosent put you to sleep with its codec rambleings I disagree with them all [well i could let c go  ] splinter cell better story than mgs? ha! Mind you i am talking about mgs2 and splinter cell 1. I just cant understand how he thinks that way, whats your opopion on all of this?
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 19, 2004 21:07
A)disagree-Its an all to realistic story thus meanign its confined, whereas MGS has plenty more imaginative liberties. I thought SC was a great game but not for the story. Hard to answer for the other 2 I havent played either in quite somtime.
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 19, 2004 23:52
Splinter Cell was a far better when it came to the stealth elements when comparing the two games. I haven' t played MGS3 yet so I' m going off MGS, MGS2, SC, and SC:PT. Personally I found the Splinter Cell series more enjoyable than the MGS series. Both seies are amazing, don' t get me wrong. I love them both. I just like the added tension of SC. I personally think Sam Fisher is cooler than Snake, and infinately better than Raiden. I also think Michael Ironside' s voice pwns Snake' s. Again, personal opinion. Story wise I think MGS had the best story. MGS2' s story sucked and that final hour long cinematic was absolute sh*t. Both SC' s stories were far more realistic. I' m more into crazy stories that have insanely cool characters and bad ass art direction, that' s why I liked MGS the best story wise. Graphics in both SC' s pwn the MGS series. The lighting effects and attention to detail are crazy. I' m in awe every time I play the games. I do like MGS' s style though. The characters designs rule which I think gives it a little edge compared to SC. In terms of gameplay, I' m by far a SC guy. Splinter cell just owns in that department. With the massive amounts of moves, all the gadgets, and the ability to control the camera it just takes the cake. MGS' s gameplay is fun as hell and offers more shoot outs, but the lack of moves and not being able to control the camera really pissed me off. It really comes down to personal taste' s though. I love both series, I just like Splinter Cell better. I can already see you two disagree which is completely fine. There is no definative answer to which is better. On a side not, I can' t f*ckin wait for SC3! Have you guys seen the trailers and screens for this beast?! *drools like a water fall*
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 19, 2004 23:57
Splinter Cell, if you want realism...which is what I want. I' ve never been as big a fan of MGS, although I haven' t played MGS 3 yet. SC is just that much better when it comes to gameplay physics and realism. The two SC games are a couple of my favorite titles of this generation.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 20, 2004 02:30
I' m in no position to compare the two since I' ve played Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3 (short portion of it) and only played a demo of Splinter Cell. But from my experience with the SHORT demo I found that I enjoyed Hideo Kojima' s magnum opus more.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 12/20/2004 2:34:21 AM >
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 20, 2004 04:26
I acknowledge that Splinter Cell is a better game graphically and realistically; however, I could never get into it. I found it moved too slow. TOO much emphasis was placed on not getting caught. However my opinion is soley based on play and watching the 1st SC game. Personally I like the MGS series more. I just like Snake and think the MGS have the better stories overall (Liberty Sons was a little weird).
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 20, 2004 13:46
I def side with MGS on this one. SC has a lot of cool features....but MGS:SoL actually messed with the players head....thats something that is seldom found. when it would look like the PS2 was turned was just insane. plus while MGS focuses on a lot of stealth, SC spends WAYYY too much time demanding super-stealth.
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 20, 2004 15:10
i never liked splinter cell, mgs all the way.
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 20, 2004 18:49
I played MGS1,2 and a demo of 3. I beat Splinter Cell 1 and 2 and cant wait till the third one comes out. Splinter Cell is way better game then MGS. Splinter Cell has better story much better graphics,Some of the best lighting ever seen in a game and way more realistic.MGS only has a good story. But then again MGS is not a stealth game or is ment to be realistic.So u cant really compare them.
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 20, 2004 20:38
Ohh, that’s an evil question! I like both… but after playing Splinter Cell for a bit then going back to Metal Gear Solid I’ve noticed a few things. The sneaking and stealth actually seems to be more abundant in Splinter Cell. Metal Gear Solid you can get away shooting guards in the head while running round the room. Splinter Cell is slower but I don’t think it hurts the game. I prefer Splinter Cell’s gameplay. Metal Gear Solid has one thing going for it… the cool as fcuk cut scenes and stories. Splinter Cell does have a good story but the way it’s played out isn’t nearly as ‘cool’ as MGS. MGS just oozes style and flair. It raises some very interesting questions about the world around us too. Sure some people might think the story is convoluted but I really enjoy it. In the end MGS is the Hollywood blockbuster of a game and Splinter Cell is its more Simulation styled sister. I still think Snake could kick Fishers ass in a fight any day of the week though
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 20, 2004 20:59
Russian Mobster....I agree to a certain extant....the two are hard to compare...but cmon...remember the end of MGS: sons of liberty when the gen was messing with your head on the codec??? that was awesome.....being able to play mind games with the gamer themself makes a game really cool in my book.
Russian Mobster
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Dec 22, 2004 07:33
But it went toooo far with that bullshit.When u get to fight 25 metal gears and its all in a computer crap. I loved the first Metal gear solid on PS1 but sons of liberty was good untill the last couple of levels. I played the Demo of 3 and didnt really like the controls. I say instead of Making Metal Gear Solid games just make metal gear solid movies,i will injoy them more.
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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OMG where are the posts today!?
May 15, 2001 16:40
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RE: Splinter cell vs. Metal Gear Solid.
Apr 05, 2006 07:30
This thread is as old as fuck...
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL