Just a game idea: Hitman meets GTA

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Mass X
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Just a game idea: Hitman meets GTA - Dec 16, 2004 18:23
Im a fan of hitman and a fan of GTA. So i was just sitting here looking out the window daydreaming then i had an image of 47 making a getaway. Somthing I realized you dont see him do often you just see him get to the other side of the level and the screen fades usually.

Neways, I think somtime later on Hitman should have free roaming put into it. See heres a basic idea:

Several cities set around the world each accessible by taking a plane flight (or even havign to take a cruise ship or whatever ya know?) ok so you recieve the missions via your laptop and you head off to do the mission in the stated location. This is where hit-mans multiple methods and GTA' s free roaming come in big time.

O but what if you get caught? Say yer in a mob bosses place, well they not gonna call the police on you but maybe surrounding peds are. Or if its a normal suburb. You may have to attempt a getaway and try to kill the guy later however he may be under heavier protection. o wow im having more ideas as I go.

Setting explosives under cars. Or like maybe the victim has a dailly routine and if you watch him long enuff you will be able to find a great way to kill him. Have a large city with big ass buildings. Get on top of one and snipe at the vicimt in another building...ok maybe thats asking a bit much to make somthing taht huge but the future can make that very possible. Or maybe go ' Collateral' style and have som1 carry you around...maybe. OR make it multplayer and try to beat other assisins to a kill or kill of eachother. Have a black market to purchase items. yes yeS yES YES!!!!

you get the point right? sound like a decently fun game?

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RE: Just a game idea: Hitman meets GTA - Dec 16, 2004 19:56
Mmmmm you might have somethin there
-The Worst Thing You Can Say About A Game Is Say Its Just A Game-

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RE: Just a game idea: Hitman meets GTA - Dec 16, 2004 23:27
decently fun indeed. no all we gotta do is jack a car, head on over to Rockstar studios, kidnap their leader, point a gun to his head and make him sign contracts.

or you can just send him a letter.

multiple cities would be awesome. exact replicas of Hong Kong or Cairo would be excellent, and npcs there could have specifi and exclusive personalities and would treat you differently based on how you look ( clothes, facial hair, stature).

people you' re after could be under a witnes protection program, and you would have to seek out the feds or whoever runs the protection thingy, and interrogate him. Drug him, and u may get the answers. Beat him, and he may die, and youll have tp find an alternate way ( like breaking into FBI HQ for records, MI style)

i like the idea of ' watching victims daily routine so as to kill him in more imaginative ways' . could be a random thing everytime you play, or the victim could have a fixed personality, allowing you to pin point exactly what he does and when. Poison his drink or club him to death with pool side umbrella? sweet...

stop me. ok now your turn.
Dashing through the store,
on a three wheeled shopping cart
sliding across the floor
avoiding kids and pots

Reaching for the games,
and taking out my cash
oh what fun will i have today
before my brain cells crash

couldnt fit

Mass X
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RE: Just a game idea: Hitman meets GTA - Dec 17, 2004 01:02
Exactly. Like I said before with hitmans multi method style and the freedom of GTA its practically endless. It may quite possibly be just a dream game but none the less I game I know I would buy and force others to buy as well.

--I wish I knew where that forum topic went about your own ideal game. Once I find it ill link the 2 topics. So bascially whoever started that topic fear not I didnt ignore it