PSP going for $1000 on Ebay

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Terry Bogard
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PSP going for $1000 on Ebay - Dec 12, 2004 13:31
I swear I hate Ebay sometimes.. While it' s not exclusive to just them it' s always ridiculous the prices some of the sellers charge for stuff... I think one of If not the most ridiculous price I ever saw for a game was $1,300 for Darius - a friggin PCEngine HuCard. Never saw anything like it before in my life, lots of people bidding and willing to pay that much for what was a mediocre arcade shooter.
Same thing happened with the Dreamcast, folks were paying upwards of $1100 just to own a launch unit and the only worthwhile launch game was Virtua Fighter 3: Team Battle, a game that could have been played at the arcades while waiting for the shortage to end and price of the console to finally stabilize.

I laughed my a$$ off the following week when the $1000 price that import shops and other places were charging for the Dreamcast dropped to $600. Just waiting one week could have saved those ' desperate' early adopters $400.. I myself am an early adopter BUT I do have my limits and even if I were super rich I sure as hell wouldn' t pay $700 and up for a console when I could pay closer to the MSRP a few weeks down the line. When that sucker finally hit the price range I was waiting for ($380) that' s when I finally made the jump and purchased one.

I remember the PS2 went through something similar as the Dreamcast. While the prices I saw for the PS2 weren' t as bad as the Dreamcast, still they were quite ridiculous. Luckily I ordered mine from the Sony site without having to pay extra premiums.

Anyways out of curiousity I headed over to Ebay to check and see if there was any PSP related activity going on there and yep, supply-demand price gouging is in FULL effect there! Some are asking $700, while one boob is asking for $1000, and sadly I know he' ll get it. The guy' s positioned in Japan so you know he bought them at regular price and is ' sticking it' hard to anyone desperate enough to part with that kind of cash in hopes of owning one.

I can' t wait till Sony releases enough to satisfy the initial demand just so the ' stock value' of those Ebay clowns plummets into the abyss.

Too bad game companies don' t flood the market with remakes or rereleases of Radiant Silvergun and Panzer Dragoon Saga, hehe..

C' mon NCS, give us some good news regarding the PSP tomorrow! lol..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 12/12/2004 1:37:19 PM >

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RE: PSP going for $1000 on Ebay - Dec 12, 2004 23:17
I preordered the value pack for $270. Unfortunately due to the shortage in supply the price has jumped to $530. No way am I paying that much, but still cheaper than eBay prices

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RE: PSP going for $1000 on Ebay - Dec 13, 2004 13:01
then u share my disdain towards ebay. i cant believe why anyone would want a 1000buck wait i can.
About a week ago i read in the papers that a woman sold a ghost (yes, a ' ghost) that was supposedly haunting her. Some loon apparently bought it for $40 after loads of bids from buyers. If people are dumb enough to buy a ghost, then they' ll be dumb enough to buy a $1000 psp.

how she managed to ' deliver' ( heck, capture) that ghost is beyond
Dashing through the store,
on a three wheeled shopping cart
sliding across the floor
avoiding kids and pots

Reaching for the games,
and taking out my cash
oh what fun will i have today
before my brain cells crash

couldnt fit

Joe Redifer
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RE: PSP going for $1000 on Ebay - Dec 13, 2004 13:17
Imagine paying such a high price for one of those things only to get one with dead pixels or a UMD bay that won' t close or a disc that pops out of the PSP is slightly twisted (easy to do) or pieces that fall off or turning the power on and the system won' t boot! You' d be stuck with it forever!

Sony tends to make a great percentage of lemons when they first come out with a new system (they are Sony after all)... do you want to up the ante big time by not being able to return a faulty unit if you get one?

Terry Bogard
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RE: PSP going for $1000 on Ebay - Dec 13, 2004 19:27
Got the NCS update and they said they can get em this week for a hefty price of $491.59 for the Value Pack and $426.90 for the Standard pack-- that' s NOT including shipping..

Well looks like I' ll be waiting till next week then, lol. I' m tempted but the issue with the dead pixels and the ' no exchanges stipulation' cinches it for me.