The power of Amazon / E-Bay

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The power of Amazon / E-Bay - Dec 08, 2004 18:28
Meh, is this the right bit of the forum? I' m talking about games so I assume it is...

Aren' t Amazon and E-Bay evil? You could just spend a load of cash on those places buying super cheap games... like for example max Payne for X-Box and Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes. I snaffled up both and it' s only going to cost me £16. That’s £7 per game with postage and packing. (Well, MGS was 10 and Max Payne was £4). They might not be the best games around but with £40 in the bank and a proper wage on the way before Christmas I couldn' t help myself!

I remember when I actually had money. I picked up Shadow Hearts, Dead or Alive X-Treme Beach Volleyball and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for £20. Bloody ace.

Starman Anthony
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RE: The power of Amazon / E-Bay - Dec 08, 2004 20:58
Yeah it' s addicting... so many cheap things there and rare things you can only buy there and no where else. I had bought stuff when I had no money in my Pay Pal or bank and boy did I get a lot of 35$ Fees... for No Funds in my bank. I was stupid thinking I could quickly come up with the money before they charged me because it takes like 2 or 3 days until they take money from you. I bought so many things there. It' s where almost all my video game collection comes from. Also I bought all these Mario things and Nintendo stuff. Like Posters, Mouspads and just rare things only bought in Japan.... my acount name there is


It' s suspeneded now cause I owe like used to be 15 now it' s 40 because of not paying for selling stuff on Ebay... I don' t have money Ahhh leave me alone!

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RE: The power of Amazon / E-Bay - Dec 09, 2004 17:54
I really enjoyed snipe-bidding on ebay...since I had dial up at the time, I had to snipe to win auctions (the DSL bidders had a huge advantage).

I mostly buy the lower-priced releases from the stores, or I buy ' used' .
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.

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RE: The power of Amazon / E-Bay - Dec 09, 2004 23:38
I' ve always found Amazon to be a bit rubbish when it comes to anything apart from books where they really do excel. eBay on the other hand has been a real treasure trove of bargains. Mind you it' s not as good nowadays as it used to be. Far too many unscrupilous sellers who don' t know what ' mint' actually means and it' s not worth bothering for GBA games as 9 times out of 10 you' ll end up with a bootleg. Recently I' ve been getting far more bargains via specialist gaming forums.

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RE: The power of Amazon / E-Bay - Dec 10, 2004 01:10
I always want to buy stuff off E-bay, but I' m always so nervous about the quality of the item. For a while I was trying to get a season or 2 of Star Trek: Voyager, it' s 129.99 canadian in stores here, but some were as low as 12 bucks on there. I bid on one that said it was a new sealed region 1 set, and won it for 18 dollars. Too good to be true, and it was. I then recieved an e-mail saying that I had won the collectors region 1 Asian edition in english DVD. I did' nt want some bootlegged copy in cardboard containers, so I made a formal complaint to ebay about the discrepancy, and my bid was cancelled. Now I' m always nervous about what I' m actually getting. Anybody have any reliable sellers on e-bay they could reccomend?

Stephen Rowley
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RE: The power of Amazon / E-Bay - Dec 12, 2004 09:11
I' ve found most sellers on ebay to be reliable. That' s on the UK site, some on the US and HK sites too. On the rare occasions when things have gone wrong I' ve gotten refunds without too much hassle too.

You just need to be careful and know lots about what it is you are buying. Of course there are loads of scare stories and I could just be lucky ;). Start buying cheaper stuff so if you are ripped off you don' t lose out too much.