Are You A Military Strategy Game Buff? Then This Read May Be Worth Your Time...

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Are You A Military Strategy Game Buff? Then This Read May Be Worth Your Time... - Nov 26, 2004 14:35
I remember as a teenager playing both D&D games and military strategy know the one' s with those hex-shaped grids and the semi-complicated formulas for determining combat resolution and movement.

Well, it looks like the XBOX is getting its first military strategy game in the form of Dai Senryaku VII: Modern Military Tactics.

If you want to read more, click here.

...and for only $19.99, any strategist is sure to pick this one up!

It' s scheduled to be released on 11/30/04, so look for it on 12/01/04 in the stores.

What do YOU think about this, or any, strategy gaming?
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 11/26/2004 2:44:14 PM >
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