i have my DS and i' am loving it

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vanswa garbutt
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i have my DS and i' am loving it - Nov 22, 2004 22:30
<message edited by vanswa garbutt on May 30, 2012 06:56>

Mass X
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RE: i have my DS and i' am loving it - Nov 22, 2004 22:37
Ya I think most everyone here had a feeling they knew where you been isolated.

I wont be gettign mine til Christmas, which works nicly cuz every1 near has the same plan.

Joe Redifer
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RE: i have my DS and i' am loving it - Nov 22, 2004 22:52
I picked up a DS today as well as Feel da Magic XX/XY. I can honestly say that I' ve never had this much fun with a portable game system before. The Metroid demo is really cool and I will definitely get the full game. I like it better than the Gamecube incarnations. Feel da Magic is hella fun as well. I love Sega, as they are the company that I choose to direct my bias towards. Lots of cool and quirky minigames make this one a hit as well.

Fantastic system. PSP might be interesting, but as of right now I don' t even care about it since it' ll just be another normal handheld.

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RE: i have my DS and i' am loving it - Nov 23, 2004 13:34
When Nintendo see fit to unleash the console in the UK I' ll probably pick it up when I gather together the money for it.

Starman Anthony
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RE: i have my DS and i' am loving it - Nov 23, 2004 13:50
Oh god *Cries* Where is money when I need some... T____T

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RE: i have my DS and i' am loving it - Nov 27, 2004 20:16
i dont have it but i tried it at eb and its great and im getting one for christmas