NEW Halo 3 News...

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NEW Halo 3 News... - Nov 17, 2004 11:50
I just got my new copy of Game Informer magazine, and in it there' s an article which specifically states that Halo 3 is set for release on XBOX 2.

I sure hope that XBOX 2 is backwards compatible...otherwise, I' ll just have to own both consoles! Can' t live without my Halo series...

< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 11/24/2004 1:10:30 AM >
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 17, 2004 12:18
Halo 3 on X-Box 2... yeah... I saw that one coming. Just imagine how it' s going to look though judging by the XNA demos we' ve seen so far. I' m having a hard time not drooling on my keyboard.

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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 17, 2004 13:36
Does that mean we can start touching ourselves now?

Its not ne longer off then the gap from Halo to Halo2. I dont mind getting the next gen system, I have my sepearat money for gaming saved up already.

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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 17, 2004 15:11
It' s not gonna be good. Come on! Halo 2 is so like Halo 1 only with new levels, weapons and enemies. Halo 3 will be alot like the 2nd. Come on people wake up!

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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 17, 2004 15:47
To be honest, I think this was inevitable. With the success of Halo and Halo 2, and the general knowledge that any xbox fan will undoubtedly buy the next xbox, Microsoft would be foolish not to put such a crowd bringer on the next system. It provides further initiative to buy the new system, regardless of price.
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 17, 2004 17:02
I have a feeling that Halo 3 will be a XBOX 2 launch title.

Worked for M$ the first time...can' t see why they wouldn' t repeat the successful process this round.
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 17, 2004 18:16
There was no chance in hell that the series was going to end with Halo 2.

And I have a bad feeling that neither the Xbox 2 or PS3 will be backwards' s gonna really annoy me, I can tell you that.
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 17, 2004 18:58
I agree with Fathoms, I don' t believe Xbox 2 will be backwards compatible either.

I wonder if Halo 3 will actually have more " Earth time" playing, as Bungie lead everyone to believe Halo 2 would (but had barely any). The
" actual game play demo" they released certainly showed more Earth scenes. I have to admit I was disappointed with that in Halo 2. And if I can be so bold as to say, even though I loved Halo 2, the first Halo is still my favorite.

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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 17, 2004 22:31
There is actually a growing contraversy about Halo 2, and if Bungie was forced to make it differently. Stuff like there being no Zanzibar map after the E3 demo, and Bungie themselves stating that Halo 2 would be a conclusion for the series. I haven' t beat the game yet with all my time spent on Xbox Live, but from what I' ve heard it ends on one helluva cliffhanger. I have to admit that the levels aren' t as good as the originals. These seem way too compact...
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 17, 2004 22:47
Too compact? I thought the levels were much larger and better designed. My only true problem with the game was just the lack of earth.

I think there will be backward compatibility. But if there isnt I wont mind much cuz I dont plan on ousting my xbox neways. My only concern is a hard-drive.

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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 18, 2004 16:30
time to start up the hype machine. Halo 3? i could saw Halo 9 and people will be like " Really? i cant wait!" if you look at Duke Nukem, Doom, Metal of Honour, Goldeneye, and other FPS, you cant mess that up!!! those games are like money in the bank when they make it. everybody just LOVE FPS and they get too nuts over it. X-box needs more games to make me buy it. PS2 rules!!!! ( Runs away and Laughs heartly)

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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 18, 2004 16:57
(Speaking in my Arnold Schwartzenegger voice)

IORI, I will bring my massive XBOX to your house set it atop your puny PS2, and watch as my XBOX smashes your PS2 into a pancake!!!


Seriously, for those XBOX owners out there that must have their FPS games, there are plenty of choices...a few of them actually have reached semi-cult status. There are other games like Serious Sam and are well made, offer humor with all the shooting going on, and can be purchased for $10 (or less, by now).

Sitting around waiting for the next Halo or Doom or whatever to come out does you, or anyone else, any good.

But it is good to have hope...

< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 11/22/2004 12:18:28 PM >
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 21, 2004 19:19
WHUT! are you serious. Halo 3 is already being planned to launch on Xbox 2.
i havent even beatin halo2 yet! all well by the time i beat halo 2 ill be yerning for more halo! now i cant wait. are they gonna keep us waiting again.
are my old xbox games still gonna work on xbox2? i sure hope so.
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 22, 2004 12:19
Well, at least you' ll still have the multi-player and online modes to keep you busy until then...
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 23, 2004 16:11
yeah guess your right, hey i just beat halo 2 last night. i shouldv known that theyll end the game befor i could get to earth. so wut i have to wait at least four or less years to kick the Truths ass!( truth-the prophit)
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 23, 2004 17:55
You might want to add spoilers to that. There are some people here who no doubt HAVE NOT beat the game yet. Don' t just throw it out there without a warning...
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RE: Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? - Nov 23, 2004 18:25
Here' s a little somethin' interesting that might get ya' thinkin' about Halo 3.

I got this off of the XBOX365 forums...

Let me know what you think. I' m thinking they are referring to 2006...

Yes, with the release of Halo 2 comes the Halo 3 release date and how fast it' s coming will suprise even you. *WARNING - SPOILERS INSIDE*


After beating Halo 2 on legendary, at first you may seem disappointed. There' s no different ending, no extras to be seen, and no true unlockables (the level you unlock can also be unlocked on Heroic). Yet, if you pay close enough attention to the credits, you may find what will be an important easter egg that' ll blow you' re mind... On the bottom of the credits, at the very end, you' ll find an interesting tid-bit of information... " Coming February 9th" . Now, what could this mean?

This may mean a 2005 release date, but with just 3 months left this seems doubtful (but definitely in the realms of possibility). This is more likely a release date for 2006.

Other possibilities include that February 9th could be the official announcement of Bungie' s next project or the first wave of downloadable content for Halo 2. Bungie has expressed that Halo 3 will not be its next project yet this released date does leave some speculation...

Also, more hints of a sequel come from the Halo 2 soundtrack, titled " Vol. 1" . You would expect another volume to come out but with all the music from Halo 2 already on the disc this hints at the Halo 3 soundtrack.

Will Halo 3 come out in a mere 3 months, or possibly another year? What does the date mean, is Halo 3 finally here? One thing is for sure, the only way you' ll know is on February 9th, when something special from Bungie is sure to come.

< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 11/23/2004 6:25:59 PM >
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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 23, 2004 18:34
I was wondering what would happen after beating legendary. Feb. 9th eh?

Well seems like I' ll be marking my calenders and what not. So many possibilities of what it could be.

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 23, 2004 22:41
I have no doubt in my mind that Bungie has been working on Halo 3 all along....whether or not it' ll be ready for Feb 9/05 -- ya never know.

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 23, 2004 23:45
Re: Backwards compatibility:

There is very little chance that the Xbox 2 will be backwards compatible. It is supposed to be using a variation of the Mac G5 processor, and the current Xbox runs on Intel. Emulation is always possible, but that' s really asking a lot. I fact I think all 3 new consoles will have some variation of the Mac G5 as the central CPU from what I have read so far.

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 24, 2004 19:48
Halo 3? Oh, no really... I would expect a sequel, or atleast a clone for the the new xbox.

But, what bothers me is this talk about backwards compatability. I only have a few xbox games, but if my PS3 can' t play PS2 games then I' m going to be a bit upset

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 24, 2004 21:32
I just happened upon a forum today and this guy said he worked in the Netherlands for the Halo distribution center and that it will be out prior to March 2005 and for Xbox (not Xbox 2). Supposedly Halo 2 and 3 are actually the same game, but split in two. Halo 3 will continue exactly where Halo 2 left off. If you' re interested in the site (take it with a grain of salt) here is the link:

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 24, 2004 21:54
That sounds very reasonable. Ima look at the trailers to see if theres nethign in there that i didnt see whiel playing the game. But I wonder how they gonna distribute it...pre-orders? or just ship them to stores and watch every snuff the clerks as they riot to get it.

Wonder if the prcing would normal game prcie or reduced. After all if the above is true then it is techniacally one game

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News... - Nov 25, 2004 00:52
Apparently Bungie shot down the rumors of the whole Febuary was all a hoax.
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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 25, 2004 02:18
The following was taken from

Rumor #1: Bungie Studios' next project will not be Halo 3.

Source: A lengthy and informative article on

The official story: " We are very excited about and focused on the November 9 launch of Halo 2 and have not announced plans for or against another sequel." --Spokesperson for Microsoft, which owns Bungie.

What we heard: In the BBC article, Bungie studio manager Pete Parsons talks about the upcoming sequel. Besides saying it will be mercifully free of the first game' s repetitive levels, he talked about its in-depth storyline. " We have several-hundred years of Halo fiction laid out," he said, referring to more novels based on the game and a possible Halo film. But when asked about Bungie' s next project, Parsons said that " after Halo 2 [Bungie is] planning to do something different. [It] will do something else and [has] a few ideas." This one line had Halo fans raging on forums about Covenant conspiracies--and Microsoft doing some major spin control. Add to that the persistent rumor that many Bungie staffers are planning to join their former boss Alex Seropian at Wideload Studios when Halo 2 ships. If that comes to pass, the Bungie that would make Halo 3 could be a very different animal. [UPDATE] Also keep in mind that last October, Microsoft' s Steve Ballmer said that Bungie was already " working on Halo 2 and Halo 3."

Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus, if you take Parsons at his word. However, with Halo 2 preorders reportedly topping 2 million, you can bet a third game in the series will arrive sometime.

I believe another Halo is coming soon (might explain all the left-out parts). Perhaps they' ll call it Halo 2 1/2
< Message edited by Sharon -- 11/25/2004 2:20:02 AM >

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 26, 2004 05:18
I just remember from a trailer for Halo 2 theres that scene where hes on the ghost and the slips thru a door but falls off the ghost and like slides on the road where to elites just landed and they pop out the energy swords. that neve rhappened in the game...possible proof for more to Halo 2?

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 26, 2004 13:51
It appears that there are quite a few scenes that were shown prior to Halo 2' s release, but weren' t in the game....hmmmm?

I like the idea that another release will happen early next year...but am optimistically cautious about its actuality.

Maybe they will announce it after the holiday boost sales during the slowest period of the year. That makes sense to me...
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 11/26/2004 1:51:46 PM >
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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 26, 2004 14:04
I guess we' ll just have to wait and see.

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 26, 2004 15:49
Ive been hearing of people beating Halo 2 in legendary the same day they buy the game...and some are in their 14' s and 13' s

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 26, 2004 18:27
Well, I guess we may want to recruit these individuals!

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News... - Nov 28, 2004 04:50
thanks for the info i didnt know about HALO 3

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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 28, 2004 05:55
I' m pretty sure I could take them, lol.

Something that I read the other day was kind of disappointing on the part of the media, at least locally. I was reading the Tennessean and saw an article about Halo 2 and videogame violence. It was described as very violent game. What I found funny was that no mention of the latest GTA was in the article. Very funny indeed...
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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Nov 30, 2004 04:20
Maybe Bungie should be flattered that Halo 2 was picked over GTA:SA...

They' re both awesome games!
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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Dec 01, 2004 02:06
There is a new rumor spreading that possibly Bungie is going to release something through downloadable content, that may unlock new parts to the games. One of my clanmates has a picture from the latest Xbox Nation that is of Halo 2, and has a caption that reads something like this:

" Halo 2...didn' t think there was more? Think again. Plus! If all goes to plan, A MASSIVE WORLD EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK NEXT MONTH!"

The magazine goes on sale Dec. 23rd. From my standpoint, I hope they do release something via Xbox Live. However, it would sure suck to have a copy of Halo 2 and not have Live.
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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Dec 01, 2004 12:24
I hope that this key to unlock the additional gameplay will available to all Halo 2 owners...even those without XBOX Live.

If not, this may anger quite a few loyal XBOX gamers (like me).
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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Dec 01, 2004 12:25
Or, at least offer the key via demo disc (or something).

Sorry folks, I have been experiencing difficulties with kikizo this morning...and got a double-post.
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 12/1/2004 12:27:46 PM >
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RE: NEW Halo 3 News...How does this affect you? YOU' RE REALLY GONNA WANNA READ THIS UPDA - Dec 01, 2004 22:42
I have to give props to Bungie. They are probably the best developer yet to use Xbox Live' s update features. Right from the get go there were some problems online, mainly the selection in the Optimatch. Basically when you did Optimatch, the game would pick what gametype you would play, depending on what Optimatch you picked (Big Team Battle, Team Skirmish, etc, etc.). What was so annoying is that many times the same gametypes and maps kept getting played over and over. For example, I played Headlong Assault for more than 8 matches in a row...that sucks a lot. Some maps, such as Coagulation, are hardly even in the rotation...I' ve seen it twice since I' ve been playing online.

Luckily today Bungie has taken notice of these complaints and have added 2 new matchmaking playlists, Team Deathmatch (which was only available in Team Skirmish) and Rumble Pit Training Ground. They' ve also altered the playlists of all gametypes so that we can finally get to play a greater variety of maps and gametypes. I' m also excited that they added the ability to join with a group of 8 players to Big Team Battle, the number previously was a max of 5. This is great because now people in my clan do not have to do something else once a room fills in matchmaking.

I' m not sure if that' s going to make sense to many of you guys. It' s just really great to see that a company is finally listening to what their players have to say, and are fixing their problems. Now if they could only figure out the flag glitch that people have started using...
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