Serious Sam Update?
Nov 15, 2004 18:06
I love FPS titles...alot! After playing through the first XBOX version, and hearing about another entry to be released, I have been keeping both my ears and eyes tuned for ANY news. Unfortunately, there has been very little...
The last I heard about the newest entry from this franchise is what' s posted below.
Serious Sam 2 update (as of 7/31/04) courtesy of Gamespot.
Croteam' s Roman Ribaric gives us an update on everyone' s favorite frantic action series.
We recently checked in with Croteam CEO Roman Ribaric for a brief update on the studio' s current development plans. According to Ribaric, the company has been " working on a sequel to Serious Sam: The Second Encounter for quite some time." Though Ribaric did mention that the studio can' t discuss many details at this point, he did reveal that Croteam is " currently developing [the next Serious Sam game] for the PC, with the Xbox also in our design plan."
Ribaric added that although an exact release date hasn' t been set, " it' s definitely going to be a 2004 release and we are sticking to it." The new game will run on the Serious Engine 2, a " totally new" version of Croteam' s proprietary game engine that is capable of rendering huge, colorful outdoor environments packed with lots of fast-moving 3D enemies. " Currently, this engine already has all the [advanced features that other game engines] are showing, including our own advanced physics engine," Ribaric said. " What will make Serious Engine 2 and Serious Sam 2 special is frantic action with tons of enemies on top of all that, along with our Huuuuge Bosses (tm), Crazy Humor (tm), Serious Vehicles (tm), and other Sick Surprises (tm). And of course, you' ll finally meet Notorious Mental."
The Serious Sam first-person shooter series first took the form of a surprise-hit PC game that was released in 2001, and went on to win GameSpot PC' s game of the year. Croteam went on to produce a second Serious Sam game for the PC, as well as one for the Xbox. We' ll have more details on the studio' s next project as soon as we can.
By Staff, GameSpot [POSTED: 07/31/03 11:57 AM]
Anyone else see any further updates?
I don' t think they' ll make their projected 2004 scheduled you?
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