Hello Again!

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Hello Again! - Jun 14, 2003 22:20
Hi everybody!

I have been absent for the past few weeks with so much happeing with my life.

As many of you know, I have recently finished my first year of university. Since then I have been spending time with the friends I made in University, some of whom I may not see for the net few months as they live very far. We have been clubbing everynight, and partying in my uni-house on the days we didn' t. I have now returned my uni-house as the contract is now up. I have a lot of good memorys from that house, and its sad to see it go. But life goes on...

Also I have been looking for a job for my next four months off. I started applying for work experience in gaming magazines at the start of may, be it seems I have applied to late for this summer. As least I have learnt to be quicker, and will be applying very soon for work experience next year.

For the last week, I have been liveing back at home. I have been searching for jobs in London everyday as I need soemthing. I havent heard back from anyone yet, but hope I do so soon.

Yesterday, Nintendo Invited me to a playtest of all their E3 games in Camden, London. I got to play Mario Kart:Double Dash on a LAN, which I really enjoyed. My favorite game at the show though, was Billy Hatcher

Anyway, my Naka Interview download is now complete. I shall be off to watch it, and will be back here again soon.

Sharan Dev Jain

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RE: Hello Again! - Jun 14, 2003 23:07
I finished my first year of college a month ago

great feeling

How is MK:DD

looks good but not great enough for me to get a cube

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RE: Hello Again! - Jun 16, 2003 18:55
My first year at University is done too. I did not have any high regards for engineers before, and I think even less of them now. 50% of the students failed (about 130 in the class) the last programming course, I did not attend to one single lecture, I looked at the course literature for 15 minutes and got an A (Ranked third). I have said it before and I say it again, programmers are not made at University, they are made in the dark rooms of young nerds.

Oh well overall a good year, made lots of new friends. Di not have to study hard, passed all exams on first try and partied allot.

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RE: Hello Again! - Jun 17, 2003 09:09

How is MK:DD

Looks good but not great enough for me to get a cube

I Dont think by itself it warrents a cube purchase, but there are enough good games in general to so I feel that the cube would be a good purchase.

There were 3 MK tracks on display set up on the LAN; Mushroom City, DK Mountain, and Luigi Grand Prix. I hated DK Mountain, because the controls are not 100% refined yet, and I kept falling off the track. I loved the other 2 though

Sharan Dev Jain

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RE: Hello Again! - Jun 20, 2003 09:44
-I am entering my 5th year in college and may have to stay longer because of a dual major. I am attending school for the entire summer.

-Otaku, you better enjoy you super fast life while you can bro. it' s gonna get real stressful soon when you actually get into classes that are not freshmen classes.

-Peylow, Better stop getting cocky bro. Take it from someone who' s been in college for a while, who' s persuing a degree in Electrical Engineering. What programming course are you even taking, Beginners C++??. LOL, OMG. Just wait until you get into hardcore shit in programming such as Linked-Lists, pointer THEORY(not just pointers), Changeable-arrays on the fly, databases, etc. And if you a computer engineer, LOL, your going to have a real blast. Because from what I hear from really smart students, operating systems is a BITCH. Oh yeah, Microprocessor programming techincally isn' t a walk in the park either. Try reading that stuff for 15 mintues and see what happens.

Peylow. Some advice, bro. Don' t talk shit at your level because your grades could easily fall, and you' d feel like pure shit. I have came across many people like you, and I too sadly, was one myself. I know someone who knows computers like nothing(programming languages, hardware, logic theory, etc), and
lets just say his GPA isn' t the highest in the world. GPA doesn' t mean your smart, granted, but it could prove to be one of those priceless assets when your looking for a job.

Just my two cents.


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RE: Hello Again! - Jun 24, 2003 21:21

I looked at the course literature for 15 minutes and got an A (Ranked third). I have said it before and I say it again, programmers are not made at University, they are made in the dark rooms of young nerds.

Interesting assesment of yourself...
N.O.R.E.2? Who the hell is he?