Bridget Jones : The Edge Of Reason

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Vincent Cook
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Bridget Jones : The Edge Of Reason - Nov 07, 2004 19:58
Well well well. I didn' t expect this film to be this good. I hadn' t seen the first one but this has changed my mind and i want to buy it. It isn' t just a film for girls or women, it is actually a funny and entertaining film for all of the family (Ages 15+). And the best thing about it, it was shown in cinemas in the UK 2 weeks before the official release date. Sweet!

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RE: Bridget Jones : The Edge Of Reason - Nov 07, 2004 23:51
Oh, I don' t know about that. I tried watching the original and it wasn' t my cup of tea. I guess I' m just too manly for it or something, lol.
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RE: Bridget Jones : The Edge Of Reason - Nov 08, 2004 01:27
I' d only see it because I think Renée Zellweger looks hot with some meat on her skinny-ass frame. I did actually see the first one but not at the cinema. I' m in no rush to see this one but probably will at some point in my life. Possibly when it comes out on DVD.

Vincent Cook
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RE: Bridget Jones : The Edge Of Reason - Nov 08, 2004 05:20
Ha ha ha. She looks like my art teacher. My art teacher isn' t very hot though..Lol