Metal Gear Solid 3...

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Vincent Cook
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Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 07, 2004 19:36
Konami has put back Metal Gear Solid 3 a couple of months till March 2005 for us in the UK. America are getting it first then shortly followed by Japan by aboout a month. It is fairly surprising that America are getting it before Japan as all of the people working on it are Japanese. I heard somewhere that Konami have delayed it for us because of all the hype from other games such as San Andreas etc. Konami are only thinking about marketing and ways in which they can get more money. This is extremely unfair. Does anyone else have any other views on this?

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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 07, 2004 22:46
The UK getting games months after the rest of the world is nothing new, although the releases are much closer now than they were 5 years ago. Still if it does annoy you so much getting a US system isn' t exactly hard.

As regards MGS3 the biggest peoblem is translating and dubbing the game into a multitude of languages and this unfortunately takes time.

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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 11, 2004 06:26
That sucks man,if i lived in uk i would swin tu the us for my game............
-The Worst Thing You Can Say About A Game Is Say Its Just A Game-

Vincent Cook
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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 11, 2004 17:16
Sadly I don' t have a US console and even if I did go over there it wouldn' t work on the Ps2 sadly....

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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 11, 2004 21:05
Just when the gap for this kind of thing started to close another big named game gets put back in Europe. It seems games from Japan are the biggest culprits while US games follow on pretty soon after. GTA San Andreas and Halo 2 being good examples, arriving in Europe days after their US release. Funnily games made in Europe still arrive in the US before they do the UK, Sudeki and Fable being the most noticeable.

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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 11, 2004 23:09
Well if it' s any consolation Zelda: The Minish Cap is out tomorrow on the GBA in the UK, only a week or so after the Japs. Americans have to wait until January :D

Vincent Cook
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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 13, 2004 16:33
Bah! Humbug (You see I' m getting into the Christmas spirit! Lol). I absolutely hate GBA zelda games. I only like the 3D console ones!

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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 14, 2004 02:02
However the 2D Zeldas are the best in the series!

Vincent Cook
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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 14, 2004 08:52
That' s in your opinion! Lol

Terry Bogard
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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 14, 2004 16:52

It is fairly surprising that America are getting it before Japan as all of the people working on it are Japanese.

Not at all since the series is alot more popular here in the U.S. than it is in Japan... I think the original Metal Gear Solid sold about 500,000 copies in Japan while it sold millions in the U.S., and Metal Gear Solid 2 had similar sales in both territories and was released in the U.S. first as well.

It' s kind of becoming a trend for companies to release games first in the territories that they' re most popular in rather than sticking ot the Japan first tradition... Outrun 2 for starters was released in Europe first, followed by the U.S. and lastly the Japanese release which still hasn' t taken place yet. Resident Evil 4 is getting similar treatment.

And Sega recently smacked us with the shocker that they' re NOT releasing Altered Beast in the U.S.

Vincent Cook
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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 14, 2004 17:29
Thanks for that Terry! I didn' t know that...I still think that UK should get it first....

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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 14, 2004 22:20
Regarding Outrun 2 it was released in Europe first not because it' s more popular over here (it' s not) it' s because it was Sega Europe that commissioned the xbox port. No other part of Sega wanted to do the project. Thankfully the lovely people at Sega Europe showed some love and managed to get the project done.

Vincent Cook
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RE: Metal Gear Solid 3... - Nov 15, 2004 05:26
Hehe. Rare' s the best company. They are situated in the UK and the UK get their games first...Yipee.