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Graphic Cards ? I Need Ur Help
Nov 04, 2004 00:14
OK. i need your help guys and gals. My graphics card has over heated and burn out  (nVidia Geforce FX5200)(it DID' NT have a HEAT SINK) and i have had to go back to my built-in 32mb shared graphics card (i know it REALLY SUCKS). But this is where u come in to help. Which kind of card would u say is better ? nVidia or ATI Radeon Thxs for any info ( and i know i should of got 1 with a heat sink, i wont make that mistake again ! )
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RE: Graphic Cards ? I Need Ur Help
Nov 04, 2004 14:36
If i were in your situation i would go for the nvidia. but hey thats just me. *disapears into the night*
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RE: Graphic Cards ? I Need Ur Help
Nov 07, 2004 18:42
first qusetion WHERE did you buy a video card with out a heat sink!!! for ALL video cards have heat sinks of some form. ok so what kind of gaming are you doing, if any, with your video card? are you playing simple games like halo PC, comand and conquer, and so on. or are you playing demanding games like doom 3 and other high performance games along that line. these questions may help you in the quest ofr a new video card for simple gameing i have a geforce 5200 card myself and it will run halo PC well at 1024 x 768 and in doom 3 i an just able to run it at medium graphics 800 x 600. for me playing halo PC the video card i have is performing nicely but in doom 3 i would like to have a 5700 or a light version of the 5900 of nvidia cards just to get better quality out of the gameplay; but since halo 2 is a day away i don' t need to get a new video card for the pc because all my time will be in halo 2 not doom 3 and i if i were in your shoes i would go with another nvidia card because i like the quality, the name, and the ease of the drivers install and how everything works in the managing of the card, like switching video outputs and so on, but i don' t have any experience with raidion so i dont know that much about the brand.
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RE: Graphic Cards ? I Need Ur Help
Nov 07, 2004 23:58
I have a Geforce 5200 and it' s been working pretty good for me. You' ve probably already been to this site but just in case you haven' t: www.tigerdirect.com A decent little online store where you can occasionally find some good deals on PC parts.
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RE: Graphic Cards ? I Need Ur Help
Nov 08, 2004 05:30
Don' t get an ATI, whatever you do. Nvidia is much better and if you want some 3d glasses Nvidia make some but you need to have a Nvidia card to use it. Oh well