Nintendo release schedule for 2005 looking bleak?

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Nintendo release schedule for 2005 looking bleak? - Oct 29, 2004 01:10
Having seen Nintendo’s release schedule for next year here at Kikizo I can’t help but feel things are looking a little bleak. The only game advertised for the Gamecube which packs any clout is Resident Evil 4. Along with that we get 2 throwaway Mario spin-offs, another Donkey Kong beat rhythm game and a mini Zelda adventure.

I thought in their current condition Nintendo would be hoping to show a strong charge into 2005. So far it seems the only ace’s they have to play is the DS and the draw of a new Zelda game which we don’t even know the release date of.

What do you lot think, are Nintendo looking a bit weak or is this just the calm before the major Nintendo storm… or have I just gotten things wrong?

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RE: Nintendo release schedule for 2005 looking bleak? - Oct 29, 2004 01:46
I think the underlying problem is that Nintendo are spreading themselves a little thin by currently developing for the Gamecube, SP, DS and most probably for their successor to the GC.

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RE: Nintendo release schedule for 2005 looking bleak? - Oct 29, 2004 03:14
I' m sorry, but the GameCube has been looking weak since its inception. Actually, come to think of it, the launch was probably the brightest point. Their problem isn' t the same problem the Xbox has (lack of exclusives), but more of a lack of...well, great games. Their best games can compare to the other two platforms (Metroid Prime, Super Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Pikmin 2, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Skies of Arcadia: Legends, etc.), but they just don' t have the NUMBER to compete.

Sony and Microsoft just have too many " AAA" titles, and they' re starting to overwhelm the GameCube lineup. I' m looking forward to the new MP, Zelda, and RE 4 myself, and hopefully then it will be enough for me to purchase a GC. Unfortunately, I haven' t found enough reasons to make that purchase yet...and THAT is the #1 problem with Nintendo' s console. There just ain' t enough top titles, IMO.
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RE: Nintendo release schedule for 2005 looking bleak? - Oct 29, 2004 05:26
As of right now I only have 10 GameCube games, and that' s including the free Zelda compilation thing which DIDN' T have the SNES version, those lazy bastards. I just don' t understand that. It' s the best Zelda! Oh well. Anyway when the Gamecube' s life is done, I may have 11 games, 12 if they come out with Super Monkeyball 3. I am considering Resident Evil, but I won' t get it if it has poor controls (ala earlier RE games and Onimusha 1). If I push a direction I want to go in that direction! I don' t want to spend half the time standing in place rotating like a dumbass and then start running. Alo it has fake widescreen, meaning the game is letterboxed but does not offer an anamorphic mode, so the overall in-game resolution drops.

I can' t say I' m surprised with the lackluster lineup. I don' t give a rat' s ass about Mario spinoffs and I hate Mario Party with a passion.

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RE: Nintendo release schedule for 2005 looking bleak? - Oct 29, 2004 10:55
No wonder that list looks so anaemic. It' s only for the 1st quarter of next year in PAL land.

All but one of those games will be out in America before the end of this year.

The GC version of Fire Emblem should be awesome.

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RE: Nintendo release schedule for 2005 looking bleak? - Nov 05, 2004 23:02
nintendo always looks like it is going to die. that is how they want it. they do that so when a " good" game comes out, every one is like " Damn! look at that game for the Nintendo! I want that!" but with Xbox and PS2 the masses are already expecting the " Great" stuff with little to no efort in showing happiness. That is how Nintendo rolls.

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RE: Nintendo release schedule for 2005 looking bleak? - Nov 06, 2004 05:19
lol....I love the big N, but, kids are just not buying it, made for kids, but not enough kids interested, maybe this would be the lesson for Nintendo...
Games I want: Starcraft: Ghost (went to gamestop and saw it on the shelf labeled " coming soon, reserve your copy today"
Halo 2