San Andreas stolen

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San Andreas stolen - Oct 21, 2004 10:01

Joe Redifer
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RE: San Andreas stolen - Oct 21, 2004 10:57
Does it have French dialog?

I am too lazy to click the link. It takes far too much effort. Please tell me what the link is about.

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RE: San Andreas stolen - Oct 21, 2004 12:08
I' m beginning to wonder if this the work of the same group/individual...

Another thought running through my mind is that this is all just one big publicity stunt...

Why not?

It would definitely work for game sales, if they had ' something big' happen just before market release...hmmmm...
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RE: San Andreas stolen - Oct 21, 2004 15:30
I' m not sure. It could just be a sign of the times. There was always a danger of things like this happening and it seems that now it' s happening more than ever. Games get stolen, appear online and people with modded consoles and online capability just download them.

I doubt this will affect sales of the game however. Only a handful of people can actually download the game and run the risk of being caught anyway. I' d like to think the majority of gamers out there will wait until the games release and buy it legitimately. Rockstar has some serious fans out there and to think someone would steal the game from them is horrid.

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RE: San Andreas stolen - Oct 21, 2004 18:49
From what the articles are sayin' , most of the downloading comes from those who wouldn' t have bought the game in the first place.

Game sales should remain consistently high, regardless of the theft.
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RE: San Andreas stolen - Oct 24, 2004 05:15
Someone stealing GTA hahaha
The irony is delicious haha