The Ring 2 (not the grudge)Site and trailer

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Mass X
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The Ring 2 (not the grudge)Site and trailer - Oct 20, 2004 04:59
Heres the Ring 2 (not the grudge as some ppl have confused) site with trailer.

The Ring 2
< Message edited by Mass X -- 10/22/2004 2:22:02 AM >

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RE: The Ring 2 (not the grudge)Site and trailer - Oct 24, 2004 15:35
Nice. I enjoyed the first Ring movie and would like to see the Japanese take on things (which I' ve ehard is supposed to be better).

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RE: The Ring 2 (not the grudge)Site and trailer - Oct 24, 2004 16:37
I have not watched " The Ring" , but I did watch " Ringu" , and it was supposed to be scarier/better then the American remake.

But " The Grudge" (which is another remake based on a series of Japanese movies) is waaaaay waaay scarier then Ringu was.


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RE: The Ring 2 (not the grudge)Site and trailer - Oct 25, 2004 01:32
Is the Japanese version of The Grudge worth picking up if I can find it?

I thought the Japanese Ring was just called Ring. With Ring 2 and Ring 0 (which is a prequal apparently)

Starman Anthony
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RE: The Ring 2 (not the grudge)Site and trailer - Oct 25, 2004 04:10
I can' t wait to see this movie man so many scary movies coming out I hope I have money when they come out cause I just saw The Grudge and the previews of the twO came out and I was excited wow..

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RE: The Ring 2 (not the grudge)Site and trailer - Oct 27, 2004 16:39
It looks very scary! The advert almost made me jump.

Starman Anthony
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RE: The Ring 2 (not the grudge)Site and trailer - Oct 28, 2004 01:41
Yeah Wow who knoew twO would be made... I never thought about it... what willit be about though? I am confused.