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Vx Chemical
Winner! DEC 2005
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Resident Evil 5
Feb 19, 2010 08:16
So i was just reading on eurogamer that this game had gotten a new piece of DLC, and i started thingking Did anyone here like the game? i found it to be a barely decent game, and i haven't been able to ring myself to finish it.
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2007
Re:Resident Evil 5
Feb 19, 2010 13:23
Stopped playing it after 2-3 hours in, it was fairly entertaining, just got caught up on other games, I'll finish it some day.
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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Re:Resident Evil 5
Feb 19, 2010 17:26
Rented it, played it for a few minutes until the first confrontation with the villagers, died against the chainsaw dude I think, 'paused' the game, turned it off and never bothered to turn it back on and then shipped that sucker back to Gamefly after holding on to it for longer than I should have.. It's not that I didn't enjoy the game, it's just that my gaming habits have taken a major hit as of late and unless a game REALLY grabs me right from the get-go then chances are I won't put much time into them until I get my proverbial crap together. Must...find...my...mojo...again. I do plan on picking up Resident Evil 5 again in the near future, but right now I think my attention span is better served with short, immediately gratifying games, lol.. i.e. shoot 'em ups and platformers. :D
<message edited by Terry Bogard on Feb 19, 2010 17:28>
Joe Redifer
Winner! JUN 2004
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Re:Resident Evil 5
Feb 20, 2010 07:15
Stopped playing it after 2-3 hours in, it was fairly entertaining, just got caught up on other games, I'll finish it some day. I hate it when this happens. I bought Resident Evil 5 used for a good price and was enjoying it. The initial villagers/chainsaw dude is pretty hard, but after that the game eases up. Anyway I played through to about 2 or 3 chapters away from finishing the game, then I got Demon's Souls. I played that game for a looooong time while RE5 just sat there. I didn't really even have much interest in turning it back on until a guy I know from another forum asked if I'd like to play through the chapters I hadn't finished yet with him (he had beaten the game already). I accepted and finished the game with him. Overall I'd say the game is pretty good, but nowhere near as good as Resident Evil 4. I do not understand why Chris Redfield's arms are the size of tree trunks. His neck, too. Wasn't he fairly normal (skinny) in a previous game? Anyway that same friend and I plan on going through the Nightmare Within DLC or whatever it is called this weekend.
<message edited by Joe Redifer on Feb 20, 2010 07:17>
Ninja Dog
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Re:Resident Evil 5
Feb 22, 2010 23:11
Joe Redifer I do not understand why Chris Redfield's arms are the size of tree trunks. His neck, too. Wasn't he fairly normal (skinny) in a previous game? I guess that he was jealous of Tyrant. Probably injected some of the virus.
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Re:Resident Evil 5
Mar 04, 2010 10:04
I enjoyed it but the inventory system pissed me off and Sheva was fucking retarded.
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