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Favorite Videogame Monster?
Oct 13, 2004 12:14
I always loved Godzilla... What' s your favorite videogame monster? Speaking of Monsters in videogames, you might just be interested in the following article... KING KONG KONGFIRMED Ubisoft aping around with one of cinema' s greatest monsters. Ook 10:30 Ubisoft has announced that it' s currently developing a King Kong game, the publisher confirming news scratching the armpit of rumour back in April this year. King Kong the game is heading to " all platforms" and is based on Peter " Lord of the Rings" Jackson' s movie remake and will release alongside the film in December 2005. Development is being handled by the team behind Ubisoft' s Beyond Good & Evil in Montpellier, France, the studio " creating a game that will reflect the visual interpretation, character dynamics and dramatic narrative of Jackson' s epic film." No real gameplay details yet, but our fondness of apes and monkeys knows no bounds so we' ll be endeavouring to get more info as soon as humanly possible. For anyone not familiar of the story of King Kong, it tells the moving, romantic - hah, who are we kidding - tale of an enormous ape captured in the wild and taken to the civilised world where it meets a bloody end. Stuart Bishop
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: Favorite Videogame Monster?
Oct 13, 2004 21:30
as we' ve discussed in the other thread about the new zilla game(which got neglected I might add  ), godzilla is def one of my more favorite monsters, as is Ganondorf....he was always awesome....and i might as well throw bowser in there as well.
Starman Anthony
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RE: Favorite Videogame Monster?
Oct 14, 2004 02:58
It would have to be Bowser King of the Koopas. Although he technicaly isnt a monster he is a hybrid of a Turtle and Dragon.. so that' s kinda a monster.  GWAA! HA! HA!
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RE: Favorite Videogame Monster?
Oct 14, 2004 22:39
Nemeies from RE 3. he is the man! when his music hits you are always like " Damn" beacuse you KNEW he was faster than you and outruning him was a crappy option. and then the gravel voice of " Stars!"
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RE: Favorite Videogame Monster?
Oct 15, 2004 05:59
Godzilla is my favorite movie monster but not from games. That honor goes to the entire cast of creepy and grotesque monsters from the title D2, on the DC. Those who played the game know what I' m talking about.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature: " by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." - Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass