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May 19, 2003 20:48
Wow - if you haven' t seen GamerWeb' s E3 coverage yet, you' re missing out. It is beyond compare. Kind of like eating dog scat is beyond compare. Sorry, couldn' t resist.
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RE: GamerWeb
May 19, 2003 22:39
IGN had better coverage then Gamerweb, but Kikizo have coverage the suits me. They had the 1st report for sonic heros, Billy Hatcher, And even the new Naka video. Gamerweb had no exclusives, or nothing I liked. They really have gone down hill recently  I will check it from time to time, but I think most of the gameing new I get will come from fansites, or kikizo for all their exclusives!
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RE: GamerWeb
May 20, 2003 00:49
Is it just me or is there nothing about E3 2003 on GW? I see E3 2002 stuff, but nothing from this year. Heh, they have hardly updated over the past couple months. If they want to have any success they need to get their act together.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: GamerWeb
May 20, 2003 13:58
Precisely. They haven' t updated GamerWeb in months. According to their current (could never dream of being as good as I was) editorial director a GamerWeb TV show was to launch on May 12 along with a total re-design of the site. He also posted in the forums to say one of the guys worked really hard on the show floor at E3. Hard to tell considering the top story is still Quidditch from weeks ago. That site was my love and they' ve crapped all over it. Shame, really.
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RE: GamerWeb
May 20, 2003 16:52
Hey Shmoo, I' m here mainly because of that. Adam wanted help for a new site and I figured that' d be best because NOTHING was happening at GW. Good to see more people I know are here too.
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RE: GamerWeb
May 20, 2003 19:32
I feel bad that GW began to fall. At least Adam got this iste up and running before it did. It bothers me that they have been promising this update of the forums and main site for months now and have done nothing. Monk even blamed this on Adam which made no sense to me.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: GamerWeb
May 20, 2003 22:19
While no longer a big fan of Gamerweb, and do recognize GW hasn' t been in the best of shapes, I don' t think you should start bashing them (or if you do, do it in the general forum). For starters, there' s no reason to start causing friction between the two sites. They are of their own entity hoping to achieve their own fans. So there' s no need to hype them up as competition. Secondly, not everyone even knows what Gamerweb is. I don' t think we should start bogging down other newbie Kikizo forum members with our past.
Adam Doree
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RE: GamerWeb
May 21, 2003 06:11
I beg to differ, I think most people here know what Gamerweb is. To the credit of the company that bought Gamerweb a year ago, they have successfully launched a TV channel in the UK last week, and while they have teething problems, I am impressed that it launched after all and that they have a games show that is better that I though it would be - i.e. I didn' t expect it would happen at all. " Long ways to go yet, hobbits." As for the site - well Dan and Jeff were both at E3, I stopped for a chat with Dan a couple of times. I was telling all of them that nothing would happen with the site months ago. They weren' t having any of it and instead decided to paint me as satan on their forums. But anyways, lotusson is probably right, let' s not discuss this here. Much.
Adam Doree
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RE: GamerWeb
May 21, 2003 06:20
For the record, Gamespot' s coverage absolutely destroyed IGN' s. But you' d expect so with about seventy five million staff at the show. Almost as much as G4, who had 9.3 trillion staff. We had three. Proportionally speaking I' d say ours is by far the best. The best is yet to come.
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RE: GamerWeb
May 21, 2003 11:50
Gamespot better then IGN, maybe its time for me to get Gamespot Complete. I dont know why though, but I never liked the way Gamespot covered stuff. Also Gamerweb TV, a friend who had no konwledge of the website, (he' s not a very internet person), told me he was watching it and though the presenters were ill experienced. He thought it was a joke. I wont Comment till I see the show though, Which will be in a while as I have my exams now, and just living in my uni house without the benifits of Sky I have had my 1st exam now (It was yesterday on my birthday), and my next one is in 1Hour 17mins  Wish me Luck!
Cloud Strife
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RE: GamerWeb
May 21, 2003 19:09
GamerWeb forum rocks. Lots of nice people there, only forum that i can be comfortable in it (good to see GamerWeb guys here, only forum i stick except GW is this, and i can clearly say that Kikizo rocks too!) Otaku : Gamespot is waay too better than IGN, you wont regret a membership to there.
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RE: GamerWeb
May 21, 2003 21:47
I never meant to come off as bashing GW if you refering to me. I just think as a site it is really failing. As far as the forum, there were always a few good people there but it was normaly burning to the ground due to flame wars. It' s pretty sad since that was the first forum I really attended regularly. I visit gamespot for the news and only the news. they have some of the worst reviewing staff as far as Xbox games go. They are far too biased in many cases.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: GamerWeb
May 23, 2003 12:00
GamerWeb TV is Poo! In fact it was so shit I can' t imagine how it could be any worse...
The flat shaded polygons are much more rounded here...
the gaming monk
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 15, 2003 19:03
Yeah, GW hasn' t been updated. David at Hi2 (the owners of GW now) made a LOT of promises (pay, site upgrade, TV show, etc.) but really hasn' t delivered. Adam, about " painting you out to be satan" or whatever - sorry if that' s how you took it. You have to understand that we were tired of being lied to. We had been working with David when he suddenly stopped talking to us. It took him over a month to respond to emails, and during that time, GW' s redesign and upgrade were supposed to have happened. Money didn' t come in as promised, so I stopped updating. I' m done working for free. The TV show in England was supposed to be based on content from the website, but if Hi2 won' t support the site, then why should we? I have no idea what material they are using for the show, since they kept changing the format on a daily basis for a while in early May. The site may have gone downhill, but that' s all due to a lack of support from up top. Hi2 stopped talking to us, and didn' t deliver on their promises of pay and a site upgrade. I think they are now looking for UK based editorial staff. Whatever. Mike - One of the things I did as Editorial Director was ensure that staff recieved games, making a much happier staff. For a long time, GW was a great site, both with you, and after. I had a smooth running machine, but it can only go so far when the top people are spending 14 hour days without pay working to keep the site going. Ultimately, what cripled GW was the lack of support from the top down. Adam, you were right about Hi2, and I apologize for not believing you about them. Please, though, try to understand why that might be. I' ve had articles published in the local newspaper (The Seattle Times) and have been paid for it. I' m not looking back. I' m taking the E3 coverage I have and will be posting it soon, and if you' re interested, I' ll let you know.
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 17, 2003 06:21
Gamespot hates the XBOX so I don' t bother with them besides news anyway GW was my first gaming forum...oh the memories
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 18, 2003 13:21
the gamerweb forum isn' t even up anymore. the place is dead.
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 21, 2003 21:32
the gaming monk
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 22, 2003 17:35
We took a view that the old site was starting to fall apart at the edges so it will be relegated to an archive site. This was my favorite line. The old site fell apart because they (Hi2/Admin) wouldn' t support the current site with the upgrade that they promised. I wonder what the new site will look like when it does become active.
< Message edited by the gaming monk -- 6/22/2003 5:36:50 PM >
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 22, 2003 23:46
What' s up, Monk? Long time no see.
Later, deadmeat xbox live gamertag: deadmeat
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 23, 2003 00:40
Hey Monk....good to hear from you. Yes I have noticed that GW is pretty much ...blah. Forums were missing last time I checked in. You should contribute here at Kikizo! Time heals all wounds. Certainly this site has not grown as fast as I expected..but Adam appears to be sticking with it for now... I can appreciate the content now...but ..what does the future hold..?
Nas Escobar
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 24, 2003 20:23
Gamerweb is a piece of sh*t now, simply. I made a thread on their new pathetic forums ( for everyone who posts there to just come here, that place is sh*t.
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 24, 2003 22:19
I think this should hereby be declred the new Gamerweb
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 26, 2003 05:43
Nas is right
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 26, 2003 18:36
The Sites Dead. It' s Over Move On Play On,
< Message edited by Sonic2k4 -- 6/26/2003 6:54:48 PM >
Sonic2k4 is 110% unbiased Sonic2k4 is no fanboy/zealot
Terry Bogard
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RE: GamerWeb
Jun 26, 2003 19:04
Instead of " The New Gamerweb" how about this place having its own identity and being The New Kikizo???;) A fresh new start supposedly :)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6/26/2003 7:04:32 PM >
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RE: GamerWeb
Jul 13, 2003 06:47 is the new Gamerweb. Come on, Adam made the Gamerweb to begin with, now he made Kikizo....they have the same feel, and same people lurking around..
Terry Bogard
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RE: GamerWeb
Jul 13, 2003 17:03 is the new Gamerweb. Come on, Adam made the Gamerweb to begin with, now he made Kikizo....they have the same feel, and same people lurking around.. If this place was " The New Gamerweb" then Adam would have named it " The New Gamerweb" . Adam apparently HAS moved on. You have to accept that this is NOT Gamerweb. AM2 made Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA, does that mean they' re the same game just because maybe some of the same staff were involved? Is Daytona USA really " The NEW Virtua Fighter Racing Game" ?? As a contributor I personally find both sites to be totally different. Kikizo is alot easier going in my opinion.
the gaming monk
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RE: GamerWeb
Jul 13, 2003 18:50
There already is a " new" GamerWeb, it' s based on a TV show in England, and has a forum where the old GW used to be. GamerWeb went way downhill due to mismanagment and lack of support from teh top. To refer to this place a a " new GamerWeb" is an insult to Adam and Kikizo frankly.
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RE: GamerWeb
Jul 13, 2003 20:54
Ok, maybe I should clerify? the new Segaweb? heh....perhaps you guys misunderstood what I was getting at... Obviously Gamerweb is pure crap these days, and went way down hill towards the end. I was making my comparison based on the glory days of Gamerweb so to speak. I dont think its insulting.