Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10

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Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 16, 2003 05:22
JUST got back from seeing Matrix 2…

My opinion of the movie.... vastly overrated. I guess some will disagree, and that’s okay, but I didn’t think much of M2. To make it even worse, I was caught up in the hype to. I was 100% positive M2 was going to be the best sci-fi movie of this year and perhaps ever… man did I set myself up for disappointment.

My problem with the movie was that it was just way over the top. The fight scenes, while expensive, weren' t as jaw dropping as the first one. I love a good fight scene. Enjoy a great fight scene even better. But the fight scenes for M2 (while I' ll admit, had cool moments) just came off as bland and unnecessary.

Perhaps not all of them, but I could have done without half the fights in the movie, especially the end of the park fight between Neo and Agent Smith. There was just way too much CG near the end. It totally drew me out of the movie because of it. And in general, all the fights contained a little bit too much CG and not enough significance. Some audiences will come just for special effects, but I came for the storyline… again, I was disappointed.

It' s not that the story was bad; it' s the exact opposite. The story about the Matrix is really good. When they’re talking about the history of the Matrix and the consequences of choice, I was very intrigued and interested. Unfortunately it only seems to make up such a small part of M2. Aside from the last scene with the Architect and that one French guy (I can’t remember his name), none of the story really stands out in my eyes. The relationship between Neo and Trinity was way overdone (especially that softcore sex scene) and didn' t need to take up so much screen time. It was pretty well established in the first they were a couple, I would have liked the plot to advance a little bit beyond that.

Secondly, where' s the character development? Aside from Link (and the returning cast who were already developed), character development in M2 was just about nonexistent. Besides the French Guy, no one else seemed all to flesh out. Just Neo and Trinity getting it on. Everyone else was just kind of… blah.

And of course everyone will talk about the symbolic meanings in M2. But in my opinion, symbolic meaning doesn' t mean as much if the movie isn' t good, and that was my problem with M2. It strove for a lot of philosophy, but because of the overall quality of the movie I can' t help but to feel that it didn' t accomplish its goal. I' m not thinking about the philosophical meanings, I' m sitting here nitpicking instead. If they movie accomplished it’s goal of drawing me into the movie I would think more about the philosophical meanings. But since it didn’t, I don’t.

M2 was well below what I thought of the first Matrix. I must say, I didn' t *dislike* M2. I' ll go see it again. But I can' t help but to feel it could have been a lot better. And in my opinion, X-Men 2 is still the better summer blockbuster.

*****P.S. For those who don’t know, at the end of the credits there’s a preview for Matrix 3. So stay until the end of the very long credits!*****

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 16, 2003 21:14
nice review lotusson.
Was it hard to get tickets so early for such a hyped up film?
I wonder if Adam, Jennie & all other E3 goers from the UK have had a chance to see it yet. I have managed to download what looks like a brilliant copy of the film (very surprised, considering its been just over a day. it was 1.4Gb as well), but dont want to spoil the CG effects in the film by watching it on such a small monitor screen (only 17" ). I myself cant wait untill the 21st, which is the day after by Birthday (Gonna be 19 ), and half way though my 1st year university exams (which start on my birthday as well, AND what i Missed E3 for)

I' ll have to come down to london to see it as i doubt Hatfield UCI will show it before Friday (when they release their new releases). I hope I can pursuade some mates to come down (*Sigh*). Such a hard student life.
Sharan Dev Jain

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 17, 2003 05:33
I give it a 7 also. I saw it last night. I could hardly get a damn seat in the movie thearte, and the showing I saw was the only one which one wasn' t sold out.

The reason I didn' t like it too much was because the movie dragged too much. It dragged too much big time. Every five mintues there was a talking scene. and some fighting scenes were just out of place(the fight scene with the oriental. If NEo is suppose to be the one, why couldn' t he just kick the s hit out of him).
And part which pissed me off the most was that....


THat stupid underground jungle rave. WTF??????!!!!!!! I couldn' t believe they put that shit in the movie. How could they. F UCK!!!!!

I should' ve known this was gonna happen(mediocre movie). I thought the original matrix was okay, and this was not even better than the original.
< Message edited by psy -- 5/17/2003 5:34:50 AM >

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 17, 2003 11:07
Seems like Matrix Reloaded has suffered the sequal syndrome

*Wonders what Matrix Revolutions will be like*

maybe I should actually watch both the film 1st.
< Message edited by otaku -- 5/18/2003 1:49:18 PM >
Sharan Dev Jain

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 18, 2003 02:30
I peronally would give it a 9.5. The movie was amazing! Sure there were some problems but still they didn' t tend to drag down the movie unless you are extremely over picky. I was very hyped(very, very, very hyped) and the movie blew past my expectations. Yes the the story was way over the top, but wasn' t the first one whe it first came out? By the time the second one comes out people will grow used to it like the first.

The action scenes were some of the best I have ever scene. There was a lot of CG used but it just added to the overall impact of the scene. that fight with smith in the playground had my jaw on the floor the entire time. The highway scene was even more spectacular. I was getting giddy watching all the events take place.

Yes, I do have complaints. The major one is that Neo doesn' t use his powers. Well, he does, but what happened to completely messing with the program like he did at the end of the first. Sure he stopped bullets again but he should be able to erase all the agents just by thinking it. He should be able to control the thing. It' s almost like they toned it down so that he could have a struggle. I wish they would have let him use his powers more. None of those guys should have given him a problem.

The other was the rave underground. WTF? Everyoe was acting all tribal and shiz. The had freaking face paint on! It seemed so udiotic for a future, high tech race. It just really pissed me off.

The final speach with the Architect made me angry too. He kept saying how if he saved tohe humans he could choose like 4 girls and 7 guys to rebuild Zion that would be jacked from the matrix. theose people released would then rebuild zion. Why would the freaking robots allow this? Why would they kill the ones who were freed? And how the heck would a person yanked out of the matrix know how to use all the new technology. How would they learn to read the Matrix? The biggest one- How would the get down from that freaking bubble if they were released if they had no muscle and no food any where in site to give them energy?! That made no sense.

These complaints really annoyed me but the rest of the movie made it up. I was very impressed! Oh, and Persephonie... DANG! Move over Trinity, that girl was fine!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 18, 2003 10:02
Hi dudes.

Me and Jennie saw it earlier today. The effects in this film are absolutely second to none, the most mindblowing I' ve ever seen by about seventeen miles.

The only shortcoming that I could level at Matrix 2 is that it doesn' t ' finish' , instead teasing with the line ' to be concluded' (i.e. revolutions). Which is eother a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you want from a single cinema visit!

It also showed the new T3 trailer which I thought was somewhat underwhelming, but in any case I still can' t WAIT to see that film.

SPOILER: The bit where Trinity snogs Neo after he brings her back to life is a bit crap, I mean nobody that horny when they' ve just been brought back from the dead. The Neo / Trinity relationship thing is slightly weak but may have more credibility and / or significance to main plot when put into context with Revolutions.


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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 18, 2003 16:28
The trailer at the end looked really cool! Neo is satanding on a free way type thing in the rain. It is completely devoid of cars and people. Agent Smith is standing a little down the road and on the sides of the road as far as you can see are Agent Smiths standing side by side. Then the original Smith goes at it with Neo.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a ? outta 10 - May 20, 2003 20:13
The Matrix review should be up tomorrow i guess as it' s been written tonight after an exhausting e3.

I will probably watch it again on its uk release so that' s a good sign.

And the final score will be.... *drum roll*............................................. (cuts out).

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 21, 2003 11:53
My mates bought Eleven tickets to see the film at 8 tonight, and art treating me as it was my birthday yesterday and we couldnt do anything because of my exam I have in just over an hour today.

I really can' t wait.

and i' ll make sure I stay till afetr the credits!
Sharan Dev Jain

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 22, 2003 14:25

I watched the film premiere last night on London, and I was truely amazed! I really found the fight seens jaw dropping, espically the one just after meeting the oracle. Probably due to my Love of Martial Arts, and the fact that each scene used such a huge mix of the differnt Arts, from JKD to some Capoeira. The story was weaker then the first, but but still brilliant and enough to keep me intreaged.

There was one aspect of the film My friends and I were amused by, and it was the bit with the cake , when seen in clasic Matrix Mode, (with Strings of green " letters" falling down the screen.) And there were a few funny quotes as well!

And the trailler at the end really didnt help calm my excitement, I just really cant wait for it.

IMO, The Matrix Trilogy will be one of the best for along time to come.
Sharan Dev Jain

Terry Bogard
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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 25, 2003 18:05
The Matrix and Matrix Reloaded can be summed up as having to main elements:

1. Superb Special Effects... I love Keanu Reeves, he' s like one of the VERY VERY few prominent actors/actresses that I like. He has some kickazz fighting scenes in the Matrix Reloaded.. The fight against the 100+ MR. SMITHS was pretty damm good but definitely hard to buy into as Neo had a hard time just fighting against one of them. So how could he contend against more than one of them? Especially with their counts in the double digits maybe even triple digits?

The other thing that the Matrix movies consist of and seem to be their problem are the pseudo complex mind twisting dialogue throughout the movies. I follow the dialogue just fine, but that doesn' t make it great as I' ve seen MANY other people just completely lost by them. Their dialogues usually go like this:

2. " Neo, Everyone is here for a reason, a purpose. You are here for a purpose, a purpose that neither you nor I are aware of yet, but someday it will be clear to you what that purpose is as we are all here for a specific purpose. I purposely brought you here to discuss your purpose, but you purposely disregarded my summons of your presence, so now it is my purpose to reprimand you in some way, and it is your purpose to make a choice. A choice that is part of your purpose and a purpose that is your destiny. Destiny has a purpose and purpose a destiny.

But for now, it is your purpose to go see the Oracle right now. So please get out of my seat before I purposely beat your a$$."

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 26, 2003 23:33
Well I loved it, taking into consideration that this is only " half a film" it was awesome. Questions without answers and it left you wanting more OMFG I must see it again!
The flat shaded polygons are much more rounded here...

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 29, 2003 14:08
Its hard to judge how good this film actually is without seeing the third film, Revolutions. Reloaded leaves a ton of questions unanswered, as did the original Matrix. Depending on how well these questions are answered in the third film, Reloaded (in hindsight) could be outstanding or just mediocre with outstanding eye candy.

They did go a little over the top with the fight scenes, especially the Neo vs. 100 Agent Smiths scene, but they were still pretty damn cool to watch. My favorite was the highway scene, specifically the part where Morpheus is wielding a sword and a handgun at the same time.


Here' s something I don' t quite understand, that I think might be important. The Architect says something along the lines of " If I am the Father of the Matrix then she would undoubtedly be its mother." Neo suggests he is talking about the Oracle, but the Architect scoffs at this. Who is he referring to? Persephone, maybe?

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RE: Matrix 2... I give it about a 7 outta 10 - May 30, 2003 21:55
Olorin I feel the same way about that spoiler!
Sharan Dev Jain