Conspiracy Theory

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Mikey G
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Conspiracy Theory - Oct 07, 2004 01:41
For all you guys that love conspiracy stuff.

Here' s your linky
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

Regret in 2010
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 07, 2004 03:40
i never really thought about the pentagon hit. i just was thinking about the world trade centers. thats odd

Mikey G
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 07, 2004 22:26
Ya, its kinda creepy. I never really thought of it either.
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

Joe Redifer
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 07, 2004 23:07
So does anyone have any explanations of what may have hit the Pentagon if the plane did not? And why?

Mikey G
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 07, 2004 23:58
A UFO escaped from Area 51 and it flew into the pentagon, at perfect timing with the terrorist attacks...
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

Joe Redifer
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 08, 2004 00:53
So no realistic explanations?

Why would they say a bigger jet hit the Pentagon?

Why would they cover stuff like this up?


Why would the government attack the Pentagon themselves?

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 08, 2004 04:25
I just find it interesting. Kind of makes you think.

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 08, 2004 04:51
I find most conspiracy theories the products of schizo' s believing that there is always something just under the surface. Believe it or not, sometimes things happen just as they played out and happen for those reasons. To me if you want interesting look up UFO' s or ghosts, but if you want useless trash then read up on some conspiracy theories. For me there are 1,000 better things to research than this shit.
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" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

Starman Anthony
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 08, 2004 14:56
Whoa that was wierd I never thought about it like that. Where did that plane go?

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 09, 2004 00:20

For me there are 1,000 better things to research than this ***.

you' re not really researching it if you just watching a video for a few minutes, are you?

anyways, i thought it was interesting, but the real question is, why would the gov' t pay money on attacking themselves and then having to repair all the damage?

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 09, 2004 01:50
Ummm...where did I say I just watched a video?
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature:

" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 09, 2004 02:43
i never said you did. i just said watching the video is not classified as researching conspiracy theories. hey. that rhymes.

call me an idiot for just thinking this, but conspiracy is like cons and piracy put together. does piracy have anything to do with conspiracy?

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 09, 2004 07:03
There is no video being mentioned. Try thinking your thoughts through before you let your fingers continue to let you, and the rest here at Kikizo down. Your idiocy is starting to hurt my head.

And just a little side note to be even more of a bastard...nothing rhymes in those two sentences, if you want to call them that...
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature:

" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 11, 2004 01:12

There is no video being mentioned.

dumbass, did you even click on the link before you started posting on the thread? if you had clicked on the link you would have seen a VIDEO about the airplane crashing into the pentagon. therefore, i believe, there was a video being mentioned. you were just being stupid.

Starman Anthony
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 11, 2004 15:23

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 11, 2004 17:31
the Conspiracy Therory behind the Crash at the Pentagon is that is was Bush that did it. he was hated be the U.S. and needed something to make the U.S. love him, and War is always the way to make ppl love you. it makes ppl appear stronger when war is going on. the Conspiracy is that Bush sent a Fighter jet to hit the Pentagon with a missle to give the appearce of a second attack to make it look like a " Attack on the U.S." . if you care the Conspiracy goes deeper. it was the reason of getting Saddam out of power. if you think about it, why make a " War on Terrorism" if wars are a one on one thing (i mean Government against Gov.). then why the War? to make the U.S. love him AND get Saddam out of power.Why Saddam? finish Daddy work. Bush the First was fighting Saddam to a stand still and got nothing done. Here comes Bush Jr. and Saddam is evil Again! Saddam said that he had no WMD. and he did not. here is why: Saddam knew if he did have them the U.S. will be up his Butt is he did anything else. so he did not have them but Wait...........Saddam is evil again and evil can not be trusted. Some might say that is a bit much for Love from the U.S. but there is more. alot deeper. but Yoshimitsu15 does not care for this so i will stop here.

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 12, 2004 05:04

dumbass, did you even click on the link before you started posting on the thread?

Ummm, no...I have better things to do than watch bullshit videos...

If you want to get technical, my post was pertaining to MY former post about the subject. He decided to make a point about me not watching a video and to me there was no video. With that being said, if the great Johan Shoemaker has nothing else to add he can politely sit down and shut the fuck up. You had better hope that you never ever make a mistake at these forums or I will tear you a new asshole each and every time...

And might I add...does anyone find it ironic that someone who can' t even use capitalization calls someone else stupid? Not as observant as I should have been? Yes, stupid no...I reserve that title for a few people here at Kikizo.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature:

" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

Mikey G
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 13, 2004 21:10

Ummm, no...I have better things to do than watch bull*** videos...

If you want to get technical, my post was pertaining to MY former post about the subject. He decided to make a point about me not watching a video and to me there was no video. With that being said, if the great Johan Shoemaker has nothing else to add he can politely sit down and shut the *** up. You had better hope that you never ever make a mistake at these forums or I will tear you a new asshole each and every time...

And might I add...does anyone find it ironic that someone who can' t even use capitalization calls someone else stupid? Not as observant as I should have been? Yes, stupid no...I reserve that title for a few people here at Kikizo.

Did you HAVE to say that?...Seriously though, you are a mean person...a lot of your posts (including ones in here) are not really nice and toatally unnecessary...Go ahead and respond back to me in a way that " flames" me if you have to...
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

Regret in 2010
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 14, 2004 02:48

does anyone find it ironic that someone who can' t even use capitalization calls someone else stupid?

ok, seriously, youre running out of good insults here. youre fighting a losing battle, but youre too arrogant to admit the fact. just shut your mouth before you embarass yourself. oh, wait, you just did. besides, you come barging in this thread thinking your opinion is the best one, trying to rack up your post #, i dont know, and insult a few decent people that just bring up an interesting subject in the process.

do me a favor, yoshi, and look over your previous posts in this thread. read them very carefully, think about their purpose and how they contribute to this thread, and then you can post your reply to me. do all the stupid flames that you want to me, i dont care. but just make sure the reply is emailed to me or something other then posted on this thread, because youre -- what was it -- " letting yourself, and all of kikizo, down."

my email address is

im sorry, mikey g, but you can use that email address, too, and yell at me for having a part in ruining your thread. it was a good topic, too, except some jackass had to post some stupid crap on it, and it pissed me off.

In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature:

" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

ha. residential dumbass. i like that.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 14, 2004 03:56
On that note, though, why AREN' T you able to properly capitalize and punctuate your missives? It really does help people take you more seriously. When I see people writing in all lowercase, spelling " you" as " u" and spelling " aren' t" as " arent" it makes me think the person writing the stuff must be less than 8 years old. Seriously.

EDIT: This applies to everyone who does this, not just you.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 10/14/2004 3:57:58 AM >

Mikey G
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 14, 2004 23:25

im sorry, mikey g, but you can use that email address, too, and yell at me for having a part in ruining your thread. it was a good topic, too, except some jackass had to post some stupid crap on it, and it pissed me off.


Ha-ha.. I' m just messin' with ya' .
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 15, 2004 05:40

Did you HAVE to say that?...Seriously though, you are a mean person...a lot of your posts (including ones in here) are not really nice and toatally unnecessary...Go ahead and respond back to me in a way that " flames" me if you have to...

Let' s start with your reply Mikey G first. Who exactly are you sticking up for? If it' s Mister Jonny then I can see where you are coming from. I' ll be the first to admit that I let him have it in this thread partly because of another thread, and partly because of the annoyance factor of someone such as him/her.

As for being mean...I guess I am. I' m sorry that I don' t blow sunshine up everyone' s asses everytime someone makes a post. It' s people like me that make a forum interesting. If we all got along with everyone and agreed about everything eventually this forum would die out. While I don' t particularly agree with Karl Marx' s views on the social aspects of the real world, I think it applies a little more on forums.

With that being said, all I' ve got to say is: Peace, love, and if that' s not good enough you can go to hell. Don' t like me...tough, I' m here until I' m either banned or I leave on my own free will. Hell, half the people here that are complaining about me haven' t been here for more than a few months.

Jonah: I' m glad someone' s taken the high road...thank you for presenting me the option of emailing you my responses so no one else can read them. Let' s not forget, out of the two of us, which one attacked the other first...As far as I' m concerned you only have 3 options;

A) Leave
B) Put me on ignore
C) Keep trying the whole high road argument or whatever

; because until the admin starts telling me to email what I think about your posts I am not going to back down.

Joe: Same thing for me...when I read all the jumbled up posts that some members type up I can literally hear an 8 year old slowly going through the process of writing it in my mind. It' s not like it takes some outrageous amount of time either. It' s just something that people have to adapt to.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature:

" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

Mikey G
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 20, 2004 00:39

It' s people like me that make a forum interesting.

Wow... can I have some sunshine up my ass?...Please!

" Life' s a garden, dig it."

Mikey G
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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 20, 2004 00:41

I can literally hear an 8 year old slowly going through the process of writing it in my mind.

Just read that. lol
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 20, 2004 02:51

Wow... can I have some sunshine up my ass?...Please!

No problem...Mikey G you are the best poster here at the forums. Your opinions on everything ROCK! If only everyone in the forums could be like you...this place would rock...HARD!

Enough for you?

And as for your last post. I can see where you would think it doesn' t make since. The " it" I was referring to was the posts that were written horribly. Out of curiousity...what is so funny?
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature:

" by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." -Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass

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RE: Conspiracy Theory - Oct 21, 2004 02:22
Very interesting.