This test crash is CRAZY!

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Mikey G
  • Total Posts : 70
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This test crash is CRAZY! - Oct 04, 2004 21:28
< Message edited by mikey g -- 10/4/2004 9:29:40 PM >
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

Mikey G
  • Total Posts : 70
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  • Location: Ohio, US of A
RE: This test crash is CRAZY! - Oct 04, 2004 21:41
woops, could a mod please move this to the Off-topic forum. Thank you.
" Life' s a garden, dig it."

Joe Redifer
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RE: This test crash is CRAZY! - Oct 04, 2004 21:57
That' s really cool. They should sell the atomized plane dust on eBay!