Presidential Debate...

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Presidential Debate... - Sep 30, 2004 12:48
Anyone gonna be watchin the debate tonight? being the political junky that i am, i will most certainly be its by far one of the most important aspects of campaigns these days. so yeah...just wonderin who' ll be tuned into good old fox news tonight...they' re the only ones broadcasting it....


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RE: Presidential Debate... - Sep 30, 2004 12:51
I heard that it won' t even really be a debate. The candidates won' t be able to address each other, just present how they are going to handle this issue and that issue.
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Sep 30, 2004 14:17
I just want to see what new words Bush will make up...

And, I want to see if Kerry is still orange...

Can you call it a debate, when both candidates are sorry a** representatives for their respective parties?

Where' s Colin Powell? Now, there' s a REAL candidate?
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Sep 30, 2004 14:21
regardless of how you feel....unless you' re going 3rd party...this is who we have to go with. so i think these things are important. and no matter what was agreed up on bw the campaigns as far as rules...its still a debate. cmon now. it' ll be good fun. im sure fox will have good analysis too we should all be able to get something from it. i just think its important

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RE: Presidential Debate... - Sep 30, 2004 21:48
I' ll definately be watching it...but Kerry' s gonna have to do heavens to change my mind.

i have 3 televisions at home so i can tune in to 3 channels at a time...but i' ll be watching Fox mainly...just like Xtreme...CBS and NBC will be my back-up alternatives.
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 01, 2004 02:21
I' m watching the debate right now...

Bush is doing a lot of fumbling for words, stroking the same subject matter (over and over), and is having difficulty defending his positions and/or decisions.

Kerry is well composed, ready for battle, and definitely on the attack!

Based upon this debate, I favor Kerry.

We' ll see what happens in the next debate(s)...
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 01, 2004 02:46
From what Ive seen thus far Bush looks like a 6th grade school kid giving a report in front of the class " I am gonna uhhh....we need to ummm....This will be about Uhhh UMMM UHUHMUM"

No matter who you going for, you really can' t deny that Bush looked very ill prepared whereas Kerry seemed a bit more prepared.

As I said before tho...They both a buncha dumbasses...

However based on presentation I may go with Kerry for this debate.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 10/1/2004 2:47:40 AM >

Joe Redifer
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 01, 2004 05:41
It was only on FOX? What the hell? It was on ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS as well (I did not check FOX). They all presented it without interruption so no network could have any bias on the results that we see.

Anyway I think Kerry clearly presented himself better. His position on Iraq seems pretty solid. One thing Bush mentioned a lot was that the commander in chief can' t go around saying we are in the war for the wrong reason, etc. He' s right... It' d be BAD NEWS if he said that. But it' s not John Kerry' s war and I think the world knows that, so I don' t think the effect would be as bad if he said it (and he is). It was also interesting when Kerry pointed out that there were several hostile countries with nuclear capabilities but we chose to go to Iraq of all places.

And Kerry supports stem cell research, which is really important. Next thing you know Bush will say we can' t use cadavers for medical science as well.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 01, 2004 05:44
Damm I should have posted this here, lol..

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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 01, 2004 13:50
So everyone thinks Kerry came out looking the better? Apparently there are two more debates. I' m glad I don' t have to vote for one or the other but if I did live in the US Kerry would probably get my vote.

As it stands with the UK elections Blair is doomed I think. He' s making enemies left, right and centre. Even though I agree with him banning hunting there’s a load of people who don' t. Couple that with the fact he supported a war the majority of the country didn' t want and he' s looking rather doomed.

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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 01, 2004 18:50
whatabout_paul ,

A lot of Americans are disgusted with Bush as appears that Bush can not explain why the U.S. went after Iraq, when N. Korea and Iran are preparing to build nukes.

I don' t blame Bush...I wouldn' t be able to explain how I totally fu**ed up either... well, I might have trouble facing up to it, but I would - because it' s the right thing to do..even if it meant my career. Bush appears to believe that he should never back down - even if he' s wrong!

Blaire went along with Bush, so they' re both in the same mess...the way it should be, I guess. People are getting tired of being told what to do and when to do it Americans, British, N. Koreans, Iraqis, or Afghans...

America and the UK have no business policing the world...if the U.N. won' t help, then find another way or stop interfering in other countrys' business.

None of this would have happened, if people with both the knowledge concerning nuclear weapons/energy/biological agents, and the authority to use this knowledge, would have kept this knowledge within responsible countries...but, nooooooooo! Greedy bast**ds have to sell the knowledge, so we all now have to give up family members and friends who are killed in battles/wars that could have been avoided if a more responsible leadership had just paid attention!

We need new leadership in America, and Kerry is the only one who can bring about any changes from the current dismal state we' re in...thanks to Bush!!!
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 02, 2004 00:21
I really don' t see how everyone thinks Kerry " won" this debate. I actually think Bush kicked his @$$. I did notice Bush having problems with his words, he stumbled a bit, but that happens to everyone. I also was pretty much on the floor laughing at Bush' s expresions. He looked hilarious. It seems people make that out to be that he wasn' t as well composed as Kerry. I think Bush was just getting annoyed by the BS that seemed to be dripping out of KErry' s mouth the whole debate.

Now I do have to give credit, he put up a valiant effort and yes he did try to stay on the offensive and kept up a pretty good fight. He was flip flopping again though. He kept talking about how Bush wasn' t giving enough supplies to the troops when he was the one that voted against the $87 million for the troops. He also kept saying the war was wrong but he voted for it, and said Saddam was an immanent threat(but now disagrees). He also blamed things on Bush that took place before Bush came into office. Then as a complete dick he tells the soldiers " Help is on the way" . This was one of those points where I was on the floor laughing at Bush' s facial reaction. How can you tell the most powerful military force in the wold help is on the way? They are the help.

Kerry also is now contradicting with what he said about pulling our troops out. Since Bush said he was staying until he was finished Kerry also said that rather than his statement about pulling out in 6 months. While Kerry was going back and forth on every subject Bush kept putting the same message forth- We need to protect our country at all costs. It seems everyone makes this out to be Bush running out of words. It' s not him having a lack of what to say, it' s the entire point and he was just hammering it home.

I also like Kerry' s answer to the question was going into Iraq worth it- " Well that depends... " . Uh, So if we win does that mean he' s going to change his view on the entire war again? Will he say he supported it all along? He really needs to fricken make up his mind on these things. I don' t want a President that seems to change sides on issues every other day.

He also failed to outline his plan on how he was going to approach the war in Iraq. When asked to explain what exactly he was going to do he said he wouldn' t explain exactly what he was going to do. What a way to answer the question.

The Best part of the entire debate though-

LEHRER: " New question, Mr. President, two minutes.

Do you believe the election of Senator Kerry on November the 2nd would increase the chances of the U.S. being hit by another 9/11-type terrorist attack?"

BUSH: " No, I don' t believe it' s going to happen. I believe I' m going to win"

LMFAO!!! Kerry was pwned(yes pwned) in the face with that one. I think the debate was just a comedic act overall. I was laughing most for most of it.
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 02, 2004 00:59
I think that no matter who you support, you' ll come away from the debates thinking your candidate did the better job. If the debates actually sway anyone who favored another candidate, I' d be surprised. It' s the people who aren' t sure yet which will be influenced the most, if they even watch the debates.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 02, 2004 01:00

I think that no matter who you support, you' ll come away from the debates thinking your candidate did the better job. If the debates actually sway anyone who favored another candidate, I' d be surprised. It' s the people who aren' t sure yet which will be influenced the most, if they even watch the debates.

A great explanation that can also be applied to the Console wars ;)

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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 02, 2004 02:12
I think Joe is right...

This debate was more for the undecided to get a better look at the candidates, so they could finally choose (or have a better idea) the one they like enough to vote for in November.

Most of the post-debate polls taken from the ' undecided' group show Kerry is favored...
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 02, 2004 03:54
uh huh...but the poll also points out: the increase of votes after the debate for Bush went from 50% to 51% and that the increase of votes after the debate for Kerry wasn' t much different, wasn' t different at all, it was an increase of 1% (in the high 40' s, I forgot).
I think Kerry didn' t fumble what he had to say because he went to law school, and lawyers tend to have a big mouth. Now, Bush is a cowboy, what kind of language do you expect from a cowboy? something like yesterday' s speeches right? I don' t like it when some folks are too serious and little entertainment. Bush could' ve majored in comedy but he also had the talent to be president. I actually liked watching Bush on the screen making funny expressions...he just seems more likable. But..hehe...I didn' t take it seriously like Rampage99 to a point where I would laugh the whole time . Also, most of you wouldn' t have seen Bush so fumbly in his stand had networks not break policies in showing split-screens.

" wrong war, wrong time, wrong place?" I find that also to be contradicting. Yet, as president, Kerry would " kill the terrorists wherever they are" , how are you going to do that? By pulling away from wars? Oooh, I see... he' s gonna pull troops back and expect to kill terrorists...what a MarVelOuS plan!!! So, if fighting against terrorists is wrong, then he' s going to kill them how? And...he' s gonna support troops with armor by denying them armor?

Kerry was simply trying to avoid looking like a flip-flopper on stage by being straightforward, Bush didn' t have to be afraid of that.

Now, here' s a mistake from both of them. Kerry mentioned $200 billion going to waste on was only $119 billion. Bush mentioned 100,000 troops trained and ready for combat at the moment...White House report says it is 50,000.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 02, 2004 07:02
I never heard Kerry say that fighting terrorists was wrong. He said that Saddam was a threat and needed to be taken out, but the way we did it was a mistake. Republicans will see that and say " OMG Kerry is teh flip flopper OMGOMG I hope Bush burnz him alive Bush is cool he is teh cowboy!" There were/are other countries that were/are WAY more of a threat to the world and America than Iraq was at the time of our invasion, but we invaded Iraq of all places anyway.

Also, Kerry was the one that said family members of troops are buying the proper armor off of eBay to send it to them.

Bush said in the debate that he hopes to resolve the Korea conflict with proper talks, etc. He also said that he' s never heard of a war being averted due such talks and also said that we must always be on the offensive. Yes, Bush is teh flip-flopper. OMG OMG!

I wish they would drop the flip-flopper crap because I am sick of hearing it. It' s NOT going to change the way ANYONE votes. Same thing goes for Kerry' s Vietnam crap. I don' t care if George is a pussy and couldn' t remain in the Guard, drop it already!

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RE: Presidential Debate... - Oct 02, 2004 17:29
Kerry won the debate plain and simple. How do I know this considering I didn' t watch the debate? The next night I was listening to a very, very conservative talk radio station and one of their most hardcore republican hosts was almost depressed. He said Bush has to be more of the President and called Kerry the Alpha Male and Bush the Beta Male. I was shocked to hear it from this guy because for as long as I' ve listened to him I' ve never heard him say anything like that.

Oh, and the best line from the debate would have to be:

" The only thing Kerry is consistent about is being inconsistent" -Bush
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