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Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 07, 2008 06:22
Someone played a 100% accuracy on Expert, Through the Fire and the Flames" by Dragonforce. My eyes can' t see the notes much less connect with my touch senses to do that so damn good. He gets the nod on this. Here is the article from 1up " Through the Fire and the Flames" by Dragonforce is pretty well accepted as the hardest song on Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, if not the hardest song ever to be featured in the series altogether. Few can complete the song on the Expert difficulty setting, and the idea of beating it without any mistakes seems ludicrous to even imagine. Yet someone has pulled off a flawless 100% on the song, and his name is Chris Chike. Chike already held the current Guinness world record for highest score on Guitar Hero with 840,647 points. As you can watch in the video above, Chike plays the Dragonforce song and smashes his previous record with a mind-boggling score of 987,786 points from a 3,722-note streak. Chike commented on his accomplishment: " I was almost in shock when I finished the song and had hit the 100% -- I am so glad I caught it on video or even I wouldn' t have believed it happened. It feels great to have accomplished it, and it is exciting to see so many people online watching me get a perfect score on the hardest song in the game."
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 07, 2008 07:23
both a winner and a loser at the same time
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 07, 2008 10:13
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 07, 2008 10:49
ZOMG, I am 1337 at fake guitar!
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 07, 2008 11:59
ZOMG, I am 1337 at fake guitar! Lol Hell yeah. I cold as well on the fake guitar. lol Funny as hell immortaldanmx
Agent Ghost
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 07, 2008 12:16
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 07, 2008 15:32
And he just happened to be video' ing himself ' playing' the game. A video might I add that doesn' t show him playing the notes, or lifting the guitar to get the ' Star Power' ? Also the ' Strumming' at times is not in sync with the notes being played. It used to be a case that you had an independant withness to record attempts (someone from guinness world records.) To verify such things, but submitting a video where it doesn' t show you actually doing it just the screen is a bit suspect to me cynical I don' t care, but that' s how I feel on the matter.
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 07, 2008 16:05
Jesus, this forum is so full of cynical fucks. It is an accomplishment, playing like that, is not something you can just do, it takes a lot of practice, hell, i wish i played half that good in hard difficulty. He may get a lot of pussy, but it most certainly isn' t over Guitar Hero. My hat off to you, sir.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 07, 2008 16:05
It' s possible. People do record themselves playing while they try to beat a high score. I' ve recorded some Geometry Wars sessions and I' m hardly a world class player. A few times I managed to record myself beating my personal high score.
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 08, 2008 09:27
Lol Hell yeah. I cold as well on the fake guitar. lol Funny as hell immortaldanmx
That plastic is freezing cold right.  I kid, I kid. Jesus, this forum is so full of cynical fucks. It is an accomplishment, playing like that, is not something you can just do, it takes a lot of practice, hell, i wish i played half that good in hard difficulty.
This forum is full of people who realize that just because a guy can play all the notes on a fake guitar that a guy can do a real guitar really isn' t that impressive. Pathetic really.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 08, 2008 11:25
Forget about the fact that it' s a " fake guitar" . The guy demonstrated godly reflexes by hitting a billion correct button presses in rapid succession wihtout a single mistake. The fact that the game takes the appearence of a guitar is irrelevant. Also, how do we know he sucks with a real guitar, not that it matters at all?
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 08, 2008 13:39
Forget about the fact that it' s a " fake guitar" . The guy demonstrated godly reflexes by hitting a billion correct button presses in rapid succession wihtout a single mistake. The fact that the game takes the appearence of a guitar is irrelevant. Also, how do we know he sucks with a real guitar, not that it matters at all?
I don' t think anyone said he did suck at a real guitar. I just said why waste your time playing one thats less functional than a real one. Sure the reflexes are great, and I' m not trying to bring the guy down on what he did, sure hes impressive. I' ve played the song on guitar hero and I can only get like 70% on hard. I just think people put too much into guitar hero.
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 08, 2008 21:51
The fact that it' s not a real guitar doesn' t detract from the fact that that was something very hard to accomplish, regardless of real guitar skill, or amount of pussy he gets. And: This forum is full of people who realize that just because a guy can play all the notes on a fake guitar that a guy can do a real guitar really isn' t that impressive. Pathetic really. This is a forum about videogame discussion, he did something hard to do in a VG, the need to refer to real guitars is odd.
< Message edited by killemoff -- 8 Jul 08 13:52:20 >
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 09, 2008 00:02
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw I don' t think anyone said he did suck at a real guitar. I just said why waste your time playing one thats less functional than a real one. Sure the reflexes are great, and I' m not trying to bring the guy down on what he did, sure hes impressive. I' ve played the song on guitar hero and I can only get like 70% on hard. I just think people put too much into guitar hero. The same could be said for just about any game. You beat Ninja Gaiden on Master Ninja? Pssh... go be a real ninja. You' re one of the top ranked people online in CoD4, Halo3, UT, etc...? Please... go fight a real war. Awesome at sports games? Go play it in real life. Collected all the stars in Mario Galaxy? Do some shrooms and accomplish the same thing in... ' real life' (I have no idea what happens when you do shrooms or any type of drug for that matter, I' m just going of the joke of Mario eating shrooms and crap). Geometry Wars? Do some real geometry. What he did was a great accomplishment for a videogame. He did something no one else has been able to do. It deserves just as much respect as any other gaming feat. It' s funny how people can dismiss this while at the same time give praise to the guy that beats Mario in like 8 minutes (or whatever time it was).
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Guinness World Record - Guitar Hero III
Jul 09, 2008 03:18
It' s funny how people can dismiss this while at the same time give praise to the guy that beats Mario in like 8 minutes (or whatever time it was).
Someone beat Mario in 8 min?