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Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
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Ginger Atrocity
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Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 02:19
At some point you’ll just have to trust us on some of this stuff. We have to protect our sources to keep them from being fragged by their employers or associates. A very good and anonymous source tells us that Halo 4 is already in full development over at Bungie. I wish to God She/He/It had more details to share but at this point all She/He/It can confirm for sure is that Halo 4 is an official project being developed by Bungie, at this very moment. With more than 20 million copies of Halo 3 sold worldwide, I know it’s a no-brainer that the series would continue somehow. It’s nice to get this sort of reassurance from a source who has never been wrong for us before. If we get more details, we’ll share them. If She/He/It is wrong… They’ll be quietly disposed of. Via SarcasticGamer
Ninja Dog
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RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 02:41
Meh. How about, if he/she/it is wrong, they get namecalled on the site. That' ll be some sort of compensation for being known for eternity as the gaming resource that makes stuff up. Not that I' m saying this is false. Unlikely, yes, but you know. Staying neutral here. Halo isn' t really my thing anyway. ;D
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RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 03:07
If I' m not mistaken, Sarcastic Gamer is rarely ever wrong. It didn' t really surprise me until it said that it was being made by Bungie. I was expecting Halo 4 to be made by someone else. I guess we' ll see at E3.
The Mega Cartridge
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RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 03:17
If Bungie is developing Halo 4, that would seem to me to be like a wild animal being let out of a cage, and then just staying inside it.
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RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 04:41
I doubt Halo 4 will be officially announced before Gears 2 is released.
Vx Chemical
Winner! DEC 2005
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RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 05:02
If Bungie is developing Halo 4, that would seem to me to be like a wild animal being let out of a cage, and then just staying inside it. Maybe they are doing a half and half, half wokring on a halo, half working on something else
Ginger Atrocity
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 05:16
There' s next to no chance of a canonical Halo game announcement at E3. The hype train is going to fixed squarely on Halo Wars, and Gears of War 2.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 4 Jul 08 22:05:10 >
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RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 07:35
I really hope that they don' t do Halo 4.....Reason for this, where do they fit this into the storyline of the series? Prequel? That' s what Halo Wars is for. Unless it is going to follow the 6th Novel? I would prefer a completely new game from Bungie, just so that they can show the industry they are not a 1 trick pony.
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RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 12:22
I would prefer a completely new game from Bungie, just so that they can show the industry they are not a 1 trick pony.
They are a one trick pony. I want Halo 4, but not any time soon. I' d rather have a well thought out Halo, not Halo 3.5. Preferably on the next console.
Winner! SEP 2005
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RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 16:02
They need to take this pony out to pasture.
Trivia King
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RE: Source: Halo 4 Already In Development
Jul 04, 2008 16:39
They did leave the end of Halo3 open for something, and 3 was always said by Bungie as the end of the story arc not the end of the story. Expect some half-baked plot of MC and Cortana finding some new alien invaders that threaten earth blah blah.
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