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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 02:04
You' re playing on easy, which is easier than Ninja Dog in Black/Sigma. I couldn' t believe how many times you died in the first chapter Hey, hey, to be fair I myself have only died a few times against the boss in Hayabusa Village, and now atop the Statue of Liberty in New York. The rest of the dying has been done by my wife who thinks that this is the best game she has ever played. It' s actually quite funny watching her. You can see how she is so used to her Wii because she keeps turning the control left and right, up and down, and she bounces herself up and down on the couch while she plays (insert dirty comment here). Unlike myself though, she doesn' t seem to care how many times she dies, she just keeps plugging away. Anyway back to the topic at hand. I really haven' t noticed any slowdown yet, but like you said that maybe because I am not far enough into the game, and I still say that the camera so far hasn' t been a problem at all. It is however, one of the most frustrating games I have ever played because the boss I am on right now grabs me, hits me a few hundred times, slams me on the ground a few more times, and then tosses me away like a child, all without my being able to do anything about it.
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 02:07
The game sucks compared to NG. The bosses are idiotic, im at the snake thing in the subway, i get to hit it with 3-4 arrows, and it just sends those homing heads after me till im dead.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 02:51
This game is the worst piece of shit ever made! The camera is stupid, the bosses require more luck than skill. This is a return, im not sure ill bother completing it. It' s as dumb as Assasins Creed.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 03:11
Now I am glad i listened to majik and saved up for Bad company rather than buying NG II ..
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 04:19
Now lets not bring good games into this topic.. Assassins gets undue hate!
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 04:55
so yeah I just made it to chapter 11 in path of a warrior. This level is insanely hard I just lost more than 5 times. The problem is that they all gang up on you and the ninjas start shooting some things that explode on you. This is my favorite chapter because I like fighting the white ninjas. They were also my favorite in the first ninja gaiden. I don' t think the game is bad it does have some seriously slowdown in some chapter. and the camera is not perfect. But the bad camera doesn' t bother me much. I still think the gameplay is amazing. The only thing I have to complaint about is the story and the cheap ending.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 05:25
This game is for real men. Hands up for those that have unlocked Mentor?
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 05:35
The gameplay outside boss battles is good, but boss battles are frustrating for little reason. When a game is about luck im out, I cant even win money. Bad cut scenes, laughable story, frustrating gameplay... hmmmm
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 06:06
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical The gameplay outside boss battles is good, but boss battles are frustrating for little reason. When a game is about luck im out, I cant even win money. Bad cut scenes, laughable story, frustrating gameplay... hmmmm What difficulty are you playing the game on? and how far did you made it to? I finish the game on the easier difficulty and now I am on path of a warrior difficulty. So far I made it to chapter 11 and this chapter is so hard that I keep loosing all the time. I do agreed with you some boss battles are frustrating. Path of a warrior is even harder than ninja gaiden sigma or black. If I can finish this game on this difficulty that I am playing now. it would be my biggest accomplishment in gaming.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 06:22
im at level 3, i know i can beat the game, but when it comes to luck or skill, id rather not play a all
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 06:42
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical im at level 3, i know i can beat the game, but when it comes to luck or skill, id rather not play a all your only on chapter 3 and already giving up? I know how it feels when you keep loosing alot it makes the game impossible at times. But you have to keep trying until your skills keep getting better. When I first play ninja gaiden for the xbox I thought I would never beat the game and I never give up and I kept trying all the time and I was able to finish the game. It was a big accomplishment for me.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 10:01
Woo Hoo! I just unlock mentor. I still can' t believe I was able to beat the game on normal. I feel like a million dollars. lol
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 16:18
your only on chapter 3 and already giving up? I know how it feels when you keep loosing alot it makes the game impossible at times. But you have to keep trying until your skills keep getting better. When I first play ninja gaiden for the xbox I thought I would never beat the game and I never give up and I kept trying all the time and I was able to finish the game. It was a big accomplishment for me. I know what you mean, but the accomplishment sorta goes away when its not about skill! Ofcourse it can be completed, i dont doubt that, the bosses are so cheasy, and with the story being lame and cutscenes being bad what is there to keep me going? It feels more like a chore than World of Warcraft
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 17:22
ORIGINAL: Tiz This game is for real men. Hands up for those that have unlocked Mentor? I' ve been too busy playing Metal Gear Solid 4 - y' know, a real sequel NGII isn' t a bad game, but i swear Itagaki sabotaged it in light of his impending departure. It' s nowhere near as optimized as previous Team Ninja games. I mean seriously, an inconsistent framerate, a terrible camera, untackled bugs and glitches, rediculously cheap enemies and bosses... it' s not that it' s just hard, it' s just ucking stupid at times. I love Ninja Gaiden and i love Dead or Alive, but some of the stuff in Ninja Gaiden 2 is simply unacceptible. The opening level is the best part of the game. The weapons and new moves are killer and some of the new enemy types own, as does much of the art direction... but it' s a heavily flawed game.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 17:40
I got lucky with the 3rd boss! He barely attacked me while i layed arrows into him. How dumb.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 18:14
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical I got lucky with the 3rd boss! He barely attacked me while i layed arrows into him. How dumb. The train worm thing is easy. You just shoot charged arrows into his face and then attack his when he rolls over. The rest of the bosses are dumb.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 23:06
how many chapters?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 11, 2008 23:16
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 12, 2008 04:52
i just got the full game and i played most of the first chapter, , reading your comments guys make me not want to play it anymore, i hate to be frustrated by a game because of its flaws, i can already see the stupid camera, it' s a disaster , and technicaly the game is not bright. i can expect a lame story from team ninja ... i might go back to Grid , a fantastic racing game... one more thing, God of war 2 walks all over gaiden ass.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 12, 2008 05:23
I wish i could play God of War :( i im at the Thunder Fiend boss at the statue of liberty. his attacks are annoying, especially the ligtning, it seems like i cant avoid getting hit! i want more ressurection things.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 12, 2008 05:25
I' m thinking after reading all this stuff I' m going to pass on buying the game. May borrow it from my friend but it' s not sounding like a good purchase.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Ninja Gaiden 2 demo up!!!
Jun 12, 2008 05:58
i im at the Thunder Fiend boss at the statue of liberty. his attacks are annoying, especially the ligtning, it seems like i cant avoid getting hit! i want more ressurection things. You are at the same boss I am on, and I just can' t beat him no matter what I try to do. This is very frustrating considering the fact that I am really enjoying this game.
Most wanted games: Mass Effect Assasins Creed Crysis Little Big Planet Drakes Fortune UTIII Kane and Lynch Heavy Rain Alan Wake