OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!!

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OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 24, 2004 02:36
I got this from the XBOX365 website...I can' t believe what I read... OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!

Here is one of many transcripts the interview:
Click here.

Basically, he claims he has documents implicating Bush & friends knew this was happening, and actually ordered this event into reality. He has 400 plaintifs including over a hundred 9-11 victims families. Suing for 7 billion.

His claims line up with ' official' releases as well.

If his case is actually done(extremely doubtful a real process will happen for this). The truth will come out through documents that are private, and unreleased right now, will have to be public as this is a lawsuit questioning them. Some of the documents unreleased he claims to have, show the alleged highjackers were actually on the payroll of the FBI. And double agents being used to infiltrate Arab groups in America.

A few snips:

" We have evidence both documentary as well as witness sworn statements from undercover former FBI agents, FBI informants, etc., that other officials in the Pentagon and the military and the Air Force that deal with the fact that there were many drills, many rehearsals for 9/11 before it happened."

" The reason why he appeared to be uninterested and nonchalant on September 11th - when those videos showed that Andrew Card whispered in his ear the [garbled] words about this he listened to kids reading the pet goat story, is that he thought this was another rehearsal."

" In fact, he even made a Freudian slip a few months later at a California press conference when he said he had, quote, " seen on television the first plane attack the first tower." And that could not be possible because there was no video. What it was was the simulated video that he had gone over."

" Absolutely and now it has come out - five separate drills of flying hijacked jets into buildings that morning - which you told us about before it even broke in the Associated Press. They were trying to get out ahead of you. You talked about how you interviewed military people who were told it was a drill that morning."

" It has even come out in mainstream news, a piece here, a piece there. They had drills on 9/11, that' s why NORAD stood down. Cheney was in control of the whole thing. Stanley Hilton has now gotten documents about how Bush ordered the whole operation. And I' ll tell you right now, his life is in danger, folks."

" Files were stolen. Files dealing with this particular case and particularly with the documents I had regarding the fact that the - some of these hijackers, at least some of them were on the payroll of the U.S. government as undercover FBI, CIA, double agents. They are spying on Arab groups in the U.S."

" And now Mayor Giuliani, a few months ago in the 911 Commission, admitted that - Tripod II. They had their whole command post already moved out of Building 7. Now, this is very, very important. This is a key area of this whole event. You said months before it came out on the CIA' s own website and the Associated Press, you said I deposed people. They said there were drills that morning and exactly what happened, happening - that was the smoke-screen for the stand-down. And then to get out ahead of it, the CIA comes out and said yeah we were running a drill that morning. Now, we' ve learned that five, possibly six, were confirmed."

" Well, I mean look, they say they never heard of a plan to fly planes into buildings - said it all over television - Rice, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft. And then we find out they were running all these drills that morning. Even if they weren' t involved, that proves they were liars about ever hearing of such a plan."

" All right, now people ask how could a huge organization, how could the AWACs, how could the military let this happen; whereas before, if your Cessna got off course for five minutes, they would launch F-16s on you."

" Well they are going to admit it, they' re going to release it in the court case because if you demand it under subpoena powers and they must release it. And part of our lawsuit is brought in the name of the U.S. because under the federal fraudulent [Claims Act], we accuse the Bush Administration of presenting a fraudulent claim to Congress. And under the statutes of Title 31 of the U.S. code, they must release this information. That' s why they are trying to threaten me, harass me, invade my office, steal my files, commit blatant obstruction of justice and other crimes to try and prevent a legitimate civil suit from exposing these criminals and their acts of treason and mass murder."

AJ: " I think you need to publicly tell folks that you are not planning suicide. Would you like to tell folks that?"

SH: (laughs) " I' m not planning suicide. I' ve got family and I' m not planning that but I don' t like the threats I' m under - but I can tell you this, it' s taking a toll emotionally on me and my staff. And particularly, when you get a threat from the chief judge of your own court."

[ September 23, 2004, 07:34: Message edited by: Evolution [BP] ]
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Joe Redifer
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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 24, 2004 19:05
Would it perhaps be possible to get a summary? Since I am extremely lazy, I don' t like to read individual posts that make me scroll. It sounds evil and obviously involves the Xbox. That' s all I know.

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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 24, 2004 19:43
In short, President Bush (and at least one security agency) allegedly ordered the 9-11 hi-jackings, and was also allegedly part of the planning process. That security agency I mentioned allegedly hired the hi-jackers for Bush to perform the task.

According to the article, Bush is being sued by one of his closest co-workers and the families of many of the 9-11 victims.

Of course Bush denies everything, but documentation, along with a few slips on Bush' s part, allege that he was involved prior to 9-11.

For more in-depth information, you' re gonna have to read the article yourself, Joe.

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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 24, 2004 21:17
yea, i' m lazy too, what does this have to do with the Xbox? Must be a game like Fable where you can change the past ...
Games I want: Starcraft: Ghost (went to gamestop and saw it on the shelf labeled " coming soon, reserve your copy today"
Halo 2

Joe Redifer
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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 24, 2004 23:28
The Xbox is mentioned at the top of his post, so it clearly has everything to do with the Xbox. If you have an Xbox, you are a traitor. Also, if you disagree with Republicans in ANY WAY, you are a traitor.

This is a decent conspiracy theory. I don' t know how you could " hire" people to kill themselves, though. Do they get time and a half for overtime? Do they get taxes deducted? What kind of vacation and insurance benefits do they offer? Oh wait... they aren' t even around to enjoy their money!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 9/24/2004 11:30:15 PM >

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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 25, 2004 00:18

Look at some of the other stories they' ve got going there. They are called conspiracy theories for a reason. The website is obviously in affiliation with Jeff Rense, a liberal radio show host. I mean, it' s nice to see there are some liberal broadcasters out there other than Janeane Garofolo, but this guy seems to be just as nutty. Looks like a cross between Bill O' Reilly and Art Bell...

Do I believe this was put in motion by our However, I do believe that knowledge of possible attacks on our country in such a fashion were known before 9/11. I didn' t make it through the article, and your excerpts helped. One thing that I' ve always thought about is why people give Bush such a hard time because he didn' t jump up and run when he heard that a plane had crashed into the WTC. That doesn' t mean he thought it was a drill, nor does it mean that he wasn' t suprised...most likely it means that a man doesn' t want to worry a whole lot of people by running out on those kids. I believe that if he had reacted to the man whispering in the ear we would have heard some of the same stuff, just with different spins on them.
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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 25, 2004 00:43
I have heard theories like this before. I think it is more food for thought than fact. It is an interesting concept to consider

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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 25, 2004 23:46

I got this from the XBOX365 website...I can' t believe what I read... OMG!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!

OK folks...

You said you are LAZY...I guess that means that you are too lazy to read the first sentence in my original post...
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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 26, 2004 00:27
Yeah. So?

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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 26, 2004 00:44
I don' t believe it. Anyway, do you actually think Bush is intelligent enough to pull something like that off? I barely think he' s enough brains to power his frame well enough to walk, never mind help plan and pull off what would be the world’s greatest cover up.

Unless of course his bumbling public image is a facade and he is in fact a cold, determined and calculated individual. Actually if that’s true that’d be the world’s greatest cover up

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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 27, 2004 15:31
At least you are honest and open about being lazy, Joe.

Bush can be whatever he wants to be...just (hopefully) not our next President. He cheated his way into office last time, and he lied about the reasons for going to there are over 1,000 people dead and more are expected...over what?

Can you say O-I-L!!!!?

Anyone else whose lies or whose actions caused this many deaths would be headed for, or on, death row by now.

Bush' s only other claims to fame (if you want to call it that) is that he totally screwed up our economy, our trust in governmental leadership, and is responsible for the world' s disdain (excluding some of the UK) towards America.

I say, he HAS done a lot during his term in office...

Kerry' s not really much (if even) better...that' s what worries me.

What I see happening in America is that the affluent (the rich) are making all the rules (and subsequently not following those rules) and using the country' s resources to become even more wealthy (rather than for the country' s defense).

History has shown us that the well-off (a.k.a: " greedy" ) usually become the losers in this kind of game...remember the passage from the Bible: " ...and the meek shall inherit the Earth."

Humanity is so busy fighting itself, rather than better-ing itself, that it will surely waste (use up the Earht' s resources) the one chance we have to overcome all of our major survival issues (hunger, poverty, disease, etc.) and continue on to become something more than just another failed species in history.

See, and you folks thought I was in a bad mood...

I' m' s just the needless violence that gets me going...
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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 28, 2004 03:44 believe all of that?

Let' s be honest with ourselves here...Can you honestly blame Bush for the economy. It dropped off the charts due to 9/11 so how can you blame that on him?

As for oil...well when the gas prices start lowering maybe I' ll start believing more into this whole oil scandal. It just seems like one of those issues people like to harp on and in reality they have no facts to back it up.

On the election, blame the Electoral College, not Bush. Even better blame the dumbass population of Florida because they were the ones that voted wrong. What did your teacher always say before taking a test? Always read over and make sure you picked the right choice.

If you want to get onto Bush then complain about how he is now letting Mexican immigrants get their licenses very quickly now. Or how immigrants are quickly filling up jobs that would normally be for workers in our own country. I' ve got no problem with immigrants working. Here' s where my problem exists, at a local chicken factory Mexicans work 2-3 shifts. They leave, change clothes, come back and work another shift.

Am I voting for Bush in the election...I don' t know. He has fucked up the War in Iraq big time. If from the beginning he had said we were going over there to liberate a country from a tyrant then this would be a-okay. Unfortunately he listened to so very bad advice and went in under the cover of weapons of mass destruction.

Does this mean that I' m favoring Kerry...hell no. I don' t exactly trust this guy as I' ve heard a lot about his flip flopping habits. I support some of the things he is supporting such as Stem Cell Research, but others such as Abortion I do not support. IMO the Democrats have a really shitty candidate this year, and probably will next year if Kerry loses (I' ll give you a hint...Clinton).

What sucks is that both candidates don' t deserve the office. So you basically have to pick the lesser of the two evils, and that' s what bothers me the most.

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RE: OMG!!! If ANY of this is true, I hope that those responsible get what they deserve!!! - Sep 28, 2004 04:32
Amen, yoshimitsu15...

You' re exactly right...neither candidate is worth a dime...maybe we should all vote for Nader and watch the jaws of the Dems and Reps drop to the floor...

I sure wish Gen. Powell would run for office...I' d vote for him in a minute!
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 9/28/2004 4:32:31 AM >
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