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The Punisher
Sep 22, 2004 19:29
Being a fan of the recent Marvel comic book movies which have been appearing in recent years I was delighted to hear a new Punisher movie was being made. The movie was released in the US in April this year and I' ve waited patiently for it' s release in the UK. I' ve waited and waited and waited some more... ... After 5 months The Punisher is *finally* due to be released this Friday. Needless to say I' m going to see it but wondered if anyone here had managed to watch a viewing? Heck, you can even buy or rent it on DVD as I hear it was released in the US a few weeks back.
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RE: The Punisher
Sep 22, 2004 21:06
I saw it three days ago and it was sweet.
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RE: The Punisher
Sep 22, 2004 23:00
I saw it a week ago...shit...lol
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RE: The Punisher
Sep 23, 2004 19:29
This movie was one of the best MARVEL movies. IT has really good story and really good action.
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RE: The Punisher
Sep 23, 2004 21:45
Ya I picked this up on DVD and the action was cool along with the story.
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RE: The Punisher
Sep 24, 2004 03:00
Forgive me, but what is the Punisher? A super hero? Never mind...I was looking through the ' Videogames' section of the forums, and realized that I posted a review of the videogame. Where is my mind these days?
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 9/24/2004 3:54:22 AM >
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: The Punisher
Sep 25, 2004 13:54
He' s interesting because he' s a ' Marvel Superhero' with no actual superpowers. He' s a regular guy who' s just good at killing people. Admittedly I don' t know as much about him as I' d like having not read any of the comics but I' ve been curious about The Punisher for a while.
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RE: The Punisher
Sep 26, 2004 15:33
he is a man with super revenge powers. every kung fu master who teaches being mad only clouds your mind, boy was he just hiding his super killing art from you. so, get pissed = kill your enemies. the onlu cool part of that movie was when the knife went through that dudes neck and mouth. *stAb*
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RE: The Punisher
Oct 07, 2004 00:57
I finally saw the movie today. I waited a while so I could see it with some mates. The prospect of going to the cinema alone wasn' t an appealing one (I' d done it before and not liked it) The film was really quite good. A bit slow at the start but I can see why they needed to build up the characters before heading to the really violent bits. After the first quarter of the movie was past everything was kicked up a notch and ' The Punisher' character really started to take shape. It was refreshing to see a Marvel movie not go the route of being a CGI fest. Spiderman pulled it off but Dare Devil ended up looking cheesy in parts. The Punisher had a real gritty down to earth feeling to it and some really clever plot developments. I was worried the story would end up being one huge gun-fight but there were a lot of different things going on and my worries were left unfounded. I hear there is talk of a second Punisher so I' ll look forward to the DVD release of this movie then the next one. If done right Punisher 2 could be even greater now the ' revenge' plot is out of the way.
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RE: The Punisher
Oct 09, 2004 20:32
I watched it and all I can say is " what a waste of time"
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RE: The Punisher
Oct 11, 2004 00:48
lol, why?