Pandemic' s Lord of the Rings Battlefront game

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Vx Chemical
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Pandemic' s Lord of the Rings Battlefront game - May 08, 2008 20:40

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RE: Pandemic' s Lord of the Rings Battlefront game - May 08, 2008 20:49
Not being funny, but hasn' t LOTR been done to death?

Vx Chemical
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RE: Pandemic' s Lord of the Rings Battlefront game - May 08, 2008 21:09
Well has Star Wars been done to death?

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RE: Pandemic' s Lord of the Rings Battlefront game - May 09, 2008 00:38
But Star Wars is fuc.k awesome and Lord of the Rings is lame.

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RE: Pandemic' s Lord of the Rings Battlefront game - May 09, 2008 02:30
Hmmm, looks like a not so good idea.
Maybe Pandemic Studios think they can take the JR Tolken wold of Middle Earth and do something that the EA studios couldn' t.
They definitely did something great with SW: Battlefront vs EA The Third Age which was a game with characters no one heard of.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Iad umboros
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RE: Pandemic' s Lord of the Rings Battlefront game - May 09, 2008 10:03


But Star Wars is fuc.k awesome and Lord of the Rings is lame.

You are mad. But lets not do the whole Clerks 2 thing in public. Starwars 4-6 > LOTR > Star Wars 1-3

Star Wars is definitely the better franchise for this, but it could work with archers etc. Surely everyone will just select an Ogre and breenge in though?

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RE: Pandemic' s Lord of the Rings Battlefront game - May 11, 2008 06:06

You are mad. But lets not do the whole Clerks 2 thing in public. Starwars 4-6 > LOTR > Star Wars 1-3