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RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 03:03
Earliest game I can remember playing was Zaxxon for Coleco Vision. Great game, and I kicked ass at it.
Mass X
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RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 03:12
Frogger on the Atari. Vague memories of it but that was certainly the first game.
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RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 05:29
Tetris/Game Boy (' 89 gameboy) combo. The first home console I owned myself, as opposed to my parents was a Sony Playstation.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 05:51
I had the Atari, MSX , NES , Amiga , Mega Drive , SNES in my childhood (more like my older brothers consoles lol) but i dont remember game names or years exactly since i didnt know how to read english at the time and didnt care about dates lol. I just chilled and played. Some of the games that i remember are an Adam' s Family game and a racing game that had a Jaguar XJ220 as its theme car with jaw dropping graphics and it even came on a whopping 2 floppy disks!
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- Joined: Mar 19, 2008
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 05:54
King' s Quest on the IBM PC jr. It was truly a great game, though as a kid I did not really fully appreciate it for what it was.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 06:23
Two earliest games I remember playing were Duck Hunt for NES and Super Mario World for SNES, don' t remember which was first though.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 08:05
After the 2600 me and my brother did most of our gaming on the Apple ][e for a while. My favorites were Bolo, the Bilestoad, the Infocom games, Tony Suzuki' s great shooter Star Blazer, SubLogic' s Flight Simulator 2.0, EA' s " Construction Set" games... later on Broderbund really pushed its capabilities with Karateka and Wings of Fury. Of course I was amazed by my friends' C64s too, but didn' t get to use them a whole lot. My first 8-bit console game was probably The Ninja for the SMS.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 09:06
I couldn' t remember the first game I played if my life and the life of my family (cats included) depended on it.. Something tells me that PONG was the first console game I played.. I remember plugging that ugly brown console to our ancient TV set with bad reception, switching over to Channel 3 and having a ball playing against myself, the CPU, and my siblings. In terms of Arcade games, I don' t remember what my first quarter muncher was. But some of my earliest Arcade gaming memories are of Donkey Kong, BurgerTime, Kangaroo, Galaga, Galaxian, Zaxxon, Frogger, Q*Bert, Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, and Jr. Pac-man.... I absolutely LOVED the original Donkey Kong and BurgerTime. I liked Kangaroo but sucked at it, I always struggled to get past the first level. I thought Galaga and Galaxian were OK but I much prefer scrolling shooters. I enjoyed Zaxxon but sucked at it. Liked Frogger but sucked at it. Liked Q*Bert and was mesmerized by the little fella, but sucked at the game. I was never a fan of the Pac-man family back then but played them all. When I got older I developed an appreciation for them.. I can' t forget the Laser Disc games like Dragon' s Lair and Cliff Hanger. Cliff Hanger has the distinction of having been the greatest game mystery to me up until 2 years ago. I think the first console game to impress me as a little kid was Smurfs for the Coleco Vision. That game had awesome graphics back then! As a kid I marveled at the character designs and thought, " Wow, they look just like the Smurfs on TV, Coleco Vision can do WAY better graphics than the Atari 2600 and the Intellivision!!!" And thus a young Graphics-whore was born! I had an Atari 2600, Atari 5200, and 7800, though, the latter 2 were pretty much used as door stops since they didn' t work. Had a Vectrex unit but don' t remember what the hell I had for that thing. Had a Coleco Vision and loved it. Had an Intellivision, loved that too. Also had the Magnavox Odyssey. Even though the Odyssey predates Pong and Atari' s other stuff, I didn' t get one until after I had the Atari systems, Coleco, Intellivision, etc. I think the very first computer game I played was Karateka for the Apple II I believe. And because of my very limited exposure to PC gaming, it remains my favorite computer gaming experience.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 29 Apr 08 1:24:06 >
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RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 09:07
Since I was born in 1990, I believe my first game was Super Mario World. However, we did have a Gameboy and a number of games for that. Heyy, we were born in the same year. SNES in my childhood (more like my older brothers consoles lol) Haha yeah i know that feeling too. I honestly don' t remember the first game i ever bought, but i remember when i was young, playing.. stupid fucking tennis games on SNES and playing Star Fox and.. the Lion King game >_> Not to mention the handfull of mario games we had. The games that really got me into ' gaming' and ended up stopping me playing sport all together would probably have been Ocarina of Time, or PC games like Unreal Tournament.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 10:26
I thought this was a " first game you bought" thread instead of a " first game you played" . It would be near impossible to remember the first game I played. Maybe Pac Man or something.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 10:37
I thought this was a " first game you bought" thread instead of a " first game you played" . It would be near impossible to remember the first game I played. Maybe Pac Man or something.
LOL, My first game I bought was GTA Vice City for PS2.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 11:13
From the original post: its going to be fun to see what people got as their first game. Everybody, please review your prior messages and correct your f***ups.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 11:15
Everybody, please review your prior messages and correct your f***ups. No way! Did you see that lengthy novel my low reading comprehension a$$ typed up?? I' m not correcting $hitte! 
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 29 Apr 08 3:16:43 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 11:24
Since I was born in 1990, I believe my first game was Super Mario World. However, we did have a Gameboy and a number of games for that. Heyy, we were born in the same year. I' m a year shy of y' all. We may just be the few products of the nineties here. I think Aba was younger than I am, but I haven' t seen him here, or on Xbox Live in ages. The Moroccan piracy po-pos must' ve finally caught up with him. Edit: First game I bought? Mario All-Stars for SNES. I saved for almost a year, every bit of change I found for that game.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 29 Apr 08 3:25:14 >
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- Joined: Mar 27, 2008
- Location: Australia
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 18:03
Edit: First game I bought? Mario All-Stars for SNES. I saved for almost a year, every bit of change I found for that game. I fucking loved that game! :D
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- Joined: Jan 29, 2008
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 20:49
Ah, my first taste of gaming proper was when I was 6, and I bagged myself a Master System with Sonic built in. Also got Ghostbusters and Lucky Dime Caper (such a great game), but I' d say Sonic MS was my first played game on a console I owned. Then came the Amiga, and Lemmings took over my life. That and Captain Planet (bastard-hard game that is).
< Message edited by Dreadknux -- 29 Apr 08 12:50:19 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 21:38
I can' t remember the first game I played. The first game I bought was the old platformer Gods back on DOS. I remember not being very good at it, and I don' t think I ever finished it.
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Your first game
Apr 29, 2008 22:00
The first game I remember playing was Crazy Golf on the Spectrum. It was rubbish, but iliked it at the time. R-Type on the spectrum blew me away with it' s glorious colour! Here it is Quite impressive for a 20 year old game!
< Message edited by iad umboros -- 29 Apr 08 14:03:42 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Your first game
Apr 30, 2008 11:00
Since I was born in 1990, I believe my first game was Super Mario World. However, we did have a Gameboy and a number of games for that.
I was also born in ' 90.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Your first game
Apr 30, 2008 15:48
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer I thought this was a " first game you bought" thread instead of a " first game you played" . It would be near impossible to remember the first game I played. Maybe Pac Man or something. Ahh, first game I bought is easy. It was the NES version of Galaga. I used every bit of my 13th birhday money to buy it. My Dad bitched at me for " wasting" my money. Then, he played so much I couldn' t even get any game time the first night.  I had to get my mom to tell him to get out of my room so I could sleep that night.
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