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What are your biggest phobias?
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RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 22, 2008 15:54
Ants, Snakes and Bees. Ants from when I was a kid, playing on some land went home and I was covered from head to toe in the little fookers. Bees and Wasps and anything that stings really, I end up with anaphylactic shock and have to be treated with a shot. Snakes, I end up having a mild anxiety attack if I am near one. Other than that I am fearless.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 23, 2008 00:58
Nitro: I fear nothing. I call shenanigans. I don' t believe in fear. You lie. I know what scares you. You' ve told me.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 23, 2008 01:33
1234 nice post count alijay
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 23, 2008 01:48
The only thing I fear is fear itself. Fear and SPIDERS!!!! I am terrified of the Bandito Spiders living in my house. I just know one day they are going to shank me for my shoes, I just know it!!!!!!!
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 23, 2008 01:52
I have a fear of tight spac.es(not those tight spaces), I feel like I am going to get stuck and they won' t be able to get out(prolly comes with being fat)
Mass X
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RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 23, 2008 02:07
Snakes and murky waters. Also a mild phobia of germs and what not. I used to have a fear of heights but developed a fuck it attitude towards that. Now its not surprising to see me hanging upside down from a bridge suspended 100' s of feet over a river.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 23, 2008 03:34
ORIGINAL: Torr I have a fear of tight spac.es(not those tight spaces), I feel like I am going to get stuck and they won' t be able to get out(prolly comes with being fat) A fuc.king ballroom would be a tight space to you fat boy.
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 24, 2008 06:07
I' m really bad with moths. I never liked them, but I was kinda.. out of it one night, having a house party, and there were two big moths flying in my kitchen. With the trails I was seeing, that equaled a while sh*tload of moths. Never been able to deal with them since.
Joe Redifer
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RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 24, 2008 08:07
There was a HUGE moth sitting outside by my porchlight the other night. Just clinging to the brick wall. I had never seen one that big. It was much bigger than a standard butterfly. I shut off the porchlight and I guess it flew away, probably snatching rabbits and other fowl for food.
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 24, 2008 08:36
Ewww. I saw a massive one (about 8 inches from head to toe, not wing span) in Cuba last year, but it was asleep on a leaf, so it wasn' t too bad. The climate is too cold here for them to get that big. They' ll need a radiation leak before the cattle in Scotland need to worry about moths. But then Godzilla will be able to take them.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 24, 2008 22:36
Cute dolls give me the creeps. Not Chucky though. He' s not cute.
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RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 25, 2008 04:38
I* am afraid of people. I' m very shy. I see therapist because of it.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 25, 2008 06:26
How many sessions did it take before you were actually able to see the therapist?
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 25, 2008 19:24
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer There was a HUGE moth sitting outside by my porchlight the other night. Just clinging to the brick wall. I had never seen one that big. It was much bigger than a standard butterfly. I shut off the porchlight and I guess it flew away, probably snatching rabbits and other fowl for food. I actually saw my first luna moth last week (which means it' s dead now  ). It was just hanging there outside the building I work in. Of course, none of the idiots I work with knew what a rare thing it is to see a live adult luna moth. One chick was even scared of it. Damn thing doesn' t even have a mouth, what' s to be scared of?
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RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 25, 2008 19:49
. One chick was even scared of it. Damn thing doesn' t even have a mouth, what' s to be scared of? thats the thing about phobias, they are generally irrational.
Chee Saw
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RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 25, 2008 20:03
Is this what you' re talking about, kitten? I don' t like spiders, heights, or sharp things near my eyes. I can operate, and don' t totally freak out around these things, but I prefer to stay away.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 26, 2008 00:19
or sharp things near my eyes Ha! I' m not the only one! I spent about 10 minutes googling that the other day, and nobody else on the internet apparently has a fear of sharp things near their eyes. That spider is disgusting. I don' t understand people who find arachnids fascinating. I' ll take the ten mosquitoes a spider supposedly kills over one of those boys any day of the week.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 26, 2008 06:47
Ha! I' m not the only one! I spent about 10 minutes googling that the other day, and nobody else on the internet apparently has a fear of sharp things near their eyes.
I can' t say that I have a fear of having sharp objects near my eyes, but that certainly doesn' t mean it wouldn' t be uncomfortable for someone to hold a knife 2 inches away from my eyes.
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- Joined: Mar 27, 2008
- Location: Australia
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 26, 2008 08:24
okay. i' m so greatful that that image didn' t work.    if it was a spider and i had of seen it, i was going to hunt you down, force feed you muscle relaxants, then pull out all your toe nails, fingernails, and then teeth, one by one with pliers. [:' (]
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: What are your biggest phobias?
Apr 26, 2008 12:27
if it was a spider and i had of seen it, i was going to hunt you down, force feed you muscle relaxants, then pull out all your toe nails, fingernails, and then teeth, one by one with pliers. What would you be wearing while doing this?
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