HDMI by itself is not a major variation but compunded with other things the stroy becomes different.
Explain this. You keep saying there' s bee huge changes but all that' s been changed is the HDMI port. That' s it. You can' t say the HD because when it launched there was one with a HD and one without. It' s been like that from day one. Coming out with the Elite which has more memory is the equivalent of giving a person a bigger memory card.
That' s all the HD is, a memory unit.
That is my point lol. Im paying for a HD but developers wont use it because the lowest end SKU doesnt have one.
So why is it a concern? Your point is stupid. You' re not paying for the HD to have developers use it, you' re paying for the memory. That' s where the choice comes into play. You don' t want to pay for an HD because " developers won' t use it" ? FINE! MS gave you that choice, and made sure if you chose not to have an HD you could still play the games the the people with a HD play. It' s advantageous to gamers who don' t want to spend a larger chunk of money and it' s not hindering the developers. You have no point.
The addition of the HD just allows me to have more saves and download movies, demos, and trailers. That' s what its there for. That' s why people buy it.
I dont know about you but i didnt even use the card readers at all. Those and the number of USB ports wont affect my gaming experience. I agree that backwards compatibility is a huge feature but then again it wont affect this gen' s titles.
But the addition of a HDMI port is a big deal? Your logic is astounding. Did I say it would effect the titles? No, I said it would effect the functionality of the console which it does.
I think Sony was forced to make those choices since most gamers were annoyed because the Sixaxis didnt have vibration feedback.
They weren' t forced to do anything. They did it for sales. Once they were able to put rumble in (delayed because of patent infringement) they did it, but also held of the release to sell out of their old controllers (which from a sales stand point was smart).
Again i say that i had ( and still have) the idea that M$ wants this controller to be big.
Of course they want it to be big. If they didn' t think it was going to be big and make money they wouldn' t be wasting their time on it. They are taking a chance that they can grab the Wii market, which I think is dumb and they will fail but they think they can pull it off (if this controller comes out). Releasing a new product and wanting it to be successful is the point of business. You' re just stating the obvious. It' s really up to developers and gamers to decide if that will happen.
As of right now your argument is flawed to the core. It' s to the point where there is no argument. When you can tell me how HDMI has compounded with all these other changes you talk about (but don' t describe... because there aren' t any) make this hard for consumers or developers then you can talk. My house currently has a Pro system and my Elite. My best friend owns the Arcade (same thing as the Core). There is no functional difference between them. All of the play the same games, do the same things, have the same functionality. There is no difference other than storage space. My old Pro that I traded in didn' t have an HDMI port but my Elite (along with all the current 360s on the market) does. That' s all that' s changed and it' s just an input. There' s no story to compound. You' re coming off as ignorant just trying to argue to sound like you aren' t wrong.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99
" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day
