" Breed" The Hodown Review

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" Breed" The Hodown Review - Sep 19, 2004 16:28
Bassically I was in EB one day and had two games that I couldnt deside between. 29$ for Chrome which is a FPS, or 38$ for Breed another FPS. The games were both very well presented. Then I consulted another shopper in the store who acnowlaged that he had heard some good reviews on Breed. So I decided to by that. It is possibly my worst purchase EVAH EEEVAH !

Ok so for nearly forty dollars you get-

AI that is stupid beyond supidity. They basically charge torwards you period.

TEAM AI which is idiotic. They end up falling off cliffs or running into your mortar attacks. WHY? Because theyre charging like the enemy at eachother, that is IT!

Why they fall off cliffs, because apperantly if a hill is slightly at an incline it is almost impossible to climb even for an uber soldier like the ones you get to play as. And when your standing next to a cliff then somebody has to fall off, while doing their AI dance around you. When theyre falling you hit some spots that you think should be climable but because of the hill thing earlier you cant. Now think theres water underneath and you cant swimm. All you can do is wade along the bottom to the other shore. And you have little kids breath so you drown in six seconds.

Ok the voice acting is as lame as staring at holes in swiss chease for 3 hours. In the menu theres the lead gy who looks really cool but then starts lecturing you for some reason really lound about how " Youre the CHOSEN." and " We will win this war." and you just cant get him to S***** . You get into gunfights and all of a sudden your sniper starts yelling like shes dying and you run over to check her health and she was like taking 2hp hit and is at 98. And when shes really dying I was like " who cares.." .

The desighn is really eliquently presented, so is the layout on the manual and the overall box art. Thanks in large part to " Brat Desighns" . That is the only reason this game even seems(seemed) playable.

Now you get back to the game its impossible to play. Ive been trying to beat atleast the first mission before I return it. Then I ended up in tutorial with a ship or something that could only fly backwards. Mb it was just my settings... but still it shouldnt be able to fly 300mph backwards. Not to mention no rear view mirror, or third person flight view. I sucressfully planted the ships rear into a tower in a flowery explosion.[:' (]

Towers are another one of those things that you just keep hitting youself about. Supposebly you see hte world thou first person then when you start to climb ladder it shows your hads and even the gun you have if you do have one. So you get to the top and in ilke throws you backwards a bit. Note: no barrier behind you. And sometimes what happens is you start falling off ladders and you think youre on the top. Then you reallise your in first flight, and what happens basically is that you climbed up and almost at the top threw your sniper off the top of a tower.

Some of the machines when you get into them all you can see is your arms up to the shoulders.. And the spot that is supposebly to have your torso and head but dosent. So you see these two arms gripping the controlls.. that are not connected to you or anything else.

Once I somehow got myself to eject out of the dropship during the first mission, 1000ft above sea lvl. I dont even know how I did it...

And the irritating voice acting.. All together this game isnt worth 3 dollars I paid for Red Faction. It should be sold for mb, .50C ? There are some great highlights and a fiew innnovative features. In general tho I give it an " F" rating. No mb like " Z-" ....

You can reply to this review or if you played this PC first person shooter add on positives or negatives you found.

I dont want to seem like I hate all games. Just this one is BAAAD, so I want to help someone save their money for better things.

http://www.breedgame.de/ heres the site for those who have never heard of it.
< Message edited by nukeout -- 9/19/2004 4:47:31 PM >