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How many of you finish your games?
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Ninja Dog
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How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 02:19
I was reading a feature of 1up and it got me thinking. Just how many of you actually play all your games to the end? I, for one, have still got at least half my games to play through. However, lately I have been focusing on just a small number of games until I beat them and decide on which of my uncompleted games I should go back to (I' ve not even started some of my games yet, as I am trying to beat some of my other ones first). How many of you have still got half-finished games just collecting dust on a shelf somewhere that you have been meaning to get out of the way at some point?
Iad umboros
Dark Ninja
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 02:45
I certainly try my best. Never finished a Zelda since SNES days though, I always lose it about 25 hours in. Recently the only game I haven' t finished was Kingdom Under Fire, because it was just so bad. I haven' t bought Lost Odyssey because I doubt I' ll have time to finish it before GTA4 comes out at which point everything will be dropped. I suppose it' s been easier to finish my games because most of them have been shooters in the last year, campaigns have only been about 10 hours long. I have noticed friends who pirate games almost never finish them, play loads of games for a couple of hours and never experience a complete game.
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 02:50
I rarely finish a game all the way through. The only games I complete 100% are the Call of Duty' s. I still haven' t totally finished HL2: Orange Box, We Love Katamari, Prey, Mass Effect, GRAW, and Dead Rising, and those are some of my favorite games on the system. I dunno. I think I might be ADD.
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 03:14
well if you count getting 100% in the game then I have completed about one or two games ever, but if you just mean finshing the story then I compete most of the games I buy, altough some games lose my interest.
Ninja Dog
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 03:19
I may not always finish all of my games, but I try to finish them. The problem is just not having enough time to finish one game before another one drops for me. I have a wife and 2 children, so my gaming is pretty much only done late at night on the weekends. Games on the 360 I have finished so far: GRAW GRAW 2 Gears of War Halo 3 Mass Effect Blue Dragon Call of Duty 3 Lost Planet Games I am playing right now trying to finish: Bioshock Assasins Creed Lost Oddyssey Devil May Cry 4 Call of Duty 4
Ninja Dog
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 03:43
I tend to finish any games I play, since I focus on one game at a time for weeks on end if need be. I make exceptions for sucky games, which I tend not to waste more than a few hours on.
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 04:01
I finish the vast majority of my games. Currently I' m pretty sure I' ve beaten the single player campaign on every 360 game I own/have owned and rented (aside from Far Cry... that game blew). DMC4 and LO are the only current exceptions but I' m working on both of those now that I knocked out Dark Sector and Condemned 2. On the Xbox I never did finish GTA:VC or GTA:SA. I' m at the very end for both of them but never got the urge to knock them out. I' d like to go back and finish them but there isn' t much of a point when GTAIV is just around the corner. I still haven' t finished FFVII or FFXII yet. Both of which I really do want to finish. I' ll get back to them eventually.
Vx Chemical
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 04:19
I finish every game i play, unless they are really bad, the only 360 games i played and havent finished are AC and Hitman
Ninja Dog
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 04:57
ORIGINAL: DieHounderdoggen I tend to finish any games I play, since I focus on one game at a time for weeks on end if need be. I make exceptions for sucky games, which I tend not to waste more than a few hours on. Ditto.
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 05:10
I don' t usually play in the campaign except for Crysis, I' m at the tank part. It was my brother that beat COD4 (I still haven' t played single player). I want to put more time into Mass Effect, where I' m still bearely started. I got all the achievements for Geometry Wars, which feels like I beat it. I tend to get tired of a game before I can beat it. I' m never very focused to beat the game either and I spend most of my time playing online. Actually, lately I haven' t been playing much of anything.
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 05:16
I usually trade my games in so I have to finish them before getting the next few games. I actually only own a few select 360 games that I want to play forever, the rest I finish and sell on. The only game I didn' t complete before selling on so far on 360 was Blue Dragon. I was enjoying it, but I knew I wouldn' t sit through all 3 discs! Also I like to buy games centred on story, and theres no point playing through half a story!
Trivia King
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 05:42
I finish most of my games with at least one play through - some I do more than once if there' s achievement points or different plot lines to follow. The game I' ve been most thorough with is Oblivion - I really racked up the hours on it.
Terry Bogard
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 05:50
I finish most of the games I buy. I give myself an average of 1 - 3 days to finish games. And when I say finish I mean, play the game to the final level, defeat the final boss and then watch the end credits roll ' finish' .. Not that obsessive collect every single item and unlock all 9000 achievements for 100% completion type of finish that some of the boneheads at Gamefaqs like to pat themselves on the back for... There' s a reason why those things are optional.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6 Apr 08 21:51:41 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 07:06
Nice thread! I always try to play as much of a game as I can... until I tire of it. If the game is good enough, then I do not tire of it and I finish it. Rarely do I play through games again. This is why I prefer " arcadey" type games which you can pick up and play and don' t have to worry about some lame-o campaign mission or whatnot. I also don' t like playing online with characters that you unlock and/or build in single player mode... gives people an unfair advantage.
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 10:48
I rarely do. I consider a game " beaten" if I' ve seen 80% of its content
Rogue Suave
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 13:00
I always finish my games. I don' t see a point in buying them if I don' t. If the game is exceptionally bad, then I stop. I rarely play a game to 100% completion though, like collecting all the stuff and such.
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 13:29
The only 360 games I haven' t completed are Assassin' s Creed(because my 360 won' t play it for some reason), Perfect Dark Zero(Do I need an explanation?), Farcry([:' (]), and Kane and Lynch(Nuff said)
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 15:22
I rarely play single player games, but I' ll play the cream of the crop if it looks like it is something I would like. Since a lot of the multiplayer games I buy have campaigns too I usually play them. I beat Halo 3' s, CoD4' s, and GoW' s campaigns, but I didn' t go through and get all of the achievements or beat them on the hardest skill levels. And I never go back and play them a second time unless it is co-op. The only single player focused game I' ve beaten for 360 is Oblivion, I lost interest early in Shivering Isles though.
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 17:35
I complete BAD games... I have 1000 gamerpoints in: Bullet Witch Ninety-Nine Nights and last but not least... King Kong.
Ninja Dog
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RE: How many of you finish your games?
Apr 07, 2008 22:39
I finish all my games story wise. And finishing them off completely by collecting everything...I try and see if I don' t get bored...if I do I ussually leave it alone for a while and then later on jump back in again. You can' t imagine what a bitch it was to finish collecting everything by getting gold medals on every mission in secret rings. Or having to do this many runs with that type of build and all that. It got really boring but didn' t want to give up since I was close so kept going on that one...but that rarely happens. But yes story wise I finish all my games 100% different run throughs for different paths and endings and all that. Though I lost my interest in ICO a few times...didn' t happen with Shadow of the Colossus though...damn that' s a game many probably didn' t finish.
< Message edited by demonoroth -- 7 Apr 08 14:46:16 >
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