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What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 19, 2004 01:58
Christmas (or the holidays) is just around the corner...like I need to tell you that... I also know that it' s about giving, not receiving... But I also know that you have at least one item on your ' I hope to get this gift for Christmas (or, the holidays) list' ... For me, this year I hope to get a XBOX game. Any one of the following will do: Star Wars Battle Front Fable Spyro: The Heroes Tale Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders What would be the one gift that you would want to get for Christmas (or the holidays) ?
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 9/19/2004 2:00:57 AM >
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
Joe Redifer
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 19, 2004 04:00
When my birthday and Christmas roll around, I can never think of what to ask for. Sometimes I will ask for something at the very last minute. On my birthday this year I asked for Tales of Symphonia. I decided " what the hell" Turned out to be a pretty good puzzle game. Next I will maybe try an RPG.
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 19, 2004 04:16
I' m going to be looking for Kingdom Under Fire mainly...I don' t get a lot for Christmas anymore being 18 so I have to pick and choose what I want now, lol. Basically after that game I' m hoping that I can talk them into getting me a new affordable monitor as this one that I' m using right now is a little burned out. I also wouldn' t mind either a DVD burner or a MP3 player...of course I' ll only be making backup copies of my favorite DVD' s... Oh, and books....lots and lots of books...There are so many novels out there right now that I' m having a tough time keeping up with them.
In response to the following complaint I have decided to change my signature: " by the way, yoshimitsu you might want to click the little checkbox that makes your signature disappear." - Jonah Shoemaker, Residential Dumbass
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 19, 2004 23:07
My wishlist is usually the same every year -- video games and books (sci-fi/fantasy).
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 19, 2004 23:59
Last year I got my X-Box. This year I' m after a decent TV. I' ve had the same crap small TV since 1994 and I' m sick of the thing. It' s slowly dying and doesn' t seem to agree with ym X-Box ariel unless it' s in a certain position (The ariel works fine on all the other TV' s in the house). It' s also only got an RF ariel. It seems a shame to have cutting edge consoles in my room only for them to be played on a rubbish old TV.
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 21, 2004 00:42
My fiancee' s uncle got his XBOX and played it on a TV that still had knobs... I asked him why, if he COULD afford an XBOX, would he play on that old TV with knobs and color problems? He said that he just never got around to getting a newer TV... He played games for like 20, or so, hours a week...he couldn' t take about 2-3 hours out of one week to get a better TV? He lived within 2 miles from the Best Buy store, a Wal Mart, and a Kmart! OK now... Sorry to hear about your TV woes...hope YOU get a new TV for Xmas.
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 9/21/2004 12:43:37 AM >
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 21, 2004 04:51
I wish- Gabe fell over dead so they would release HL2. Actually, being a fellow artist and probably headed for video game making career I meant that only as a joke. Mb falling over in joy of finnaly releasing it, because eveyone is spending their HL2 savings on all these other games. Plus im sure like DOOMIII piracy will leave a trail on how much cardboard will be spent on HL2. I for one will by it and not download it off the net, because I do belive in supporting the makers for their efforts and future efforts into other HL+ games. So HL2 New Computer New Gaming Chair Xbox BurnouT-3 The newest GF-graphics card. US to stop terrorising helpless nations. Kerry to win. MMm, I really dont think I want anything else at this point. OoOOOO ! An eggnog yellow doge viper with shiny cherry red stripes! That would definetley make my day. But then again, with the leadership, and such plummiting economy because of it, im probably never gonna see it come to that class of car. yeaa......
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 23, 2004 04:13
my b-day is two weeks away and i still haven' t figured out what i want for that yet  Umm, I am hoping for the schindler' s list dvd, that' s all i can really think of off hand.
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 23, 2004 12:13
Well...Happy Birthday (in advance), Rikka!!!
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
Terry Bogard
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 24, 2004 05:15
I' ve wanted the same thing every Christmas for the past 7 years and I just can' t seem to get it, lol... I want Nothing but the bozos keep trying to get me something. Argh!
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 25, 2004 00:34
whay thankee kindly Daroosh. 23 years young in ten days
vanswa garbutt
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RE: What Is The One Gift You Hope To Get For Christmas (or the holidays)?
Sep 26, 2004 16:59
i want a DS!