I wanted to get some more in depth time in with the maps before I came to a conclusion. I' ve been playing the new maps for most of the weekend, and they' re most definitely a mixed bag.
Chinatown is an entertaining map, far better suited to smaller objective based games than larger battles. I actually wound up playing Ground War Domination on Chinatown this morning, talk about nucking futs. One guy racked up fifty kills, and forty deaths on the opposing team. I ended up sidling up to a couple corners with my golden shotty, and bandoleir equipped, and still ran out of shells.

It' s solid, but not my favorite. Other than more open buildings, it' s a near-exact recreation of one of the best maps from the original Call of Duty.
Broadcast was the next map I put real time in. I' m still torn on this one. On the one hand, I like the fact that there' s another close-quarters map with some interior settings. On the other hand, it' s another middle-eastern level, which I' m tired of. It' s a map from the campaign, which makes it feel somewhat like I' ve played it before, and there are more than enough hidey-holes to turn it into a camp-centric map.
Killhouse is a heck of a lot of fun, but oddly doesn' t get tossed into the rotation very often, ignoring the fact that it' s only available in a select few modes. You can rack up a ten kill streak in the first minute if you' ve got the skills. If you enjoy FFA matches, this is the map for you, if only because
every match you play feels like it' s FFA. Your head is constantly on a swivel looking for the next target, or the next threat.
Creek is far and above the best map in the pack. I would have payed half the whole download' s price for this map alone.
It' s really that good.
First things first. The map is
huge. It' s best suited to either a ground-war match, or a 1v1-2v2 cagematch style sneak and shoot. The areas are diverse, everything from meadows to house clusters to hills to the rocky riverbed, and even a cave system underneath the massive hill that dominates the map. Be forewarned, you will die...
a lot. Your K/D spread is absolute crap by the end of the match, but you' re having enough fun to make that a non-issue for everything but the most rabid of stat freaks.
If you' re a big CoD fan like myself, or have a few extra bucks lying around, I definitely suggest picking up these maps, if only for the super-awesome Creek, though in the end, it' s going to totally depend on how much time you put into COD4 multiplayer in the first place.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 13 Apr 08 18:47:01 >