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What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 00:42
What Arcade game(s) did you go out and spend all your pocket money on? I' m a bit of a lightgun shooter myself. Me and a friend of mine used to spend hours on House of the Dead 4. I kept abbusing the grenade button though, so I got wiped out easily. I must' ve wasted so much of my spare change on that game. My brother and I played some Jurassic Park game in the arcade which I thought was pretty fun. I think we got up to the triceratops boss and died. I enjoy the Time Crisis games as well. I could play arcade shooters all day if I had the chance (and money).
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 00:54
The tabletop Donkey-Kong machine.
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 01:11
HotD 2/3 and some weird machine where you had to punch stuff based on the Fist of the North Star anime.
Terry Bogard
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 03:34
I have no one favorite arcade game.. But one of my absolute favorites of all time has always been the original Space Harrier. That game to me has stood the test of time quite beautifully!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 03:42
The King of Fighters and House of the Deaths took all of my money for the most part. Those, and there was this awesome four player Simpson beat em up that me, my older brother and sister and her then boyfriend couldn' t get enough of
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 04:17
Maybe Outrun. OR Daytona OR Virtua fighter(s) OR Sega Rally OR Starwars Arcade OR Final Fight OR Crudebusters OR Vandetta OR I love too many Arcade Games i all fairness.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 1 Apr 08 20:18:16 >
Currently playing: Korg DS 10 (ds) / Metal Slug 7 (ds) Rhythm Heaven (ds) / Fire Emblem (ds) Super Stardust HD (psn) / Virtua Fighter 5 (360) FSX (P
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 05:43
1- Time Crisis 2 2- Time Crisis
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 06:19
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 06:50
Galaxians or I don' t mind a bit of Time Crisis either.
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 06:52
House of the Dead. By the way, do these games have to be ones you' ve actually played in an arcade? That' d limit the selections for a lot of people, but it' d also keep things interesting. There' s always better stories behind going to an arcade than playing a " faithful port" or an emulator.
Joe Redifer
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 06:52
It is hard to pick out a single one, but I' ll mention some of my favs: Space Harrier - Hey, it' s Space Harrier! One of the few arcade games I' ve beaten in the arcade. I wowed the crowd with my ability to get through stages 9 and 14 with ease. After Burner 2 - Sit down version. Playing this game in the arcade is awesome, it had a very special feeling despite being a shallow game. Playing with a Mission Stick on the Saturn helps to recreate that feeling somewhat, but being moved around in the cockpit can never be replicated. It' s more real than flying a real jet! Q*Bert - Loved this game and it' s creepy voices. Ms Pac Man - Way better than Mr. Pac Man. Kangaroo - Loved it when I was maybe 9 years old. Great control, powerful graphics and mesmerizing audio soundtrack. Shinobi - Played smooth and fast. Dig Dug - Liked it back when I was a fetus. I never really considered Neo Geo games to be " arcade" games since the exact same thing could be played at home, but I think I did play a Neo Geo unit at an arcade maybe once, probably Magician Lord. Great game.
Terry Bogard
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 07:44
I never really considered Neo Geo games to be " arcade" games since the exact same thing could be played at home, but I think I did play a Neo Geo unit at an arcade maybe once, probably Magician Lord. Great game. The coin-op version of ' Magician Lord' will forever remain my favorite Neo-Geo game! Followed by ' Blazing Star' .  I enjoyed ' Kangaroo' a lot when I was a kid, but I also thought that the game was friggin HARD! I also had a love affair with the original ' Donkey Kong' , and quickly developed a very unhealthy obsession with ' The Shanghai Kid' . Another all-time arcade favorite of mine is ' Super Hang-On' , which to this day I still consider to be the greatest motorcycle racing game on Earth! In my mind, no other motorcycle racing game comes close.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1 Apr 08 23:50:54 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 08:52
Ah yes, Super Hang-On. I only ever saw that at one arcade. Out Run also deserves special mention just for being special back in it' s day. Another arcade which I only saw somewhere at Grand Central Station in New York City was Thunderblade. It was a sit-down version and the scaling was intense! Slow, shallow game, but the GrAfX blew me away! The Sega Master System version had slightly worse graphics.
Elda Taluda
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 09:36
Pac Mania anyone?
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 17:56
ORIGINAL: Ornodeal Galaxians Heretic! Galaga or nothing. I was a Street Fighter 2 addict. I didn' t spend spare change on it, I spent significant portions of my salary. I would rather lose repeadedly on a StreetFighter 2 machine than even look at a any other arcade fighter.
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 18:00
Puzzle Bobble. This was in my school bar, and people would lose classes over it. It was just something unbelievable. Someone surely got rich over that one machine...
Vx Chemical
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 18:09
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 02, 2008 23:57
I used to love the FMV games, the space fighter one was good. Also and I can never remember the name of it (something like pengu or pengi.) Where you had to move blocks around to trap bears and you could electrocute the bears by ' wobbling' the walls.
Terry Bogard
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 03, 2008 02:10
Speaking of FMV-based games, I always enjoyed the coin-op light gun games from American Laser Games. Stuff like; Mad Dog McCree 1 & 2 Who Shot Johnny Rock? Space Pirates Crime Patrol Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 03, 2008 02:21
I loved Mac Dog.
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 03, 2008 04:37
well while you guys spended your hard earned money on arcade games, i still played with my brand new Action man  Though i remember Time crisis 2 as one of the arcade games which took alot of my time, though it might have been a very old arcade game at that time..
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 04, 2008 17:46
If only I was born a couple of decades earlier. My dad has told me a lot of stories about what arcade gaming was like in the Eighties. Apparently, he was the Galaga king.
Agent Ghost
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 04, 2008 18:03
The should make a Geometry Wars Evolved Arcade machine.
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 05, 2008 01:05
To hard to pick one. For me it was always simple walk into an arcad...if SEGA stuff was around well that' s where you' d find me. So for me arcade = SEGA
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 12, 2008 01:51
Single Player it was pacman Multiplayer it was Metal Slugs, Xmen and Terminator (3d shooter with the Gun)
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 12, 2008 04:22
Marvel Vs Capcom Enough said
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RE: What' s your favourite arcade game of all time?
Apr 12, 2008 04:54
I like samurai showdown 2 alot