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Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 29, 2008 21:32
Ok, I know everyone' s seen the trailer by now. The Mac 5 will be on the big screen soon...think it' ll bomb? Personally I can' t decide. I KNOW it' s going to be stupid, but I have to admit the trailer looks pretty interesting.
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 29, 2008 21:53
When I watched the trailer I just kept thinking of the Flintstones movie...
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 30, 2008 03:16
I was never a big Speed Racer fan from the beginning, so it doesn' t matter to me either way. I won' t be going out of my way to see it though, that' s for sure.
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 30, 2008 03:43
No. It got Matthew Fox, but that' s simply not enough for me. And judging from the trailer it looks like it' s going to be one of those typical mediocre Hollywood blockbusters. It won' t be really bad, but nothing people will talk about after it has disapperead from the cinemas.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 30, 2008 03:48
I remember these old cartoons were so depressing. The Flintstones, Speed Racer,The Smurfs, Inspector Gadget,The Jetsons, The Peanuts... How do people watch that shit? They' re so boring. Everytime they came on TV as a kid I instatenly fell into a mini depression that lasted the rest of the day. I only needed to see a few seconds of it. Even just hearing a few seconds of it was enough to push me over the edge. I' m senstitive to boredom, I just can' t deal with it. I' d rather set myself on fire than sit and watch even a few minutes of this trash.
< Message edited by agent ghost -- 29 Mar 08 19:52:17 >
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 30, 2008 10:43
Lol, relax man, it' s just a cartoon. I used to love that stuff when I was little. Except Peanuts, that was always lame. I kinda know what you mean though. I still can' t sit through a complete episode of The Brady Bunch. As for Speed Racer, I don' t think anyone is expecting cinema gold. The effects look pretty interesting though. Typical early summer popcorn flick.
< Message edited by nekkid_monkey -- 30 Mar 08 2:48:00 >
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 30, 2008 13:14
seen the trailer, looked terrible and boring.
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 30, 2008 23:55
I remember these old cartoons were so depressing. The Flintstones, Speed Racer,The Smurfs, Inspector Gadget,The Jetsons, The Peanuts... How do people watch that shit? They' re so boring. Everytime they came on TV as a kid I instatenly fell into a mini depression that lasted the rest of the day. I only needed to see a few seconds of it. Even just hearing a few seconds of it was enough to push me over the edge. I' m senstitive to boredom, I just can' t deal with it. I' d rather set myself on fire than sit and watch even a few minutes of this trash. I know what you mean about the Speed Racer cartoon being depressing. But for me it wasn' t because it was boring, it was because the show had sort of a serious tone. It wasn' t as lighthearted as a lot of other cartoons. Other cartoons that I thought had a similar depressing effect were Silverhawks and Thundercats.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 31, 2008 00:53
oh and thunderbirds, man I HATED that show.
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 31, 2008 01:59
Pink Panther was great..the ones where noone talks and its just background music and sound effects of the small french dude falling over. And the thundercats outakes were great too! Dont think Speed Racer was shown that much here in the UK. I remember seeing a few episodes, but it was nothing compared to Transformers. :P
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Mar 31, 2008 12:26
I think Speed Racer is just one of those cartoons that should not be turned into live action. I don' t know why, I just don' t see it working. I actually used to love it, no depressing moments for me watching Speed (or Thundercats, He-Man, etc... though Silverhawks where kind of lame  ) but I just don' t see it working. I am thinking I' ll be cheesy for sure.
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RE: Speed Racer....thoughts?
Apr 12, 2008 01:37
Never like the speed racer cartoon, esp the monkey. Turning it to a movie...well it seems a lot of the old shows we looked at growing up is turning into movies. I' ll pass with Speed Racer but YO- JOE for the GIJOE movie
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