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How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
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How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 08:36
You heard me... kind of like NeoGAF, ya know? Yay? Nay? Shut up, Shikashi?
Agent Ghost
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 08:44
If you have a good idea, go for it. We don' t get many threads here so it' s not too necessary, still it' s rare that any thread will stay alive too long here. We don' t have a lot of active members and we' ve reached a point where most of what we say is predictable since we' ve known eachother for that long.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 08:58
If you have a good idea, go for it. We don' t get many threads here so it' s not too necessary, still it' s rare that any thread will stay alive too long here. We don' t have a lot of active members and we' ve reached a point where most of what we say is predictable since we' ve known eachother for that long. That' s why I asked, not sure how well it would work out here. MGS Threads are always welcome though, aren' t they?
Joe Redifer
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 09:01
I don' t think anyone here gives a rat' s ass about NeoGAF. Of course in order to be " official" , you must be sponsored by the subject of the thread.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 09:06
I didn' t ask that either... I asked how you felt about Official Threads, that' s all.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 09:06
Nitro' s a regular poster, and while I can' t post there, there' s the occasional good read.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 09:28
Yeah.. wha... I know, what the fu... Again, this is not about NeoGAF.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 09:33
There' s no real reason for them. Every so often, a thread gets pinned, but until we see a larger amount of people using the forums, and having good threads pushed to the bottom from traffic, there' s not much to worry about.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 09:54
Post what you want...
Joe Redifer
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 10:18
ORIGINAL: Shikashi I didn' t ask that either... I asked how you felt about Official Threads, that' s all. And I responded. In order to be official, you must be sponsored by the subject. Otherwise there isn' t anything " official" about it.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 10:37
I do like those " official" ones though. I' ve seen it here and there on other forums. All of a sudden there' s someone going : " Official PS3 thread- Post all PS3 related news in here from now on since this is the official thread" . Most of the times it' s some random kid making the thread official just by using the word official. But I don' t mind " official" ones or so since it (can) keeps things a bit more organized. The thing that made it funny was that one clearly could feel how important the original poster felt throughout the thread. Or showing up in other somewhat similar threads to refer all the stupid people to the official one :P
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 10:52
" Official PS3 thread- Post all PS3 related news in here from now on since this is the official thread" .
I think we tried that about a year ago with 3 separate threads(360, wii, PS3) to separate the fanboys, but then they just went to those threads and flamed there.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 11:56
Adam Doree
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 12:22
On NeoGAF " official" jut distinguishes that that is the main thread for discussion about a particular game release. Here there are not enough threads. However there is no harm in using that system either and it could help to better organise threads so there aren' t multiple threads for big releases. So feel free.
Joe Redifer
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 12:35
I can understand not wanting multiple threads for the same game/release, but I don' t think having the word " official" in the thread title would help that. There are usually multiple threads because the person starting the second one didn' t see the first one or chooses not to look if any are existing yet.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 12:39
you could just make a thread about the game, as allot of threads arent made that often.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 13:01
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw " Official PS3 thread- Post all PS3 related news in here from now on since this is the official thread" . I think we tried that about a year ago with 3 separate threads(360, wii, PS3) to separate the fanboys, but then they just went to those threads and flamed there. I seem to recall that. Maybe it depends a bit on " forum culture" if an official thread makes things more organized or not then. ORIGINAL: Zoy Good gravy, I love the idea. ...trying to think of possible official threads....   Is it possible that I already encountered one of those? :P
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 17:28
while sticky official threads are useful they inevitably drift off topic so you get 30 or so useful posts and then double that of random abuse/flaming etc.
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 21:51
This only crossed my mind because we have... uh, 20 useless threads about the same game. Like some have mentioned it was just to organize things a bit more. And when I say " Official" , I don' t mean it in terms of it being sponsored or whatever, I mean it' s " Official" because it' s the thread you go to when you want to discuss/know something about a game. But, uh, yeah, considering the responses I may post something.
Vx Chemical
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RE: How does Kikizo feel about " Official Threads" ?
Mar 18, 2008 22:01
... uh, 20 useless threads about the same game. Like some have mentioned it was just to organize things a bit more. There arent many threads about the same game on the first 2 pages. actually, i cound find two about condemened, one about a demo and one about a review. but thats it!
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