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Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 17, 2008 20:39
Happy St Paddy' s day everyone!!
< Message edited by Duffman -- 17 Mar 08 12:43:06 >
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 18, 2008 00:14
I will be having a guinness or 5 later on. Even though I am scottish is descendancy, but your patron saint is cooler than ours!!!!
Agent Ghost
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 18, 2008 00:36
I gave up drinking.
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 18, 2008 01:46
You can still go out to a pub and watch all the other people drink ;)
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 18, 2008 02:05
Yeah I won' t drink on St. Patrick' s day, in the bars I' d get shot. lol
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 17 Mar 08 18:05:39 >
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 18, 2008 06:27
Happy piss 25c green beer for a week, and make up an Irish distant relative day![:' (] Yes....I' m a little sour. The bar-going trailer trash around here give the " Irish" a bad name. At any rate, Slainte Mhath, and have a happy one.
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 18, 2008 12:50
Slainte Mhath dia dhuit! 18 years of school, and not one person really learns Irish.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 18 Mar 08 4:51:13 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 18, 2008 21:42
So, did the catholics decide if they' re allowed to get drunk during holy week yet? Argghhhhhh! Talking banner ad ! Curse you all !
< Message edited by nekkid_monkey -- 18 Mar 08 13:43:23 >
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 19, 2008 03:17
I gave up drinking. Why? Money issue? dia dhuit! A bheil Gaidhlig agaibh? 18 years of school, and not one person really learns Irish. That' s a shame. It' s such a beautiful language, and it' s dieing out. I learn what I can, but I' m no longer in touch with anybody who speaks fluently, and that makes all the difference at picking up a language. I tell ya, I' d be all over it if it were offered as a course. It beats out German by a mile and a half.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 19, 2008 03:37
Why? Money issue? No, I' m trying to cut most of the sugar from my diet. Cutting alcohol is easy, I' ll still drink the occassional glass of wine but no more whisky or beer. The tough part is giving up soft drinks. I used to drink 3 litres of coke a week, easy. I' m trying to limit myself to two cans a week now. The amount of sugar in my old diet which is common to many of us is poison. Most people have no idea how bad white sugar is for the body. I' m not trying to lose weight or anything, I' m just trying to fix my diet. After about a month I already feel much better. I used to be always tired and generally felt like shit, I feel much better now.
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 19, 2008 04:54
Hmm why are you not drinking Coke Light or something? I takes some time but you will eventually get used to the taste.
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 19, 2008 06:55
If he can go cold turkey, he should. He won' t go into sugar withdrawl, and if he can kick it outright, there' s no reason to have that extra step. Caffeine on the other hand, can be an absolute bitch to kick. I go into withdrawl & get massive headaches if I don' t have a diet coke a couple times a week.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 19, 2008 11:26
Hmm why are you not drinking Coke Light or something? I takes some time but you will eventually get used to the taste. Aspartame is even worse than sugar. I' ve decided to just restrict the amount of soda I drink.
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 19, 2008 14:31
Aspartame is even worse than sugar. I' ve decided to just restrict the amount of soda I drink. And that' s never a bad thing. Cuts the risk of having stones in your kidneys for one. Plus those that have a history of diabetes in their family, like I do, have a better chance at not getting it if they watch the amount of sugar they consume.
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 19, 2008 23:46
Aspartame' s a carcinogen, but sucraclose (splenda) based drinks are fine if you can manage what you eat (quantity wise).
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 20, 2008 00:40
I just drink water... orange juice and milk on occasion but that' s pretty rare.
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 20, 2008 03:14
Aspartame is even worse than sugar. I' ve decided to just restrict the amount of soda I drink. You sound like my ex. Anyhow they make Aspartame free diet coke also. I drink only Sprite now. Cola makes my mouth dry and doesnt taste all to good to me anymore. Anyhow happy belated st. patricks day. I didnt do shit this year for once. Didnt do much the next day either. Hmm Yeah I had a bad drinking experience on my birthday and still haven' t fully recovered. But this weekend...looking like a good time tho throw a nother random party and fuck around with easter eggs. What kinda egg would turn out from a drunk?
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 20, 2008 03:16
A smashed one?
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Mar 20, 2008 04:45
I can give up anything, only pussys with no will power let it get to them. Id almost start smoking just to show my friends how easy it would be. well I am sure its not that easy But I could do it. I' d be all over it if it were offered as a course. It beats out German by a mile and a half. I dunno, I find Irish to be boring and just a pain in the ass. But then again it was a pain in the ass, if your out to do it without being forced then I guess you might enjoy it more.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 19 Mar 08 20:46:36 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Apr 06, 2008 00:08
That' s a shame. It' s such a beautiful language, and it' s dieing out. I learn what I can, but I' m no longer in touch with anybody who speaks fluently, and that makes all the difference at picking up a language. I tell ya, I' d be all over it if it were offered as a course. It beats out German by a mile and a half. What Silent said is somewhat true, some of people do leave secondary school (high school) with a poor understanding of the language despite doing it for many years (this is due to poor teaching methods and other reasons but it is improving) but alot of people espcially those who want to teach need to have a very good understanding of the language. Irish is a mandatory subject in schools here. It is required in order to get into some Universities. Irish is the official language of our country even though only a small percentage speak it on a daily basis. Most directional signs are in both Irish and English. Our national anthem is always sung in Irish. There are areas in the west of Ireland know as Gaeltacht areas where it is spoken fluently and on a day to day basis. There is a tv station know as TG4 that boadcasts mosty in Irish. Haha you should hear South Park in Irish lol. So thankfully the language will never die out. I hope to one day speak it fluently. Happy piss 25c green beer for a week, and make up an Irish distant relative day! FFS! [:' (]
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RE: Happy St Patrick' s day!!!
Apr 06, 2008 00:18
Haha you should hear South Park in Irish lol. So thankfully the language will never die out. I hope to one day speak it fluently. That' s got to be funny. I dunno quite what I' m going to do yet. I' m persuing corporate networking and security analysis, but I want to stick with a language. I' m taking college Japanese courses for the next two years, and if they offer an advanced course in the unis I hope to attend, I' ll be taking it. If not though, Gaelic is certainly on the table as far as a second/third language. I' ve always wanted to be multilingual (Truly multilingual that is). I can get by with the Spanish, German and Japanese I know currently, and I' ve got a smattering of Gaelic phrases, but I' ve never put the effort into remembering any one language (despite taking Spanish for over 3 years) beyond english.