Terry Bogard
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God of War (PSP)
Mar 14, 2008 22:13
Tis my very first God of War game! I totally missed out on the PlayStation 2 games. I know that makes me scum, so Sue me!  Anyways, haven' t gotten too far, I defeated that crazy Basilik creature (however you spell its name) at the end of the first level on the bus ride to work this morning and am running around kicking a$$ in the early parts of the next level.. So far so good, VERY cool game thus far and Kratos is a total bad-ass! The audio is pretty solid and the graphics are nice so far as well. The gameplay and controls are the way I like some of my women, Quick and Easy. So far I' ve encountered the standard physical puzzles along with some Quick Timer Event-like sequences, which were all implemented quite well. I' m really digging the game so far, so who knows, after I complete I might try out the PlayStation 2 games IF the PlayStation 3 version of God of War is a long ways away. If not then I' ll just wait for the PS3 version. And more importantly, by owning the PSP version of God of War I get a reprieve from Nitro' s death threats! I don' t know about the rest of you but I took his threat literally and RAN out to get the game yesterday!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 14, 2008 23:36
You can get away will skipping the first game... but if you skip God of War II... I' ll have you raped by rabid alsatians
Agent Ghost
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 15, 2008 08:19
You can get away will skipping the first game... but if you skip God of War II... I' ll have you raped by rabid alsatians I don' t even know what an alsation is, it sounds bad. I better play GOW II then. Does it work with the 80GB PS3?
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 15, 2008 08:22
This games is better than DS & Wii' s entire game library combined. And I' m talking about every aspect, including sound & graphics, there is nothing on Wii that looks or sounds better than this. I would LOL at nintendo, but it' s not their fault, sony is just too fucking brilliant, you got to hand it to them.
< Message edited by emofag -- 15 Mar 08 0:22:44 >
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 17, 2008 05:08
I' ll have you raped by rabid alsatians Like, German Shepherds?
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 16 Mar 08 21:09:58 >
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 17, 2008 17:55
Tis my very first God of War game! I totally missed out on the PlayStation 2 games. I know that makes me scum, so Sue me! Well, Chains of Olympus is meant to be a prequel to the console versions, so you' re okay.
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 18, 2008 04:37
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost I don' t even know what an alsation is, it sounds bad. I better play GOW II then. Does it work with the 80GB PS3? An Alsatian is a German Shepherd. And yeah, it should work on your PS3. It also has a ' HD mode' if you' re using a HDTV or monitor which pumps the resolution up above 480p. I don' t know what you thought of Heavenly Sword... i thought it had some nice art direction and the cutscenes were well done... but i didn' t think much of the gameplay at all. God of War (or at least God of War II because the first game while still cool is pretty dated now) is fuc.king mindblowing. There' s nothing on Microsoft' s console that is put together nearly half as well. It' s fuc.king epic. The graphics still hold up, the camera angles are perfect, the sound and music are superb and the game has the best art direction in any game ever. I' m replaying it now on Titan Mode which is harder than a coffin nail. Some people overlooked the game because 360 had already been released when it came out, but it would be criminal to miss it completely. Cranted the combat system isn' t as deep as Ninja Gaidens or Devil May Cry' s but there' s enough to make it fun and it stomps all over Heavenly Sword and the like. I' ve been going on about it since it came out and not only am i still going on about it but like RE4, i' m still playing it. Kratos is a verifiable badass and the series is probably Sony' s greatest IP yet. The 3rd game will be a fuc.king bloodbath. But seriously, if you can pick it up then do so.
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 18, 2008 05:28
EDITED previous gif post for those still running 56k modems Theses 3 screens are God of war II running in HD Mode... ...and ofcourse the game in motion... [click to enlarge]
< Message edited by nitro -- 17 Mar 08 21:29:41 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 29, 2008 06:09
Just finished God of War: Chains of Olympus. Currently staring at the end credits screen while typing this! Holy crap, what a Friggin SWEET A$$ game! I cry for poor Kratos. Those damn gods!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 28 Mar 08 22:11:12 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 29, 2008 12:53
Yeah, just finished it myself a couple of days ago and I agree with you Terry. This is just a fantastic game for any platform. I had just finally picked up a PSP and this was the first game I bought, and " Fear the power of the PSP" is f.ucking right!!!! I couldn' t believe how nice God Of War looks on the PSP. Currently playing through Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP. Hadn' t played that game since it came out on the PSONE.
Most wanted games: Mass Effect Assasins Creed Crysis Little Big Planet Drakes Fortune UTIII Kane and Lynch Heavy Rain Alan Wake
Terry Bogard
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 29, 2008 13:06
Yeah, just finished it myself a couple of days ago and I agree with you Terry. This is just a fantastic game for any platform. I had just finally picked up a PSP and this was the first game I bought, and " Fear the power of the PSP" is f.ucking right!!!! I couldn' t believe how nice God Of War looks on the PSP. Currently playing through Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP. Hadn' t played that game since it came out on the PSONE. I' ve been trying my hand at the Challenges in Chains of Olympus. Challenge 2 is just crazy! After retrying that challenge an umpteenth number of times, I finally got it to where only 2 enemies were left to kill and then I got nailed! Argh! And speaking of Final Fantasy, after I get through the challenges tomorrow I' ll start playing Crisis Core and Mugen Kairou for the PSP.. I' m ready to throw Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity against the wall. The only question is, should I throw the entire Wii console with the game in it, or should I eject the game and just throw the disc? They seriously need to scrap that game engine and just use the F-Zero engine for future Sonic Riders games.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Agent Ghost
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RE: God of War (PSP)
Mar 31, 2008 07:47
I' ll give you 5$ CAD for the Wii.