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Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 13, 2008 22:29
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 13, 2008 22:31
Lol, I just watched that on another forum. I' ll say what I said over there- That' s the type of person that doesn' t deserve air to breath.
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 13, 2008 22:49
I hope its fake, no one can be that stupid in real life, they stop breathing naturally!
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 01:04
Is she for real? I mean, your f.ucking 15 years old and you just got a Lexus for your birthday. You had better thank God over and over and over that your parents are retarded enough to even think that you deserve a Lexus just because of your birthday. My question is, why did her Mom let her talk to her like that? Her Mom should have pimped slapped her right in front of her friends.
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 01:25
What her mom should have done was raise a respectful daughter. I' ll bet that' s not the first time little princess has thrown a temper tantrum. Too bad she' s too old to spank at this point.
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 01:42
Too bad she' s too old to spank at this point. I' d say she' s too young. She' s getting there though. Seriously, she needs a life lesson. Her parents are terrible, they should be exectuted and have the girl sent to Africa for a year.
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 01:58
My question is, why did her Mom let her talk to her like that? Her Mom should have pimped slapped her right in front of her friends. What for? So mom gets arrested and charged with child abuse? That' s what happens in the US I don' t know whether to laugh at the stupidity or reflect that more and more, kids are turning out like that now at days
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 03:41
A Danish psychologist made a big study of this and wrote a book about it. Shortly put, he thinks that parents should get stricter. And school too for that matter. Things have gotten out of hand because parents don' t want to hurt the feelings of their " precious little angels" he said. And they' re overprotective. Plus the fact that kids can' t handle too much freedom as they are having now. They' re not able to make real decisions he added. So it' s good if parents have rules as long as they are reasonable of course. He thought that we were heading (or already see the effect) of an extremely spoiled generation that wants everything they see. The fact that they grew up with Internet could also have an effect according to some. They can' t wait for anything anymore since they' re used to for example doanload a cd illegally as soon as they get the thought in their mind. Edit : He also added that this was not a case of " it was better in the old days" . He had support from many other psychologists (both genders) who agreed . Another symptom of this was that all of a sudden so many kids had ADD apparently. In part this is of course due to the fact that it' s recognized more easily and diagnosed as such compared to before. But amongst the genuine cases there are a lot of brats mildly put who just could' ve used some stricter rules at home. I just thought of something. In that video, could it be that this is some kind of weird reaction because the present just is too much? So it feels too overwhelming. I' m from Europe where we' re allowed to drive from 18. So getting an expensive car at 16 maybe looks extra overwhelming to us I guess :P
< Message edited by ys -- 13 Mar 08 19:50:14 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 03:59
I just thought of something. In that video, could it be that this is some kind of weird reaction because the present just is too much? So it feels too overwhelming. I' m from Europe where we' re allowed to drive from 18. So getting an expensive car at 16 maybe looks extra overwhelming to us I guess :P Yeah a car like that, costs like 150.000$ here in denmark, so no one gets something like that. Where are you from YS`?
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 04:51
What her mom should have done was had an abortion 15 years ago
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 06:01
Seriously, she needs a life lesson. Her parents are terrible, they should be executed and have the girl sent to Africa for a year. I vote Somalia. Any other takers? As for the corporal punishment discussion? Look at our baby boomers, and " the greatest generation" . They all got hit when they were kids, and they' ve turned out just fine. You don' t need to abuse a kid to send the point home, but if a kid knows all you can do is yell at them, the parent loses the authority. It' s not about the act, it' s about the intimidation of the act. I just thought of something. In that video, could it be that this is some kind of weird reaction because the present just is too much? So it feels too overwhelming. I' m from Europe where we' re allowed to drive from 18. So getting an expensive car at 16 maybe looks extra overwhelming to us I guess :P No, it' s pretty common stateside for a teenager in an affluent family to receive a car of some variety for their 16th through 18th birthday. She was just being spoiled.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 13 Mar 08 22:02:32 >
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 06:13
She just needs a good buggering.
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 06:29
I dont wish bad things for the girl... shes living with the whole world centered around her, and little thought to others. The girl needs to grow up and live in the real world. If only i got that car for my birthday I' d shit myself.
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 14, 2008 06:50
If I even got a car for my birthday, I would think the world is about to end
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 15, 2008 00:55
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical I just thought of something. In that video, could it be that this is some kind of weird reaction because the present just is too much? So it feels too overwhelming. I' m from Europe where we' re allowed to drive from 18. So getting an expensive car at 16 maybe looks extra overwhelming to us I guess :P Yeah a car like that, costs like 150.000$ here in denmark, so no one gets something like that. Where are you from YS`? Born in Flanders, Northern Belgium (just mentioning specifically since the country has quite independent parts. Culture, economics, education,... differs quite a bit). Right now residing in Sweden although I travel a bit back and forth. In any case, it' s not a regular present here either :P
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 15, 2008 03:26
The best method for disciplining a kid is depriving attention. Kids crave it, and if you ignore them when they throw a tantrum, and shower them with affection if they calm down and do what they' re asked, with consistency they soon learn and subconsciously apply it to everything in later life. Chances are she was given everything on demand when she was younger. And her mum thought she was doing the right thing by loving her very much no matter what. Hitting or even just intimidating a kid just makes them frustrated and even more fed up. We studied this a bit in child psych, and for the most part I' ve seen it work.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 14 Mar 08 19:27:12 >
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 16, 2008 11:01
Unless she' s so rich she has her own chauffeur that' s fake because she just turned 15 and you have to be 15 yrs 7 months to be able to get a " permit" to drive, to get a license you have to be 16, some states wont even give licenses till 18.
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 18, 2008 02:18
It' s 17 in England. I wouldn' t be too happy (not the word I' m looking for) about getting a car for my birthday as I' m still going through the " What if my tourette' s Syndrome acts up and I ***ing crash the ***er" phase. It would be cool to own one, but I have to sort a few things out with my doctor/etc before I start driving (or take my test, for that matter). Anywhooo, watching that made me think about what Paris Hilton must' ve been like at that age...
< Message edited by Marink -- 17 Mar 08 18:22:15 >
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 18, 2008 05:46
Unless she' s so rich she has her own chauffeur that' s fake because she just turned 15 and you have to be 15 yrs 7 months to be able to get a " permit" to drive, to get a license you have to be 16, some states wont even give licenses till 18. 14 and 9 months in Michigan, I don' t know about California/Fla (I' m taking a guess she lived in one of those two states) though. Level one restricted (younger if your guardian has an illness requiring transport, which definitely doesn' t appear to be her case) at almost 15. Level 2 (what most people refer to as a " license" ) can be obtained at 16. Marink, do you just get motor tics, or vocal tics along with it?
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RE: Spoiled Brat Gets Car for 15th - Cries Over It
Mar 18, 2008 21:50
Marink, do you just get motor tics, or vocal tics along with it? I just twitch and blink and kick things, so I' m guessing it' s the first one. Although I do make the odd weird noise every now and then.