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Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 12, 2008 18:34
Hooray, it' s time for the biggest update of Christianity since the New Testament. Thanks to those seven new deadly sins everybody who has missed his chance to get a ticket to eternal damnation gets a second chance. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,336330,00.aspx I am just wondering, when exactly am I " " obsecenly rich" " ? And how exactly is abortion offending the rights of women? Doesn' t it actually give them more rights?
Agent Ghost
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 15, 2008 08:26
That' s crazy! He doesn' t have the authority to do that. If I was God I' d be really pissed. Old and Busted: Lust Gluttony Greed Sloth Wrath Envy Pride New Hotness: polluting genetic engineering being obscenely rich drug dealing abortion pedophilia causing social injustice The last one is hilarious. With the exception of the pedophilia and pollution ones all of the Sins are a social injustice to forbid. lol Fucking christians.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 15 Mar 08 0:40:22 >
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 15, 2008 08:39
Am I an idiot for thinking that this was Uwe Boll' s next flick or something similar?
Agent Ghost
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 15, 2008 08:41
Am I an idiot for thinking that this was Uwe Boll' s next flick or something similar? Forget it, I was thinking of the commandments.
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 15, 2008 09:13
This is what I don' t like about organized religion. They were given a set of rules by their god and told to run with them. I understand evolution happens and times change, but how do they come up with these things? I doubt God was sitting with the Vatican folks when they came up with this stuff. They ask scientists not to play god, yet they are doing the same thing by switching around what god supposedly left us. The seven deadly sins had the antithesis with the seven good behaviors (or something like that, I don' t know how they are called in English) So now I have 14 ways of screwing my eternal life up, yet only 7 to redeem myself. Seems we are getting the short end of the stick with this, as it usually is with religion.
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 15, 2008 11:33
when exactly am I " " obsecenly rich" " ? When the 100 euro bills get sewn into man-thongs for yourself... I' d say you' ve reached it. As for the cardinal sins or whatever... whatever. Follow your heart, and if you think you' ve f*cked up, you probably have.
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 15, 2008 12:27
ORIGINAL: Evilkiller I am just wondering, when exactly am I " " obsecenly rich" " ? When you can afford all three consoles and buy all versions of a single game  . That makes it clear who is a sinner among us here at kikizo  ...
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 15, 2008 13:28
When you can afford all three consoles and buy all versions of a single game . That makes it clear who is a sinner among us here at kikizo ... That bastard! I knew he was a rotten apple!
Agent Ghost
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 15, 2008 14:47
Seems we are getting the short end of the stick with this, as it usually is with religion. Everyone' s dick is short compared to god' s. Oh, never mind you said stick. There are many glaring holes in christianity, many of them downright contradict itself in some parts. You don' t need proof that the bible wasn' t inspired by a supreme being to know that it' s bullshit. All you have to do is read it and you' d see just how dumb it is. A small minority grouped together and laid out the law for the the rest. They had no real authority to do this so they lied about having a supreme being on their side. The clergy were the cancer of society, they robbed the people blind. And they want to talk to me about morality? FUCK YOU! Do you know why " being obscenely rich" wasn' t one of the original sins when its not a modern issue? Because the people who enforced the bible were the obscenely rich. The clergy obtained wealth by taxing the poor in the name of god, and that' s still how they maintain their power today.
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 15, 2008 21:52
But... the Pope doesn' t rule Christianity. Not every Christian cares to get a fresh update to the rules every time they think they' ve got ' em right.
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 16, 2008 00:36
Actually, isn' t the pope just responsible for the catholics and the rest of Christianity gives a damn about him?
Agent Ghost
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 16, 2008 01:15
Catholics own christianity, the other christians pussied out and gave it to them.
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RE: Deadly sins 2.0
Mar 16, 2008 03:14
They make up less than 30% of Christians, and there' s a mass exodus of folks leaving (the only reason it doesn' t get reported on is because the numbers don' t shift in the US with the influx of Hispanic immigrants to make up for the losses).
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 15 Mar 08 19:15:03 >