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The Nutty Gun Thread!
Mar 11, 2008 06:24
..And folds back up again into a pocket size inconspicuous package! The Magpul FMG9 is only a prototype, and will almost certainly never see a street release, but that doesn' t stop it being an absolutely brilliant piece of engineering. I' d love to be the lucky guy from Magpul that gets to play around with that thing. ____ Edit: See my 5th post for re purposed topic.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 14 Mar 08 20:11:35 >
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RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 11, 2008 06:30
Holy fuc.king hell! It' s... like a laptop gun... but cooler
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 11, 2008 07:12
Holy fuc.king hell! It' s... like a laptop gun... but cooler
Sort of reminded me of Pandora from DMC4
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 11, 2008 08:43
Jeez, wouldn' t want to live in that neighbourhood! Beware of the dog.. walker.
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RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 11, 2008 15:30
Pretty cool. Obviously illegal in most places, considering it is fully automatic. Also you would probably need a " concealed weapon" liscense as well to have it.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 11, 2008 23:40
Huh? Oh, yeah, the article' s wrong. It' s not fully automatic Loco, it appears to be based on the Glock 17, which is a semi-auto handgun. As of now, the only Glock weapon system with selective fire is the Glock 18, which isn' t available at all for civilian use. In theory, this would be an excellent choice for an older gentleman who isn' t necessarily comfortable having something with a handgun profile on him, or a person who doesn' t necessarily want to wear a vest or large coat around wherever they go (" printing" , or being able to see the outline of your gun underneath clothing is illegal in certain states). However, the kicker is that it' s got a folding stock and a forward hand-grip on it, thus classifying it (I believe) as a short barreled rifle, and therefore not eligible for concealed carry in most states. Although, in the end it' s kind of a moot point. People buy Glocks because they' re reliable, and they have a very low moving-part-count. For every moving part you add, that' s one more likelihood for failure in a situation when you need a handgun.
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 12, 2008 11:22
I think you' re wrong. The guy even pointed out the fire selection part in the video.
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- Joined: Nov 29, 2006
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 13, 2008 06:48
lol Are Americans that scared of each other that they must carry automatic weapons at all times? Someone please bomb them out of existence.....
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 13, 2008 07:14
someone please get an education, the third world trash you have doesn' t count
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 14, 2008 05:09
I think you' re wrong. The guy even pointed out the fire selection part in the video. Theres another vid, where he says the commercial weapon is only semi, whereas the one demonstrated is military. I dont have a problem with guns for recreational use or all out war, but the whole idea of this is so paranoid. Now if the gun turned into an intelligent robot like in Transformers or something, that would be cool.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 14, 2008 05:57
Are Americans that scared of each other that they must carry automatic weapons at all times? Heh, yeah, sorry. We' re paranoid alright. Your country' s got room to talk. What are you, Australian? Your government stripped it' s law abiding citizens of the right to protect themselves with everything from guns, to ceremonial swords and threw the contraband firearms to thugs and ne' er do wells. After the Australian gun control laws were placed into effect, aggravated assault increased 32%, and armed robbery rates increased by a whopping 74%. England? The same. Gun crime in England and wales nearly doubled in the four years after the ' 97 handgun ban. Violent crime rates from ' 97 to ' 02 rose 30 percent. Robbery and murder rose by 24 and 27 percent, respectively. Canada? Thankfully Canadians haven' t laid down and let their government trample their rights entirely, but their ineffective gun-registration legislature has crossed the line of paranoid, and into the realm of foolish. The registration has done nothing to curb Canada' s rising violent crime rates. On top of that, the Canadian government has not solved one single crime through their gun registration program. There' s a trend here, but I can' t quite put my finger on it... Meanwhile, look at the States. Gun control is running rampant with the upcoming elections, with the two more-popular of the three major presidential hopefuls talking about restrictive firearms laws, ignoring the fact that states that allow the carrying of firearms by law-abiding citizens have consistently lower crime rates than those who don' t. Gun control my ass. If you' re going to spout rhetoric, the least you can do is pull a few skewed figures for me to refute.
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- Joined: Nov 17, 2007
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 14, 2008 06:11
How about we focus on the cool looking fold out concept gun and skip the bullshit debate about gun control?
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 14, 2008 08:38
Its cool looking sure, but would you shoot someone with it? I dont care about numbers Eddie, it' s just sad to have to carry a gun to protect yourself at home. It' s like nuclear standoff tactics between countries, a huge sad waste of money but deemed necessary due to human deficiency. [:' (] The way I see it is if someone' s gonna shoot me to mug me or something (which is very unlikely where I live) so be it. It sucks to attack a defenceless unarmed citizen. On top of that, if you' re thinking of mugging someone in my area, since noone has a gun, you' d probably only need a stick! Therefore gun crime reduced instantly... stick crime is a diffferent issue however. To be honest, I' ve never even seen a real gun let alone fired one. Been mugged once, but only by two half drunk guys who only snatched my friend' s coat, and subsequently got arrested. :P So I can' t say my experience really warrants me to be any more defensive than to know how to kick someone in the nads!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 14 Mar 08 0:47:27 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 14, 2008 10:40
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 15, 2008 00:06
How about we focus on the cool looking fold out concept gun and skip the bullshit debate about gun control? Why? It' s a pertinent subject, and anybody who was incredibly interested has already covered the fact that it' s a nifty looking (albiet slightly ineffective) gun. It makes sense to debate it if it' s something that we honestly disagree on. Its cool looking sure, but would you shoot someone with it? I dont care about numbers Eddie, it' s just sad to have to carry a gun to protect yourself at home. Well, I' m not a particularly aggressive person by nature, so shooting somebody is going to be the last reasonable resort in a situation for me. I agree. It is sad that having a firearm on your person is useful, but it' s also sad that I have to lock all my doors and windows at night. That doesn' t stop me from doing it to protect myself. It' s like nuclear standoff tactics between countries, a huge sad waste of money but deemed necessary due to human deficiency. Not quite. There' s no real-world limit on the number of missiles a country can amass. There should be a limit on what a person can carry on them. Anyhow, I wouldn' t own a firearm for personal protection that wouldn' t be fired for recreation. I don' t consider that a waste of money.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 15, 2008 02:11
Recreation is fair enough, I' d like to shoot a gun someday. I agree. It is sad that having a firearm on your person is useful, but it' s also sad that I have to lock all my doors and windows at night. That doesn' t stop me from doing it to protect myself. I tend to fall asleep with my front door unlocked.  I get you though, security is necessary, but its a balance and compromise between that and true freedom. Like CCTV in shops - to begin with people were outraged about loss of privacy, but now its deemed normal and necessary. The balance shifted quickly. I guess its just not normal to need a gun in my experience, but for you it may be different. On the other hand most would agree locks on doors are necessary.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Flashlight Flips Out Into Glock!
Mar 15, 2008 04:10
I was posting hurriedly earlier, so I didn' t get to touch on some of the finer points of your post. It' s good to have someone level-headed to debate this with, by the by. To be honest, I' ve never even seen a real gun let alone fired one. See, that' s just such an alien concept to me, although to be fair, I' ve held far more firearms than a lot of Americans, and certainly am better educated about firearms than most Americans my age. The world media makes it out that every American owns a gun, and Hollywood makes it out that the only people who have a gun are cops, the military, and civilians who have obtained them illegally. On top of that, if you' re thinking of mugging someone in my area, since noone has a gun, you' d probably only need a stick! Therefore gun crime reduced instantly... stick crime is a diffferent issue however. I suppose there is that mentality, but if someone' s working above the law to do harm to innocent citizens, what' s to stop them from going the extra mile for a bit of additional distance between them and their target? Someone who' s already breaking the law isn' t going to worry about a gun charge on top of it. I dont care about numbers Eddie, it' s just sad to have to carry a gun to protect yourself at home. Like I said before, it' s sad when carrying a gun is useful, but whether you care about the numbers or not, they do matter. Those aren' t just numbers, those are individuals, all of whom wish they hadn' t been jumped, held up or assaulted, and wish they had the means to prevent it. To allow anything but that is crippling the common man, and enabling criminals. I' m not saying every citizen needs a gun in their closet. That would only lead to more violence, but every law-abiding citizen, in good mental health should have the opportunity to protect their home, person and possessions as they please, within reason. ___________ Now, after all that I feel like expanding this thread. Feel free to post the most out-there, or fun (in the case of those who have the ability to fire) firearms (sidearms, not weapon systems) you' ve ever seen, held, fired, heard of, or have had to disavow knowledge of. Keep it to one or two guns a post, and be sure to explain why they' re your favorite, and/or why they' re as odd as they are. Up there on the list of favorites is the Braverman Arms " Stinger" .22 Pen-Gun. I saw this in a shop a couple years ago, and had to take a look at it. It looks rather cumbersome in photographs, and doesn' t actually function as a pen of course, but I was amazingly surprised at how lightweight and discreet it is. You' d never notice it wasn' t a pen unless you examined it. I don' t believe they produce them any more, and were only a short-run product, which is a real bummer, seeing as they' re the only civilian-legal pen-gun on the market right now (see the pictures, it' s the only one that folds into gun shape for firing)
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