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South Park
Mar 10, 2008 22:42
With the new series of South Park just around the corner, I decided to make a thread about all things South Park. I know there are a lot of fans out there, so what is it you like about South Park. What' s your favourite episode, what are your views on some of the controversy it starts, etc. You can watch a lot of the existing episodes in the following link:
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RE: South Park
Mar 10, 2008 23:24
The controversy is what makes it funny, and is always unfounded, as despite being crude, there' s always a solid underlying message to whatever it is that is offensive. My favorite episode currently is " The List" , where the girls make up a list of all the boys, in order from cutest to ugliest... If only because Kenny dies Deus Ex-Machina style doing nothing but eating cereal at the end!
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RE: South Park
Mar 11, 2008 00:53
Wow I think Eddie is trying to level up his posts count. It seems that right now he is at 5555, coincidence, I think not! South Park is strange and lots of the episodes just go over the point of being funny in my opinion.
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RE: South Park
Mar 11, 2008 01:50
ORIGINAL: Torr South Park is strange and lots of the episodes just go over the point of being funny in my opinion. Come on Torr , whats the use of having fun if u dont have fun at the expense of someone . I love Southpark for that very reason . I love ' Passion of the Jew' episode . Lol at Mel Gibson ..
Iad umboros
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RE: South Park
Mar 11, 2008 02:35
I love South Park because it pushes too far too. If it was real actors it would have been banned before the end of the first series. My favorite episode is the Critters Christmas Special. Blasphemous, Jew hating, and completely unnecessary abortions - performed by babies - all set to a wonderful Christmas poem. It' s not the show that hates Jews, just Cartman :)
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RE: South Park
Mar 11, 2008 02:49
well i love satire and Matt and Trey got it down to near perfection. Plus due to how the show is made they are always right on top of things happening. Not sure what my favorite episodes are. The 3 part imagination land was good. Plus the World of Warcraft episode showed how in touch they are with the source material.
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RE: South Park
Mar 11, 2008 03:40
Their old stuff is crude for crude' s sake, and I don' t watch it, but I' m glad it got to develop into the comedic genius it is.
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RE: South Park
Mar 11, 2008 06:01
the early stuff really pushed the boundaries of comedy, more recent ones to me have just felt a little forced.
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RE: South Park
Mar 11, 2008 07:07
I thought between seasons 6 and 9 it was going down hill, but they seem to have picked it back up. My top 5 currently is the " Night of the Living Homeless" " With Apologies to Jesse Jackson" " Here Comes the Neighborhood" and the episode where Kenny gets a PSP and heaven kills him so he can command the army of heaven against hell, and the one where Wal-mart moves in. I' m sure if I bothered to look up episodes I could find dozens more.
Agent Ghost
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RE: South Park
Mar 11, 2008 12:34 Society needs South Park. It' s not always funny or even coherent. But without cartoons letting younger people know adults are completely full of shit, well that wouldn' t be good.
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RE: South Park
Mar 12, 2008 02:33
South Park is awesome because it doesn' t matter who you are, you are going to get made fun of. Trey and Matt are way over the top in the way they poke fun at real issues in the world, that you can' t help but sit back sometimes and think, holy shit they are right. Anyway, favorite episodes: Warcraft Episode (Cartman shitting in his mom' s face was hilarious) Scientology Episode Who' s My Daddy And the episode in which Barbara Streisand turned out to be Mothra or some shit like that. Way over the top, but funny as well.
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RE: South Park
Mar 12, 2008 16:16
Part of the fun in South Park is gone here in denmark, since no one takes offense at the puny mockery they make of things. Though i do like it as well, i dont really watch it anymore, most of the issues touched upon are american, the most fun i get from it is seeing what gets americans panties up in a bunch.
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RE: South Park
Mar 13, 2008 03:00
Yeah, I also like how the word " fag" is meant to be offensive in America. My favourite episodes are The Losing Edge, Woodland Critters Christmas and Night of the Living Homeless. The first one because of the way the kids all want to lose at baseball so they don' t have to play it anymore, the second because the Woodland Critters are the best and most badass things ever, and the third because of the zombie-movie reference. The Imaginationlands are amazing to (they have a very cinematic feel, like a few of the other newer ones). I find it funny how people get so worked up over a cartoon, even when they know it' s telling the truth. I' m black, half-british and have tourettes and it doesn' t offend me one bit (the tourette' s episode was better than pretty much anything else that involves tourettes as it aknowledges that there is more to it than swearing). Some people look too much into things.
< Message edited by Marink -- 12 Mar 08 19:04:36 >
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RE: South Park
Mar 13, 2008 04:33
Or too little. The episode " apologies to Jesse Jackson" was absolutely brilliant, but it got media backlash because they used the word n***er, totally ignoring the context it was placed in.
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RE: South Park
Mar 13, 2008 06:04
media backlash because they used the word n***er, totally ignoring the context it was placed in. Oh noes, the media would never do something like that. [:' (]
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RE: South Park
Mar 13, 2008 22:18
Anybody else hate Kyle after last night' s episode? Seriously, I absolutely despise the kid after watching it.
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Agent Ghost
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RE: South Park
Mar 14, 2008 00:59
Anybody else hate Kyle after last night' s episode? Seriously, I absolutely despise the kid after watching it. Explain for the people who don' t watch TV.
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RE: South Park
Mar 14, 2008 18:07
Explain for the people who don' t watch TV. LINK I haven' t seen it yet.
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RE: South Park
Mar 14, 2008 22:14
I frankly didnt like the whole episode . Wasnt funny at all .. And yeah Kyle acted like a little bitch .
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RE: South Park
Mar 15, 2008 04:44
I frankly didnt like the whole episode . Wasnt funny at all .. And yeah Kyle acted like a little bitch .
Kyle did disappoint me in that episode, but I' ve always been a Cartman fan myself. I thought it was decent for it being the first of the new episodes. Usually the first ones are as good as the middle ones. I died laughing when they brought out Jimmy Buffet
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RE: South Park
Mar 15, 2008 12:23
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw I frankly didnt like the whole episode . Wasnt funny at all .. And yeah Kyle acted like a little bitch . Kyle did disappoint me in that episode, but I' ve always been a Cartman fan myself. I thought it was decent for it being the first of the new episodes. Usually the first ones are as good as the middle ones. I died laughing when they brought out Jimmy Buffet Yeah , the Jimmy Buffet bit was funny ..
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RE: South Park
Mar 18, 2008 01:41
Episode 2 of season 12, out this Wednesday: " When the boys help Britney Spears get to the North Pole, they discover the shocking secret behind her popularity." Wikipedia I wonder why it took them so long to make a Britney episode?
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RE: South Park
Mar 18, 2008 01:51
ORIGINAL: Marink Episode 2 of season 12, out this Wednesday: " When the boys help Britney Spears get to the North Pole, they discover the shocking secret behind her popularity." Wikipedia I wonder why it took them so long to make a Britney episode? That episode has a lot of potential !!! Cant wait !!
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RE: South Park
Mar 18, 2008 06:16
That episode has a lot of potential !!! Cant wait !!
I don' t know what to say about that. It does have a lot of potential, but I' m not getting my hopes up. When I get my hopes up is when South Park betrays me.
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RE: South Park
Mar 20, 2008 20:44
After watching the Britney episode i am starting to believe South Park will never be as funny as it once was . The episode wasnt totally bad but i hardly laughed . I dont know how these guys are going up to season 15 ..
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RE: South Park
Mar 21, 2008 21:50
I liked this episode. I definetely think it was better than the somewhat disappointing one before it. The ending was funny IMO. Hopefully South Park will maintain its greatness in future episodes. We all know what happened to The Simpsons...
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RE: South Park
Mar 22, 2008 23:33
Just wanted to mention that you can stream ALL the South Park episodes (even the new ones) from (That' s the official site). You have to watch a few ads (one in the beginning, two in the middle) but it' s still awesome to be able to watch all the episodes.
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RE: South Park
Mar 23, 2008 01:54
My favorite episode is the Christmas episode with the satanic critters that were going to birth the anti-Christ through a porcupine and put it in a Jew host.
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RE: South Park
Mar 26, 2008 01:07
Episode 3 of Season 12, out this Wednesday. " In a South Park homage to the 1981 film, “Heavy Metalâ€, the boys are trying to get Kenny off the latest drug craze that’s captured the junior high and under set." That sounds a bit like some cartoon idea I thought of...
Agent Ghost
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RE: South Park
Mar 26, 2008 01:42
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RE: South Park
Apr 11, 2008 21:27
The latest episode was kinda cool .. Not great but not bad either ..
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RE: South Park
Apr 12, 2008 00:19
Just wanted to mention that you can stream ALL the South Park episodes (even the new ones) from (That' s the official site). You have to watch a few ads (one in the beginning, two in the middle) but it' s still awesome to be able to watch all the episodes. Yeah this site is awesome.
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