Sony To Buy and game franchises may be affected...

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Sony To Buy and game franchises may be affected... - Sep 16, 2004 12:50
Even know this applies mostly to the movie industry, it also applies to videogaming.


Sony to buy major movie studio. What does the future hold for 007, Rock et al?

17:16 Not content with its large grip on gaming and electronics, Sony yesterday made a bold move to snap up prestigious movie studio MGM, a move that could have immediate ramifications for the publisher' s gaming line-up.

Think about it. James Bond is a major MGM movie license. So is Rocky. So is Robocop - all massive gaming icons (okay, well maybe not that last one anymore), and all stars of titles not published by Sony. Once the deal for MGM goes through, you have to wonder what effect this might have on the games industry, with the Bond license, especially, currently owned by EA.

Would the super agent smoothy be set for a career solely devoted to Sony platform stardom? Although it is far too early to say, you have to admit, it' s far from unforeseeable.

Plus, with a huge stock of other brilliant action titles in the MGM archives, you have to wonder what Sony might fancy digging up for other potential movie spin-offs - American Ninja 2? Death Wish? Mad Max? Double Impact? Blacula...?

Hell, forget about retro gaming compilations, we might see a retro movie star-in-game compilation. How about Norris Vs. Van Damme, just for starters...

Stephen Daultrey
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 9/26/2004 3:06:13 AM >
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RE: Sony To Buy MGM - Sep 26, 2004 03:05
What do you think will happen when Sony gets ahold of those franchises that are multi-platfomers right now...

You guessed it...they' ll end up as PS2 or PS3 exclusives...
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Sony To Buy and game franchises may be affected... - Sep 26, 2004 03:38
I think it also depends on how much of a big deal those franchises are.. If they aren' t big sellers I suppose Sony will continue to license them out.