You really haven' t played it yet? Huh. Well, I don' t know why you' re waiting for this version. It only sports a handful of new stuff. It looks slightly better, yes, but I certainly wouldn' t purchase Bully for the graphical updates. You' ve seen the screens, yeah? They' re nothing to write home about to be sure.
Unless you' ve got a large display, and sit far back from it there isn' t much of a point in wireless.
Edit: Come to think of it, you' ve got a pretty big display don' t you?

Ignore my madness, as per usual.
load times
I don' t remember them being bad at all, but it' s been months since I' ve played the game.
I dunno. I' m not telling you what to buy here, but especially with the glitchiness it' s experiencing, I can' t see a point in buying a 2 year old port, that' s just personal preference I suppose.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 8 Mar 08 2:31:21 >