Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest?

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Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 15, 2004 14:25
When I first met my ' significant other' , she was totally aginst playing games. She did everything she could to get me away from gaming.

One day, I had finally had enough. I told her, if she did not like games, that was fine with me. However, I DO like gaming.

She insisted on pressuring me to stop gaming...she said it was taking from ' our' time together. I only played games, after I took her home for the day/night, so this was not a viable argument.

I gave her an ultimatum: Back off, or leave.

She almost did...

Once she saw that gaming was more than an idle pasttime, and was was a stress reliever for me, she finally backed off...a bit.

As time went on, she found that she liked puzzle games (tetris, bubble bobble/bust-a-move, etc.), platformers (sonic, croc, gex, and spyro), and a few RPG' s.

Though she plays games to this day, she still complains from time to time.

I have begun to show my kids the entertainment value of gaming by letting them both watch and play games. They realize that it can be a social event, too.

What' s your story? Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest?
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 15, 2004 15:40
...what " significant other?"

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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 15, 2004 21:30
Ne girl I been with long enuff for it to be an actual relationship have either loved gaming prior or became obsessed shortly after. My current girl is starting to par up wiht me and certainly is quite good at beating my gamer friends.

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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 16, 2004 16:15
My girlfriend, while not an avid gamer doesn' t mind my er... passtime. She understands it' s something I do for fun and I play games like she watches TV. She' s actually started getting into beat-em-ups because she' s found she can kick my ass in them. The button mashing cheat. Haha.

Star Tekkie
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 16, 2004 19:39
as of now I have no significant other.. he and I broke up about a month and a half ago. We had some common interests in games.. such as FF8 and other Final Fantasy games.

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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 16, 2004 21:13
He sucks at games! However, saying that, he does enjoy playing hockey, football and golf games ocassionally. He rags on me because I love to play so much. I tell him he' s just jealous cause I' m good and he sucks! For a drummer that needs to have alot of coordination, he has absolutely no coordination when it comes to using a game controller. The kids give him a hard time too

Terry Bogard
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 16, 2004 21:19
Gotta give it to you DaRoosh, we' ve lost a handful of gamers to relationships, lol, glad to see someone stand their ground and basically tell their other half that " To love me is to love my games baby - cause we are a packaged deal" :)

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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 16, 2004 23:53
When I had my significant other she was obbsessed with those odd games for the playstation and Nintendo 64 such as Incridible Crisis, Bust a Groove, Mischief Makers. I soon loved those an everytime I play those it reminds me of her kinda. Also my other significant other he loved Nintendo just like me we would never stop talking about Mario this and Mario that. Man it was great too bad we never worked out. I miss him.

vanswa garbutt
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 16, 2004 23:58
i don' t have a " significant other" but there is some one i like but i dont no if she likes video games.
< Message edited by vanswa garbutt -- 9/16/2004 6:58:28 PM >

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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 17, 2004 02:17
Amen, Terry Bogard , Amen...

I have been replaying Halo in anticipation of the release of Halo 2, and she has been giving me guff ' cause she doesn' t like FPS games.

I just ignore her rants...
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 18, 2004 03:44
My significant other likes to play some games but not many.
She keeps saying she will try to get into them but hardly tries.
She does enjoy most fighting games and she loved Kingdom Hearts.
We have a game of Hot shots golf fore from time to time aswell

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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 18, 2004 15:20

Maybe it' s better that she doesn' t get pushed into playing, because that may turn her away from gaming all together.

Differences in activities is a good thing, and it gives both of you your own time...
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 18, 2004 15:59
Yea I know
That' s why I stopped asking as much
Only now and then when nothing is going on

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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 19, 2004 00:19
My girl loves video games, she recently bought Fable and loves it, I really am lucky to have a girl who loves games almost as much as I do, she likes all kinds of games except FPS because she finds them difficult, but she likes to watch me play them though, but there are some games she cant stand to watch me play because she says they are boring, but she still watches me because she thinks I am a game master or something lol but she likes to watch me play and I like to watch her play, so all in all, my gaming relationship is perfect.

Starman Anthony
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 20, 2004 02:50
Awww what a dreamy girl you have there Nightmarecast. She sounds perfect.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 20, 2004 02:55
I like hardcore gaming girls but I' d probably never wanna get involved with one, LOL..

I' d much rather get involved with a casual girl gamer.

Mass X
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 20, 2004 17:35
The onyl games I cant play with my girlfriend are Rainbow Six 3 and Ghost Recon. She prefers to run in and shoot all things that move and making as much noise as just dont wokr in those games all the time. Its a shame to have to oreder her to stay behind and only use her when i need a human shield or distraction.

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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 20, 2004 18:29
Nightmarecast: Hey, that' s cool and everything, and I HATE to nitpick, but it really hurt my head to read your post...remember: periods are our FRIENDS.
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 20, 2004 18:56
fathoms, surely you mean ' full stops' right

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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 24, 2004 03:59

The onyl games I cant play with my girlfriend are Rainbow Six 3 and Ghost Recon. She prefers to run in and shoot all things that move and making as much noise as just dont wokr in those games all the time. Its a shame to have to oreder her to stay behind and only use her when i need a human shield or distraction.

Mass X ,

That' s just not right...(LOL!!!)

Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Does Your ' Significant Other' Share In Your Gaming Interest? - Sep 24, 2004 04:04

remember: periods are our FRIENDS.

MILLIONS of women would disagree