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Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 06:01
Got a few links to 3 articles outlining how games like Warhawk, Resistance, and Drakes, will take advantage of Home. WARHAWK DRAKE' S RESISTANCE Overall I like where this is going. Really like the idea of including an 2D sidescroller with Drake' s.
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 06:25
Its sad they have to hide features like that in something as stupid as home. I dont want a virtual world that isnt fucked up in someway.
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 07:33
Yeah, I agree... I can' t imagine how boring a person has to be in order to want to spend time collecting regular clothes and regular furniture in a regular online world.
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 08:22
I guess virtual work beats regular work any day.
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 08:43
Yeah, I agree... I can' t imagine how boring a person has to be in order to want to spend time collecting regular clothes and regular furniture in a regular online world. I don' t know about you, but I think it can have it' s cool aspects if things come out as they say. Apparently, you will be able to gather at a persons house as a " game lobby" and start matches or enter online modes in any game while you wait for other friends to get online etc. I think it would be great to be able to be in a persons house, bowlerama, arcade, or pool hall. Or for that matter, be at a persons house who has the arcade games and pool table in their house. It' s better than watching a basic menu screen for 20 minutes(I usually play ps3 or watch my friends TV while waiting). I will definitely use Home, not as a second life kind of thing, but just for fun. I plan on either making my guy look like a strung out junkie with a filthy apartment littered with empty cans and bottles and clothes, or a dirty redneck with a bunch of crappy furniture and posters of NASCAR on the wall. If for nothing else than to give myself and my friends a laugh while waiting for people to arrive. Having extra features is never a bad thing, and I think that if they had Home on the xbox 360 you would see a lot of people using it. edit - to add paragraphs
< Message edited by Dagashi -- 29 Feb 08 0:45:41 >
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 09:02
Yeah, Home sounds like it will have it' s cool aspects but the idea of having to pay your " real" money for virtual clothes, furniture, pictures for your wall etc, is kinda weak. So much for free, eh.
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 10:35
Yeah, Home sounds like it will have it' s cool aspects but the idea of having to pay your " real" money for virtual clothes, furniture, pictures for your wall etc, is kinda weak. So much for free, eh. I was not aware I would have to pay real life money to get furniture and clothes etc. I shouldn' t have to pay anything to make my guy look like a bottom of the barrel junkie................all I need is a small trashed apartment with signs of vast amounts of substance abuse.
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 12:05
Sony isnt running a charity organisation . You think they dont want to charge for their online service like MS ? But they cant directly do it , since they wont get to diss MS then . Home is just a way for them charge their consumers for online . Home sounds cool and probably will be fun for a while . But you never know , these days ' gimicks' seem to work  ..
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 12:15
I was not aware I would have to pay real life money to get furniture and clothes etc. I shouldn' t have to pay anything to make my guy look like a bottom of the barrel junkie................all I need is a small trashed apartment with signs of vast amounts of substance abuse. As Dolly Parton once said, " It takes a lot of money to look this cheap."
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 17:07
maybe I' m a bit odd, but I just don' t get Home. If I' m on my console I want to game, not walk around some on-line mall/talk to some weirdo.
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RE: Playstation Home
Feb 29, 2008 23:16
I was not aware I would have to pay real life money to get furniture and clothes etc. You didn' t actually think that Sony would be able to offer their complete online service including Home entirely for free did you? 2pac is right. If Sony came right out and openly said to its audience, " Home is free. But to get the most out of Home (Everything) you will need to pay" , then that would eliminate of their biggest criticisms of Live. No matter, PS3 owners will eat this service up and love it to death because it is " New" . At least to consoles.
Most wanted games: Mass Effect Assasins Creed Crysis Little Big Planet Drakes Fortune UTIII Kane and Lynch Heavy Rain Alan Wake